Here are my Burning Man 2022 Photos! There are roughly a septillion photos on this page. Some images might be mildly NSFW. Please be patient while this page loads. It might take like 10 minutes or more to load. Seriously. This page is hundreds of megabytes and really shouldn’t be. If you use Safari it will probably even tell you the page uses too much memory lol. Page is thicccc. Sorry! All of my Burning Man images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial license. If you share them please attribute the photographs to me by name and link to That’s all just a fancy way of saying you can’t sell my photographs, make prints of them, or make money from them in any way whatsoever. That includes advertising on a website.
Please Help! I make many mistakes when posting so many photos like this. The captions are often wrong or just missing. I would appreciate any comments (very bottom of page, waaaaay down below) or direct emails helping me fix up my mistakes. You can also email me ( ) to tell me how I’m doing it wrong or where the mistakes are. I will update this post to reflect your comment or email. Please include lots of detail and any relevant links. Please copy the link to the photo or email me the photo so I know which image it is.
More Information Nobody Is Going To Read: The images below are in mostly chronological order. This was first published October, 12th 2022. Sorry for being slow this year!
Music!!! Here is my Burning Man 2022 playlist. I made this so you have something to listen to while browsing these images. (open this link in another window or the Spotify app…) The legend @muloka has compiled this collection from 2022 here if my playlist doesn’t work for you.
October 13, 2022: I just uploaded all these photos to so if you are having trouble viewing the images below try that.
October 14, 2022: These photos have now been uploaded to Flickr
RIP LarryLMFAOMan in MotionShredded Tire – Maintain your vehicles before going to a burn. Otherwise this will be you. Stuck on the side of the road trying to find not only a replacement tire but a replacement rim. This person had to drive on the rim to get out of harms way. Sucks.Still HereVroomAre We Really Doing This Again?I Often Daydream Of Swimming In Here When I’m On PlayaGood Spacing – If you find yourself driving out to the playa drive safely and leave lots of room between you and the vehicle in front of you. If you’re in a huge rush you’re doin it wrong!Anticipation Building – This moment when you know it’s about to get real. All the planning and preparation and you’re almost there. Woohoo!Neat – No idea how or why this pattern formed but I thought it looked neat.Parking On The Right – I can’t remember if there was this huge parking area on the right or not before but it’s a welcome addition here.Light Up World – I often stop here to take a break from driving. I silently pass judgement on people who are like five minutes away from Burning Man and are still buying shit. Who are these people and why do they need so many tacky costumes? Then I tell myself to shut the hell up and stop being judgemental. These people are supporting local businesses or maybe they really do need that faux fur! Then I remind myself I have no idea if this is indeed a local business or just a tourist trap and that it’s time to go do some Burning Man so who the hell cares!Almost To Gerlach – After 2700ish miles of driving it sure feels nice to see Gerlach.Gonna Be A Dusty One – One look at the playa and I knew it was gonna be a dusty one. The dust is getting picked up here by nothing. No car orApologies To Sign Guy – Normally I stop and take a picture of the sign but it wasn’t up yet. Sorry man.Entry – Gate road was so dusty that I had to stop a bunch of times. Eventually I just crawled along the fence at a snail’s pace.Box Office – Had to go to will call this year like an absolute noob. Very efficient though. Thanks.Lovely Burner at GateDusty Box OfficeDusty Box OfficeGPS – Always funny to see how my GPS tries to route me. I usually input the GPS coordinates of the Golden Spike just to see what the GPS will do and how out of date the basemap is.After Will Call The Dust Cleared Up – Nice to be able to see the cones.Be Kind Mask Up! SignWelcome Home!This Dust Appears To Be RelentlessStart Here – If you are new to Burning Man, going and talking to the Volunteer Resource Team is a great place to start the first day of your first burn.Volunteer SwagVRT – Volunteer OpportunitiesBuildBuildBuildBuildCommunications TowerThe Artery – Artists start hereIT IS ONLY WITH THE HEART THAT ONE CAN SEE RIGHTLY WHAT IS ESSENTIAL IS INVISIBLE TO THE EYE.Water Tank and Shade Structure BuildBuildBuildBuildDoin It RightBuildBuildThe Man and The DustBuildBuildBuildDusty ManEmpyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and Crew – Solar array and general camp infrastructure. Is that a timelapse camera on the roof? Neat.Empyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmergence (build) by Jesse Lightcap and The Emergence ProjectThe Afterlife (build) by Blitzy aka Ade, Chickpea, Steve Dudek, Scott Pando, Noah Schnaubelt
The Afterlife is a visually stunning LED and blacklight installation. It is an immersive and interactive art piece arranged in a Tibetan-inspired mandala.
Forming the outer circle, The Four Gates of the Universe are cornerstones, aligned with the cardinal directions and connected by prayer flags.
Journey inwards, interact with fire-breathing dragons, Family of Flags, Flaming Lotus heaters, Windows of past life pagodas, incense urns and glowing Dazebeds. Anchored in the center is The Stairway to Heaven Temple.
