If you’re a hack blogger like me that doesn’t even do good grammar good and stuff and punctuation; wrong it’s hard to convey mood.  I posted about my recently deceased Betta fish X-Ray to be mildly/morbidly humorous, like as if I cared so much about the fish that I was in mourning or something.  Some people thought it was mildly funny, as it was intended, while others sent me email that read like this: "we feel your pain" or "we’re with you on this terrible day of sorrow and mourning."  I thought it was pretty funny.  But what the hell does that have to do with anything?  Who cares you ask?  There is something more to this than the caffeinated attention deficit writing style.

It’s like when you’re text chatting (msn or irc->nerd) and the other person doesn’t really understand what the hell you’re trying to say, or they think you’re upset when you’re just really not very good at being funny.  It’s easy to get mixed signals when all you have is text.  So much communication happens subconsciously between people when they can see and hear one another.  The tone of your voice, your body language, your puppy dog eyes, the middle finger in the rear view mirror.  You know that kind of crap.  This is why part of the reason video and video blogs work well alongside regular old text blogs. 

If I had posted a video of the mock funeral for X-Ray, with the sobbing, the tears, the organ music, the tiny little fish coffin, and the over the top acting, it would have been much more obvious I DON’T REALLY GIVE A SHIT IF THAT STUPID FISH DIED! (evil laugh) (Getting mixed signals yet?)

Or I could be lazy, write about it and have your imagination create a more AWESOME video than I ever could.  Strongbad voice:  ALL HAIL THE VIDEO BLOGGERS OF THE MIND.  IT’S THE VIDEO BLOG THAT HAPPENS IN YOUR BRAIN. Repeat while listening to this: (dun dun duuun) and (pizza)






One response to “Fish Misunderstand Me”

  1. JON Avatar

    fish have feelings too you heartless bastard!!!!

