This is so pathetic.  Watch this clip of sound bytes from FOX "News" after the bombings in London.  (~7 MB .mov)  You can get more context and a transcript of this stupidity at MediaMatters.



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4 responses to “Fox “News” on the London Bombings”

  1. Defpol Avatar

    OMG. That made me really sad to be an American. I can officially say, not that I do now or have, that I will never watch Fox news.

    What an ignorant and arrogant world we live in!

  2. Duncan Avatar

    there are two kinds of people

    those who watch fox and those who don’t

    im also on the don’t side

  3. Devlon Avatar

    Wow, I am still shaking my head.

  4. visage Avatar

    Well, Fox is not generally known for its journalistic intergrity.