Day: February 12, 2005

  • New Design Schteeze

    I’m trying to hack together a new site  by doing trial and error web design.  I’m not a design person but I’m hoping to trial and error my way into a nice looking weblog.  So far css and Movable Type seem much simpler than I had imagined, at least for this type of thing…

    If any of you want to see the "new design" as a "work in progress" and still quite hack, you can hop to it here.  I set this up just so I could mess around with the look until it feels right.  It’s pretty jacked right now but you get the idea of the schteeze I’m going for.  Analog, old newsprint schteeze…  Props to Bert for the idea.  Kenya Digit?

    Also, check out "The Last Minute Banner Archive."  Some designs I’ve used for banner graphics on this site in the past.  Some crappy some mediocre… (Random order)