Day: January 18, 2005

  • Interesting read: Tivos Ipods and Egocasting.

    This essay by Christine Rosen speaks to the potential problems related to having total choice/control over everything you see, read and hear…  I thought this part was particularly interesting:

    ‘One blogger, whose daughter was
    three months old when the family purchased their first TiVo, “gets quite
    confused when we are watching a non-TiVo TV, and she asks to watch ‘a kids’
    show,’ and we have to explain that this TV won’t do what ours at home does.”
    She thinks the television is broken. Another mother whose child has grown up
    watching DVDs said of her four-year old, “She just takes for granted that you
    can always cue up the song or scene that you want, or watch things in whatever
    order you want.’