Month: February 2005

  • Harvard University Says: WE SUCK

    Clever Prank.

  • New Design Schteeze

    I’m trying to hack together a new site  by doing trial and error web design.  I’m not a design person but I’m hoping to trial and error my way into a nice looking weblog.  So far css and Movable Type seem much simpler than I had imagined, at least for this type of thing…

    If any of you want to see the "new design" as a "work in progress" and still quite hack, you can hop to it here.  I set this up just so I could mess around with the look until it feels right.  It’s pretty jacked right now but you get the idea of the schteeze I’m going for.  Analog, old newsprint schteeze…  Props to Bert for the idea.  Kenya Digit?

    Also, check out "The Last Minute Banner Archive."  Some designs I’ve used for banner graphics on this site in the past.  Some crappy some mediocre… (Random order)

  • Breakdancing video

    This is probably the sickest breakdancing I’ve ever seen.

    (~7 MB .wmv) VIA Compfused.

    Courtesy of the ol’ ACGang list.

  • Cute Video

    I was browsing the torrent of emails from the VideoBlogging Yahoo Group and I came upon this email:


    Didn’t know where else to get this out there, thought it was definitely worth sharing.  I read Francois Truffaut’s biography in the fall, and wrote this down, well before I knew anything about vlogging, it was something I was trying to achieve in my own films, and now I realize he predicted vlogging well before digital technology became so readily accessible (he died in 1984).

    For those of you interested, here’s the quote:

    "The film of tomorrow appears to me as even more personal than an individual and autobiographical novel, like a confession, or a diary.  The young filmmakers will express themselves in the first person and will relate what has happened to them:  it may be the story of their first love or their most recent; of their political awakening; the story of a trip, a sickness, their military service, their marriage, their last vacation…and it will be enjoyable because it will be true and new…The film of tomorrow will not be directed by civil servants of the camera, but by artists for whom shooting a film constitutes a wonderful and thrilling adventure.  The film of tomorrow will resemble the person who made it, and the number of spectators will be proportional to the number of friends the director has.  The film of tomorrow will be an act of love."

                            –Francois Truffaut

    much respect…

    Erik Nelson

    This e-mail led me to what has to be my favorite video blog post of all time.

    I enjoyed it so much I did my own little remix (I simply put the original track over top of the video)

    Much respect to you Erik.

  • Play Tetris on the side of a building

    Tetris_buildingYou know how people make shapes on buildings at night by using the lights in the building?  These dudes took that idea to the next level and hacked together a system that lets you play video games like Tetris on the side of a building using your cell phone.  (watch this animated .gifPure genius.

    Via The Abbott.

    Videos here.

    Images here.

  • How to make Adsense ads more relevant

    Can anyone tell me how to make the Google Adsense ads on my blog more relevant?  Is there some way of telling the Adsense algorithm where to look for the actual content on my blog?

    The problem I have right now with Adsense is that the ads on my site are all about blogs.  The ads are totally unrelated to what I’m posting about and inherently uselss.  If I could tell the googlebot algorithm thingy what my posts were about then it could place relevant ads based on that.  I guess the problem with that would be people gaming the system by posting about their cat and saying its actually about asbestos because you’d get like a dollar every time someone clicks on an ad for that subject…

    I guess I’d just like the Adsense algorithm to be able to separate the content of my posts from the layout of my blog.  So that when its trying to decide what type of ad to put up it doesn’t think my blog is just about blogs because I have the word BLOG in big bold letters at the top of every page.

    Gmail knows how to separate the content of an email from the layout and the ads are quite effective.  In other words, the ads in Gmail are not just all ads for free email services, they are actually targeted and occasionally useful!

    It would be nice to be able to tell the thing where to look for the real content.  This would be beneficial for everyone.  Users would see more relevant ads whereas bloggers and Google would generate more revenue…

    Any ideas?

  • O’Reilly Coulter Wokboarding and Skype

    Thursday .Mov fun.

    Ann Coulter loves Canada.

    O’Reilly lies.

    Skype Ad.

    Wokboarding. Yes Wok.

    All these videos came from feeds on Me-Tv that I can’t remember.

  • Last Clock

    Aboutlastdiagram"Last is a clock that is a record of its own history. Like a familiar
    analogue clock, it has a second hand, a minute hand and an hour hand.
    The hands are arranged in concentric circles, the outermost circle
    being seconds, the middle circle is minutes, and the innermost circle
    hours. Each of the hands of Last are made from a slice of live video
    feed. As the hands rotate around the face of the clock they leave a
    trace of what has been happening in front of the camera. Once Last has
    been running for 12 hours, you end up with an easy-to read mandala of
    archived time."

    Check a video of the clock in action.


  • New video blogs

    For all you google searchers looking for video blogs check these sites out:
    Free Vlog

    I posted a couple of short films that I was involved with in film school.  Check out Four Spots which I DP’d (director of photography’d) and Growing Up which I "Produced" and was the First Assistant Director on. 

    I haven’t posted the films that I wrote and directed at film school yet cause my family hasn’t even seen them.

    Here’s a little video I put together for fun last night out of footage that a buddy of mine and I shot for no particular reason.  The song comes from the Kleptones new album and its called Revolverlution.


    Occasional Link of Note:

    The Wurst Gallery’s Vintage Vandals:

    Vintage_vandals"each artist was asked to find a framed piece of artwork at their local thrift store and manipulate it into a piece of their own. select an artist below to see the results."

    Thanks Sharyn for the link.

  • New Kleptones “From Detroit To J.A.”

    VIA BoingBoing:

    New_kleptones_1"The Kleptones (who created the drop-dead, stunning, brilliant mashup album ‘A Night at the HipHopera) have released another full disc’s
    worth of stupendous mashups, ‘created for broadcast on ‘The Rinse’,
    XFM, London, UK. 23rd January 2005.’ Click below for links to the
    torrents and let the plunderphonics begin!"
