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Here are my Burning Man 2013 photos.
See also:
My Burning Man 2017 Photos
My Afrikaburn 2017 Photos
My Burning Man 2016 Photos
My Burning Man 2015 Photos
My Burning Man 2014 Photos
My Burning Man 2012 Photos
All of these photographs are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
*UPDATED* May 28th 2014 I just got some film back and posted a few new Lomo images below. Enjoy!
These photographs are also on Facebook, Flickr, or
Lady Playing What Looks Like A Space Organ
The Man
The Epic Coyote created by Bryan Tedrick (his comments below)
Screen Printing T-shirts
Lee And One Of His Many Musical Instruments
Dusty Out There
Dorothy And The Rv
Dorky Selfie
Vintage RV
Burning Man “V.I.P.” ;) ;)
Lee And Bobby Just Before Heading Home
Michael And Mathieu Just Before Heading Home
Wes And His Rig About To Hit The Road
Dorothy and I (These bunny ears move according to your brainwaves!)
Happy Man With A Fantastic Purple Cape
Singing Flowers (created by Krystal Perkins and Colleen Pelech)
Dorothy Playing With Google Glass For The First Time (campmate works for Google…)
A Lion Of Fire Pouncing On The Man
Radiant Heat Fire Whip / Wrap And Fire Dancers
Ranger Tek Sage (+1 For All These Awesome Guys!!!)
Baseball Pyramid Bat Country (created by Gwen Fisher, Paul Brown)
Dust Party At The Giant Cock Art Car
Referee At The Giant Cock Art Car
Man Rides An Electric Turtle That He Built
What Walking With a Lightsaber Looks Like
Surly Bird Art Car (thanks to Mark G for the name!)
Hoosier Daddy Bike With Giant Wheel
DJ Sicarii Playing on Scaffold Platform Altitude Lounge
Riding Bikes Toward The Playa (at 9 I think)
Woman Works On The Truth is Beauty Sculpture (Sculpture created by Marco Cochrane)
The “Gypsy Queen” by Robby Lebovic catching the “Salmon Ella” a franken fish, by The Tuna Guys
Body Art By Jon Nash of Tribal Markers At Center Camp
Sound Sculpture At Front Of Center Camp The Cathedral of Celestial Mathgic
French 3D Imax Crew Blimp With 2 RED Cameras
Goddesscraft (created by Steven Eye, Kati Astraeir, and Moises Orozco)
Idaho CORE Marvin, The Vortexagon Burning Man 2013
Idaho CORE Burn Marvin, The Vortexagon Burning Man 2013
Aerial Photo Of Black Rock City At Sunrise (Thanks to Bryan for the flight!)
Aerial Photo of Burning Man 2013 (Thanks to Bryan for the flight!)
Aerial Photo of Burning Man 2013 (Thanks to Bryan for the flight!)
Aerial Photo of Burning Man 2013 (Thanks to Bryan for the flight!)
Aerial Photo of Burning Man 2013 (Thanks to Bryan for the flight!)
Aerial Photo of Burning Man 2013 (Thanks to Bryan for the flight!)
New York CORE project Star of the City by Adi Azulay
Up Close And Personal With The Man
The Flaming Pachinko Machine (created by Neal Milch / Animus)
Man Climbing On The Flaming Pachinko Machine (created by Neal Milch / Animus)
Massive Flaming Pachinko Machine (created by Neal Milch / Animus)
RC Aircraft With LEDs Produces Colorful Ribbons Of Light On It’s Flightpath (Flown By Firefly)
The HELIX Art Sculpture With Rotating Flames!!! (created by Charles Gadeken)
Discofish Art Car Scales Up Close
Our Bikes (mine makes a fun shadow!)
Skeeball Or Riskee Ball (created by Christopher Guard & Site 3 coLaboratory)
Super Street Fire (created by Seth Hardy)
ENVISION: The Life Cube (created by skeeter)
Amazing What People Bring To The Playa! This is Ooligan Alley
Burner Working On A Wind Turbine (I Think)
More Amazing Burners Perform In Front Of The Abraxas Dragon Art Car
Kokomotive Art Car created by David Thibert
Cyborg Photographer Eric Schwabel with his Human Lightsuit At The Man
First Moment As A Married Couple At The Church Trap
Red Dragon Art Car named Spike by Charlie and Gail Holthausen
Playa Dancer Kelly Guenther
Burner Riding The Giant Moustache Teeter Totter
Typical Scene On The Playa (Art Car Is The NeverWas Haul)
The Epic Coyote (created by Bryan Tedrick)
Inside The Temple of Whollyness (created by SYNTHESIS LLC: Gregg Fleishman, Melissa Barron, Lightning Clearwater III)
Colourful Tarps On The Esplanade At Sacred Spaces
The Giant Like Like4Real (created by Dadara)
Artist Dadara cleans up after the giant Like burn.
