Well its official, everybody and their dog knows about my blog. (yes I’m a lyrical genius)

There was a time when I blogged anonymously and I could say whatever the hell I wanted to. But for some reason it seems that everyone I know now knows about this little bitch of a site. I guess the “some reason” could be my girlfriend. It seems that she thinks its “cool” to have a blog and that this must be shared with mommy, co-workers, friends, acquaintances and of course just random freaks…

The fact is I know there are a bunch of people reading this blog that are like closet readers. How do I know this? Because I can’t talk about anything interesting now because everyone already magically knows about it. How do they magically know about everything I find interesting you ask? THEY READ ABOUT IT ON THIS WEBSITE. I might as well just be like “yeah I know you are a closet reader and you might as well just tell me. It’ll save me from feeling like Mr Old News.”

Even my girlfriend is like “that’s like so five minutes ago dot com” after I tell her something interesting that I posted about. Then again, sheez not a closet reader like YOU ARE. She admits that she’s obsessive about reading the general uselessness she finds here.

The other reason I know there are closet readers is by looking at the servers and IPs that people are coming from. My favorite is when I see .mil or .gov in the logs! That’s hot!!! I like knowing that some government peeps and military personnel are watching, I mean reading my stupid propaganda.






8 responses to “I Know You Are Reading This”

  1. CIA Avatar

    Everyone is watching. so keep up the good work. post away. its interesting. George Washington Bush.

  2. FBI Avatar

    We know where you live punk!

  3. CRU Avatar

    hey, dont you want people to see your blog? isnt that the point? CRU

  4. Duncan Avatar

    yeah I want people to see the blog just not people like moms and grandmas… you know, that kind of thing,…

  5.  Avatar

    I got a grey kitty, white one, and a tabby too
    And a big orange guy who put snakes in my shoes
    Mad MC skills, leave ya struck, and I roll with ma kitties, and I’am hard as f.ck

  6. CRU Avatar

    yo word up. dats sum phat rymes yo. dont be hatin. MC CRU

  7. Patrick Avatar

    Hey Dunc,

    I need to bring my sister back to the airport this Saturday. Wanna hang out on Saturday night? I wont make you blog about the coke and hookers.


  8. rebecca Rawlinson Avatar

    sorry i am guilty as charged….:)

    I am just lazy, and sometimes up too late….hehe

    i will comment more dude