I just realized why I’m not blogging much lately.  I think I’m feeling low because of the Tsunami crisis.  What the hell is worth blogging about when so many people are in trouble?  Aside from my monetary contributions the only thing I did was ensure people got to see the destruction if they wanted to…  100 000 hits later and I’m wondering: Is that a good thing or is it morbid curiosity?  I think the scope of the devastation (as seen in the videos) forces us to realize how incredibly lucky we are.  Not only are we lucky to be relatively wealthy but to have our health and food, let alone all that other crap we own and don’t need.  So guess its a good thing.  Unfortunately I’m %7000 over my Bandwidth limit now…

I guess I’m feeling guilt because many of the people suffering from this disaster were already poor to begin with.  I’m sitting here with all the food I can eat and my health and these people who were already struggling to survive are either dead or in dire straits.  What is worth talking about when that is the case?  If you haven’t already, you should donate some money.  Will you really miss that $20 bucks?






3 responses to “Feeling a little low”

  1. JON Avatar

    hey keep writing…people are coming here for more than just curiosity. they want to donate. they want to be informed and your site helps them do that. aight?

  2. da mama Avatar
    da mama

    perhaps natural disasters help us to be the people we need to be

    humanistic helpful caring supportive kind generous unselfish

    life is a balance

    when you have a good life you learn how to share and be considerate

    remember what the dalai lama has to say

    notice everything respond when the timing is right

    feeling low
    da mama

  3. Jim Avatar

    Yeah, it sucks. I mean the tsunami is bad and all but look at how the world has been for the last 100 years. Sadam killing 100’s of thousands of his own people with mustard gas, somalians starving to death. If your depressed about the tsunami, think about all the killing, and suffering going on, on a daily basis. Thats what makes the US so great, we are the police, and helpers of the world. Instead of getting depressed, try thinking about all the good the US has done in recent years.