Penny The Goose (created by Mr and Mrs Ferguson)
Char Wash (created by Christopher Schardt)
My Wife Dorothy Rawlinson’s Bike In Motion
Truth is Beauty At Night (created by Marco Cochrane)
The Line Monday Morning (arrived at 830 on playa got to camp at 330!)
You can view these photographs and more on Facebook, Flickr, and
Thank you to all the burners for all your hard work, creativity, and generosity. Also thanks for allowing me to take your picture!
Thanks to the Burning Man Organization for sharing these photos on The Burning Man Facebook page and on the Burning Man Twitter account.
See you in the dust next year!
See also:
My Burning Man 2017 Photos
My Afrikaburn 2017 Photos
My Burning Man 2016 Photos
My Burning Man 2015 Photos
My Burning Man 2014 Photos
My Burning Man 2012 Photos
*List of 2013 Black Rock City Honorarium Art Installations
*List of 2013 Black Rock City Art Installations
107 responses to “Burning Man 2013 Photos”
Thank you kindly for sharing your wonderful photos with me as you sat in our office waiting for your ride. I’ll look on here every once in awhile to see your next adventure…
Beautiful compilation and journey depicted through your photos. Thank you for this gift. The colorful tarps on edplanade are from a camp called sacred spaces :)
Thank you. I updated the caption to reflect this.
Hi Julia,
Thanks for letting me kill time there. It was getting hot waiting in the RV!
Really great photos and eye catching , thanks
Thank you!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! These are great and such a breath of fresh air. I am also so glad to see the guy flying the quadcopter and the FPV thing! Those were everywhere! I have been feeling so WIERD out here in the “real world.” hahaha. This was my first burn and I will never be the same. Born and raised in Reno and never wanted anything to do with BM. What an ASS I was. Thanks again for sharing these…
Thanx for the pix! Cheerz!
Amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing.
Bryan Tedrick is the artist for the Coyote….misspelled under photo. Love the photos, thank you for bringing me to BM when I could not make it.
Fixed. Thanks!
refreshing to see my own work through a new playa photographer;your eye is becoming known so stick with it!
-Bryan Tedrick
Thanks @Bryan!
EXCELLENT photographs! A complete journey, one of the best collections I’ve seen! Thank you for taking us home who couldn’t make it this year. :-)
What a great safe fun environment for people to just be themselves. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Thanks for capturing and sharing! By the end of the album, I could almost feel the dust settling on my skin, the desire to attend burning deeper than ever!
Great pics. Thanks for bringing Burning man so close to us in pics……
Beautiful pictures. The freedom and creativity seen is a beacon for people who think, feel and live out of the box… it’s a beacon for me anyway… And until I go I’ll be soaking up the vibes… Thanks for sharing.
The peice in the forefront of the photo captioned as more amazing colorful art is the New York CORE project Star of the City by Adi Azulay
Thanks, I updated the post to reflect this.
I usually make the pilgrimage from Australia to BM and this year I was not able to make it happen. Thank you for helping me experience it through your beautiful photos.
Beautiful pictures. Well done. Thank you so much for sharing. I couldn’t make it this year but the pictures made me feel like i was HOME :-)
the fishing boat is the Gypsy Queen, from Asheville NC!
the one called “Typical Scene on the Playa” is the amazing bay area art car The NeverWas Haul.
great photos… thanks for taking me back!
Updated the post.
ps.. That game is SKEE BALL
Sorry what game?
Thank you for taking and sharing these marvelous pictures. Your series really gives me a taste of the variety and spectacular creativity of the artworks, bikes, vehicles and attendees at this fiesta of joy. Thus it is a great pleasure to enjoy the spectacle at least virtually. Your photos provide a glimpse into another world. My generation were the flower children, yours the tribe of burning man. The spirit of freedom inspires both.
Thank you for all the beautiful photos! My first time at Burning Man was awesome!
Fantastic photos, thanks for sharing. This adventure has now jumped to the top of my bucket list.
The skee ball was actually named Riskee Ball.
thanks for the amazing photos of this amazing event.
The colorful tarps on Esplanade were above Sacred Spaces at 9:30 and Esplanade. :)
WOWWW, that’s what happens when you put a great photographer in a great place! EXELENT WORK!!
