Day: April 28, 2004


    How would you feel about a person who thinks it is okay to grab your shirt and use it clean their eyeglasses?

    “That’s how arrogant our President is. During a commercial break on the David Letterman show, producer Maria Pope was on stage and discussing something with Letterman, and while she was standing there in front of Bush, George leaned forward, grabbed the back of her sweater and used it to clean his glasses. Check out the Quicktime VIDEO HERE.”

  • Air America Radio Archive

    This site has an Air America radio archive. In .ogg format…

  • Funny little comment:

    A while back I posted a link to a photo of polar ice caps melting. According to my referrer logs I now get a bunch of people coming to my site everyday looking for this very thing. For a while I thought these were just extremely cynical and frustrated people like me, but now I know these people are actually little kids looking for info for their projects on global warming. How do I know this? Check out this comment some kid posted on that page:

    “My teacher is starting to become an evil ogar because i am smarter than her!”

    imagesEvil Ogre Ha! That’s such a perfect way to describe some of my teachers from high school. Oh man do I ever know how this kid feels. I used to hate so many of my teachers. I didn’t hate them because I thought I was more intelligent, but because THEY WERE OUT TO GET ME! When I would complain to my parents or other teachers the response would always be: “well its no like so and so is out to get you” FUCK THAT! Yes they were. I swear some of my high school teachers would enjoy harassing students… I’m sure everyone can relate to this in some way.

  • Operation Take One For The Country

    “Operation Take One For The Country (abbreviated OTOFTC) is a movement of like-minded women (women predominantly as of right now) who have covertly organized into groups to frequent eating and drinking establishments near armed service bases where troops are preparing to ship out overseas, and take one for the country, so to speak. We are a virtual organization and have no official headquarters or charter. We believe US service men and women deserve our support and we are willing to make caring choices about making them happy.”
    VIA Boing Boing.