Day: October 21, 2004

  • Readers and other naive thoughts

    My propaganda:

    Well ever since I’ve had this Chatango thing I’ve been feeling pretty good about the ridiculous amount of time I’ve spent on my blog. This little chat box (lower left) allows me to chat with people who are dropping by the site. I’ve met some interesting folks who’ve admitted they are “regular readers.” Some of these people have said they’ve “learned about politics” and even “watch less TV.” For little old me hearing that is quite fulfilling. The notion that people actually get something from my humble little bloggy is very pleasing. The weird part is that i’ve heard this from more than one cat. The site did like 1000 – 4000 unique visitors yesterday depending on what statistics tracking system I look at. Most of these peeps are just punks google searching this or that and that kinda bums me out. Nonetheless the server logs for my site now show more and more individuals are coming directly to the site. These “readers” just come directly to the site. They’re not not referred by google or other sites. This means people are bookmarking the site and coming back to it directly. I like knowing that in some tiny little way I get to have my say. Thank you readers.

    Other people’s propaganda:

    Is it just me or is the weeb being flooded with movies being created by peeps just like you and me? I think this is an awesome trend. Whether its that What Barry Says Video or this new one REVOLUTION: WORLD OF EVIL. This is what I’ve been raving about for ages! Its now happening! Videobloggers are taking over! No seriously, I couldn’t be happier with all these folks putting up video that you and I would NEVER see on our TVs. There’s also a ton of people remixing regular old TV. Finally there’s all that regular TV you should have seen but didn’t happen to be watching. Look at this Jon Stewart clip. has played this clip over 1 million times. That doesn’t include all the people who watched it off the torrents or direct downloads. What does this all mean? Why don’t we ask Bill Gate$. Bill what do you think? “The ideal for many content people would be that they just put their content on the Internet and then they have a direct relationship with the viewer,” Gates said. “That model for low-volume content is the future.” Yes Bill it is. Strongbad voice: TOO BAD MY PVR RUNS ON LINUX BIATCH AND YOU CAN’T CONTROL IT!!!!. Gate$ wants side by side screens and ads which seems ridiculous to me. Then again, this whole internet is turning into “interactive TV” idea is nothing new. What is new in my view is the amount of material that is being created/remixed/mashed-up by john doe internet user. Why am I so interested? I’m interested because people are having their own say and leaning forward. Why should you be interested? The “future computer” that runs your apartment/house/pad/cave will have wonderfully diverse content on it for your to watch/interact/listen/ that came from “cyberspace” and was created for the love not the money. There’s an interesting discussion about this here.

    As Do you think Rap should be used in schools? would say: Booyakasha.

    Here’s a few “Radical” videos courtesy of the “internet”:

    Revolution: World of Evil.

    What Barry Says.

    PVRs are cool.


    WheelBarrow Freestyle is just a wannabe of the sport my brother and his buddy invented: FREESTYLE WALKING.

    Interactive MINDBALL!

    American Passports to Get Chipped

    Republican Switchers

    holographic TV?

    Photos for Peace


    Ipod G5

    Get more Fiber in your diet.

    New way to organize blogosphere ideas? Sparklines? Pretty tech.

    This is what I have to say about the Baseball:

    u take sports way to seriously