Day: December 2, 2004

  • The Best Firefox Extensions

    These Firefox extensions are quite handy.

  • Robots n Stuff

    Robots_n_stuffWhen I was in university I convinced one of my professors to let me produce a short film instead of writing a 5000 word essay.  It turned out to be far more work then I anticipated at the time but well worth it.  I’ve never been a good writer so I figured showing people a film would be more powerful.

    I went back and looked at the video the other day and I still think it’s pretty bizarre.  I hope this video freaks you out, not a spooky freakout but a more cerebral spazout.  It’s like an semi-apocalyptic view of technology, politics and the isolation of the "urban" lifestyle.

    The video is like a mash up of clips that I shot, stuff I found on the weeb, some stuff from films I like, along with some "phat beats" yo.  The first section was shot on my lil mini dv video camera.  The technology bit aptly comes from clips that I downloaded from the weeb.  These clips are blown up to make them look even more pixelated and artificial.  After all that comes the Anamorph section which is a video created by these folks.  I thought it worked well in the context of the video.  I didn’t have anything to do with this video.  The next segment is a clip from the most awesome film Waking Life followed by a clip from Baraka.  Baraka also just happens to be one of my favorite films of all time.  It’s almost as good as Rad.

    It seems I’m turning into somewhat of a bandwidth elitest.  This video is like 200 MB so again, don’t bother downloading it unless you have a fast weeb connection.  I know all the video bloggers out there hate it when you put up huge videos files.  I just need better compression and codec schteeze.  The video is 23 minutes long.

    I suggest you right click and save target as and download it before you watch it.  If you just click the link it will look like its not working.  So, download then watch, if you feel the need.

    Download the video here.

    I almost forgot to add that the video was Untitled when I made it several years ago.  I like to call it Robots n Stuff now.


    Microsoft now has a blogging platform.  Would you let Microsoft control your blog?  I don’t think so.

    So far the platform is slow, hard to use, ugly and generally mediocre.  There is no innovation here.  See what the nerds have to say about it.

    Check out my MSN Spaces blog.  Its the new hot shit I swear.

  • Itunes Music Store Canada

    Itms_canada_1The Itunes music store is now open in Canada.