Day: July 4, 2005

  • iPod mini on eBay

    EbaylogotmI’m selling some gear that I no longer use on eBay.  If you’re looking for a video camera, a digital camera, a still camera, an iPod mini, or an external dvd burner  go look here.  I thought it was worth mentioning in the off chance somebody out there in "cyberspace" was interested.

  • syndicated me (us)

    Doesn’t it seem like text posts seem so quaint these days? It’s been a while since I did a regular old fashioned blog post so here’s some stream of consciousness for those of you who care. I was just thinking about how this site has changed over time. My presence online has gone from “my personal internet web page” to a full blown syndicated multimedia stream. In the beginning my brother and I made some web pages that only exist now as digital archeology in the waybackmachine. My sites we’re so crappy but I learned quite a bit from it. I can still remember my brother showing me FTP before most people had even heard of this new thing called “electronic mail”. Websites we’re hard to make and pretty boring for me so I stopped making them. My brother started his career as a web designer and this launched him into other things. But he has also since started blogging again.

    I eventually got back into making websites when my friend Bill showed me Blogger in September of 99. I made some sites which have also long since expired and completely disappeared. Then finally I decided I was going to have a blog for good. So I made with blogger because it was finally easy to maintain a site over time. At this point the blog has evolved (or de-evolved) from political link sharing, to anti bush whateverness, to personal journaling, to even more link sharing, to videoblog / video filtering. The current phase of (d)evolution of this site is syndicated me. The content has been ripped mixed and burned away from the format/design of the site and injected into one stream. With one feed you can passively/automagically obtain all the the text posts I’ve created, any video blogs I’ve made or linked to, any music I’ve linked to, and any photographs I’ve taken. All of that from one feed!

    If you don’t understand any of that just think of this. My feed is like a picture frame. You go and put that frame on your wall (subscribe to my feed) and the content of that picture frame changes from my words, to my pictures, to my music, to my video, whenever I update it. You don’t have to do anything other than put the frame on your wall. You can also paint on this frame or write your own words in response to whatever it is that I’ve put there. Tell that to Guttenberg!

    But you don’t care about any of that stuff… You want videos, podcasts, and interesting stuff to read while you pretend to be work. So put my feed into your aggregator, whether its Bloglines, Fireant, iTunes or whatever. Plug it in, lean back/forward and enjoy the juicy media that comes out the feed.

    Totally unrelated: I woke up this morning at 4AM and went down to the local wifi watering hole. It’s a strange crowd up and about at this time of night. It’s like the core finance dudes getting up for the market on the east coast and homeless people being woken by the sun and the Jaguars. I like to think successful people get up early.

  • 24 weeks to go

    Here’s the latest video from Peter Jackson’s King Kong video blog. (~15 MB .mov)