Thank you for sharing these photos!
Really enjoyable to catch a glimpse of what its like on the playa.
Would love to go out next year
thanks so much for capturing me dancing on the playa!!!! (i’m “playa dancer”) what a gift-amazing photos-takes me back:)
Beautiful work! I need help finding the name of the artist in the “unknown artist” picture right after the “Discofish Art Car Scales Up Close”. Anything helps! thanks,
Maxwell Alexander
So it wasn’t a dream… Thanks so much for sharing these with us, Duncan! So much to see, so little actually seen, so much to remember…
Great photos! Thanks for sharing them. I’m still trying to learn how to properly work my camera so I too can capture some fantastic moments such as those that happen everywhere in Black Rock City. This was my first burn, and I can’t wait till the next one already! See u in the dust next time for sure! Much Love!!!!
Thanks so much for the great pics! My girlfriend and I were attending our first burn this year. What an amazing experience. We had huge highs and some good lows and with that brought our relationship to a higher level with each of us experiencing the often felt (by new burners, we have now heard) inevitable mid week crash…..
Loved the people. Loved the art. Love the community. What an amazing cross section of humans….doing what humans should do best……. enjoying and loving life, accepting all, being themselves without judgement or consequences and making memories.
We are now back, settling in again after a few days of “decompression”……both of us have experienced the strangeness that comes with returning to “life” and “society” and such, even after just our first burn. There is a definite shift that occurs, something changed, a seed was planted. We feel blessed to have been able to experience this amazing gathering of interesting, entertaining, artistic, playful and just all out “crazy” human beings.
Your pictures really capture the cross section of experiences that were to be had there. Some of the art we didn’t see, there was so much stunningly clever and imaginative pieces to take in!
We are already making plans for return….
Keep the flame alive…..
K. Hansen
Thank you!
Gorgeous, inspiring photos! Thanks so much for sharing your art and theirs.
Thank you for sharing your gift, the fruits of your talents, with all of us who could not be there this year. For a while there, while viewing the “dust party…” photo, I felt I was actually there.
Thank you again.
GREAT photos…… was almost like being there again 4 years since my last burn.
So much gratitude to you for sharing your playa journey.
Amazing!! Thank you!!
Thanks for sharing such an incredible photos. These are very very creative and perfect. Everything look like wonders. When I watch I felt I was there.
Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures. We just gotta get ourselves over there.
Wow, what a great photos. Brings back great memories. Missed half of it though.
So nice to see more.
Hello, the art is just terric. Vrouwen Verleiden says yes!
Thanks so much for taking the time to post these wonderful photos. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn’t take a single picture this year. Want to show my relatives what it was like, and your collection of photos is perfect. :)
Grand :) ! We have Teknival here in Europe ( In Bulgaria from 20 years ) , but this fest is stunning ! Hope to see it live one day ! Greetings and thank you for the perfect pictures ! :)
beautiful pictures – thank you SOOO Much!!!
Wow, these photos are amazing! Burning Man looks like an alien invasion as imagined by an 80s scifi writer. Really want to go there now, but afraid of getting disappointed after seeing your stunning photography.
No coment, just 7*
What camera did you use and was it edited on a PC or a MAC?
The pics have a clarity about them that is extraordinary. Interesting collection of pics to. Thanks for the time and effort put in for someone who has to go to BM.
5DMKII, Lightroom on a Mac.
Amazing set of pictures, thank you. This was my first ‘Burn’ and I can’t wait to make the trip over from London again next year :) happy days.
These are amazing! Thank you for posting.
Thanks for these amazing pictures! This burn I made a point of never taking my camera because I wanted so much to be in the moment. i am so thankful for having an amazing photographer capture the burn like you did! Beautiful shots all around. :)
Great photography. Hopefully next year I can attend this event.
Just blissed out after looking at your photographs!! Didn’t make it to BM this year, but these made me feel as if I were there. Thanks so much.
Thanks so much for the wonderful photos. What a wonderful eye you have! My 7th Burn and it is always new and somehow different each time.
The bike with the super fat tire is called “Hoosier Daddy” and was conceived of and piloted by my good friend Al Brody. Thanks for the amazing photographs. They are breath taking!
Damn but you are a great photographer! I know there are incredible sights to see there–but not everyone can capture the way you did. Very, very nice work.
Thank you for the Pictures !
Next year I will come !!!
All the way from Norway :)
The photo above Super Street Fire is Riskee Ball, by Site 3 Fire Arts.
