One gigabyte of storage is available to all Spymac Mail accounts, effective today, Monday April 5, 2004.






4 responses to “Spymac 1 Gb Email Accounts”

  1. Patch Avatar

    Sweet! I’m on it. Thanks.

  2. cru jones Avatar
    cru jones

    by the way, sweet new title graphic at the top. i think it really helps that you change it so often, people keep comin back.

  3. Grant Avatar

    Some people just don’t get it. You can provide all the storage you want, but unless your service is something that is usable and benefitial to people they won’t stick around to consume that disk space. This is especially true in the competitive world of email.

  4. Duncan Avatar

    Yeah i’m sure Google’s interface and speed will be much easier to use then this spymac version…