Day: April 28, 2005

  • There are no free searches

    Link: BuzzMachine.

    "Ad Age reports this week (not online, damnit) that Google is beating the big boys: Yahoo and Google’s total ad revenues this year could rival the combined prime-time ad revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC — a stunning achievement for the companies and a watershed moment [read: tipping point -ed] for the Internet as an advertising medium."

  • Silicon Valley Watcher: Exclusive interview with Google video platform director Jennifer Feikin

    "Video is very complicated. We’re trying to understand which formats people are using to author their content, which formats are used for what kind of content, and how big the files are," Jennifer said. She adds that there are no time schedules in place for moving to the next phase of the project: searching, playback and purchase. To help with searching, uploaders are encouraged to provide transcripts of their content."

    I told you it was just a test! The problem is that if Google actually wants to know what kind of stuff will be thrown at them then they need to let people know how the system will work.  I have content that I’d like to see available online but if Google isn’t going to tell me how the system is going to work I won’t upload anything.  Instead I’ll just wait to see what happens to the two pieces I uploaded.  On the other hand Google doesn’t even know how the system is going to work so we’ll just have to wait and see.

    Check out the rest of the interview here. [via]