I just saw all these beautifull pictures and I definitely fell in love with this place , it’ absolutely awsome , such beautifull people and such amazing art , I ‘ d love to come and experience the burning man , it’s ecstatic heaven on earth !!! I’m from Holland , Amsterdam and I live in France , I doubt being able to come over one day to experience all that I saw , long live the burning man and all artistic , creative beautifull people !!!!!
I felt the same way. What a lovely bunch of crazy beautiful people. Hope I see you there :)
These are awesome! Thank you!
The fire ski ball game is called Riskee Ball by Site 3 coLaboratory (Charcade/Superstreet Fire).
Great work, Duncan! Amazing shots. Thanks for all your dedication and hard work in recording the event for those of us who didn’t bring their A-game cameras. :)
A note on the “Cyborg Photographer With LED Light Panels At The Man” – that photographer is Eric Schwabel with his Human Lightsuit.
Realy great pics Man! Didn’t get to go this year, but I am so happy to see wonderful shots like yours. Thanks so much for sharing!
Peace and Love
really lovely pics, the best collection i’ve seen yet, thanks so much for sharing!
Thank-you for sharing your beautiful photos – they capture the essence but I am pretty sure I still need to go to see this for myself!
Awesome photos! Thank you for sharing these! p.s The photo with the balloons in the dust is called “Singing Flowers” by Krystal Perkins and Colleen Pelech. Burning Man forever !!!
Awesome photos!
fantastique j aurai aimer etre parmis vous geniale fete quelque chose d imcroyable beaucoup de fantaisie,et de creativitee super!!!!!!!!!!
Incredible photos, thanx. It has always been a dream of mine to represent South Africa there.
Hey Duncan, These were a real treat to see– thanks for sharing! Dadara’s installation was called ‘Like For Real’ and that photo of the Control Tower was indeed at 3:00 and Esplanade. Roll on, dear photographer!
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful art. great photos!!!
Amazing pictures, thank you for sharing
Thanks so much for these pictures!
I’ve been looking into going to Burning Man one year (when I’m able to), and if anything’s made the decision for me, it’s this photo set! It looks like such a wonderful thing to experience!
I have enjoyed your photos tremendously. I camped with Chop Shop at 9:30 and Airstrip. I know the name of your photo 038.jpg and it is the Life Cube, also the name of the game in default world of 051.jpg is Skee Ball.
Thank you for sharing these amazing photos!!!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Mama Playa
We are the couple that got married at the church trap! If you have any other photos to send us, we would be eternally grateful! Our photographer that was shooting for us, ended up accidentally formatting his card and erased everything! I hope to hear from you with good news! THanks for sharing your lovely work! You have captured some really beautiful moments.
Peace and Blessings,
OMG! Yes I will email you asap!
Great photos. Thanks so much for sharing!
great pics. you really captured it. interesting compositions love the forward facing shadow on the photo chapel…. jp
thank you!
wow wow wow !
Awesome photos Duncan!! Here are the ones I took (ovioulsy not as great as yours:-). They can be viewed here:!i=2761174269&k=9vVnCZK
Nice images! Thank you for sharing.
Loved looking through these Duncan – absolutely beautiful – and it blows my mind each year how little I get to see.
Wow amazing thank you so much for sharing :)
Thank-you so much!! Nice photos of everything. I only had my cell phone:( It is such a special event. Thank you for sparking some forgotten memories <3
I work hard on capturing the event so everyone else doesn’t have to. :)
Thank you! You made such a great job!
Looking at these pictures bring me back to the Playa.
Wish you lot of success!
Thank you.
Fabulous 2013 photos!
The red Dragon Art Car is ours. Her name is Spike.
My Husband and I are the creators.
Charlie and Gail Holthausen
Thanks for the memories!
Hope to see you again next year !!!
Great thanks I updated the post.
Favourite set of photos I have seen come out of BRC this year! You captured so many installations many other photographers missed.
Proof that everyone experiences a different burn.
Thank you! <3
I’m glad you enjoyed the photos.
Thank you for the amazing image Duncan. I’m the builder and the guy on the hood of KokoMotive. You captured the feeling with so many of your shots!
Hi David,
Thanks for stopping and letting me take your photo. The Kokomotive is awesome!
Wonderfull pictures of a wonderful festival, Love it !!!!
Amazing photos! You have made me want to go to the next BM. It has got to be quite the experience! I can not imagine all the things that you didn’t get pics of, and those that were just not posted here. Amazing.