The Afterlife is an ethereal and whimsical dreamland beyond our lifetime. A portal of transition between living and dead, it’s a meeting point between the two worlds attracting soul travelers from far away distances.
Contact: blitzyburn@gmail.comThe Afterlife (build) by Blitzy aka Ade, Chickpea, Steve Dudek, Scott Pando, Noah SchnaubeltThe Afterlife is a visually stunning LED and blacklight installation. It is an immersive and interactive art piece arranged in a Tibetan-inspired mandala.Forming the outer circle, The Four Gates of the Universe are cornerstones, aligned with the cardinal directions and connected by prayer flags.Journey inwards, interact with fire-breathing dragons, Family of Flags, Flaming Lotus heaters, Windows of past life pagodas, incense urns and glowing Dazebeds. Anchored in the center is The Stairway to Heaven Temple.The Afterlife is an ethereal and whimsical dreamland beyond our lifetime. A portal of transition between living and dead, it’s a meeting point between the two worlds attracting soul travelers from far away distances.Contact: blitzyburn@gmail.comBlack! Asé (build)Consumption (build) by Tom Boughner and the Desert Propaganda Collective
Consumption is a 45′ tall sculpture in the shape of a dollar sign ($) assembled from discarded household appliances (washers, dryers, fridges, stoves, etc). Ninety appliances are layered and stacked to create the “S” of the dollar sign.
Consumption brings our focus to the end of the era of consumerism and overconsumption. Our current trajectory is no longer sustainable and we must change. Reflect upon the mountain of waste to guide our beliefs, ideas and spirits to a more rational use of earth’s limited resources.
We all play a part in the chain of excess that starts with raw materials and ends in landfills and oceans. Many factors tie us to our throw-away society. We are driven to
Contact: info@consumption2022.comLoaded ContainerSo Much Work To Be DonePiles – These seemingly random piles of stuff get turned into the most remarkable things you’ve ever seen.Electrical Infrastructure – The infrastructure required to run some camps blows my mind.The Temporary Camp – Often burners will setup a quick and dirty temporary camp and then head out to build or volunteer and put in the work during build week. They prioritize the art or the volunteering over their own needs and thus the temporary camp.BuildBuildFuel – When I mentioned the unusual fuel transportation here to this young lady she said “You should have seen me trying to lift it onto the roof!” I would not recommend transporting fuel like this.Shipping ContainerWolves and Lions – Look at these badasses.
There is a poster inside their container that reads something like:
Be a fucking wolf,
be a fucking lion,
take no shit,
set goals,
smash them,
eat peoples faces off,
be a better person,
show people who the fuck you are,
never apologize for being awesome,
stay on the mother fucking course!BuildTOXIC (build) by Clayton Blake Art
An exploited and polluted planet in chaos. A society in which there is great suffering and injustice. An environmental crisis of biblical proportions. A world spinning out of control where greed and corruption is rampant. We MUST DO BETTER for ourselves and future generations! URL: Contact: (build) by: Clayton Blake Art
An exploited and polluted planet in chaos. A society in which there is great suffering and injustice. An environmental crisis of biblical proportions. A world spinning out of control where greed and corruption is rampant. We MUST DO BETTER for ourselves and future generations! URL: Contact: Burner – Thanks for that exotic food. Yum!Name Unknown – I can never remember the name of these beautiful structures despite photographing them and captioning them in the past. Sorry!Fractal Droid (build) by Jenna Finney, Aaron Sierra, and the Fractal Droid CollectiveName Unknown – I can never remember the name of these beautiful structures despite photographing them and captioning them in the past. Sorry!Fractal Droid (build) by Jenna Finney, Aaron Sierra, and the Fractal Droid CollectivePlayAlchemist BuildDeep Playa Calls – I often see people trying to make calls or send texts in the deep playa. I don’t think it works that way but what do I know.Empyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewOne Tin Soldier by: Mark Deem and the Misfit Toys
As you walk from the city deep into the playa, a series of objects slowly come into view, rising from the desert. Lost. Incomplete. Scattered. A series of giant children’s toys comes into focus. You can make out the letters L-O-V and E on alphabet blocks partially buried, emerging from the dust, the letter “O” taller than you. As you near, the beaten, weathered features and faded primary colors become clear. “Remember When…” it was all so simple….
Contact: info@misfittoys.artParadisium (detail) by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comParadisium (detail) by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersStaff Vehicle – With fishing rods of course!The Heart Eyes EmojiPlaya Art Template – This 16×9 image might work for your next playa art mockup. If you are scheming on making some cool art and need a background for your desing mockup, well, here you go. Feel free to cut this up or use the playa surface.Empyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewBuildThe ManEmpyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewSeed of Dreams Crew
Seed of Dreams is a 15′ tall sculpture of a human head, eyes closed, in dream state. Geometric perforations resonate outward from the forehead, emitting light from an internal source by night and reflecting the golden interior by day. An opening allows participants to enter inside of the sculpture to discover a wondrous grotto with shimmering golden walls and ledges to sit upon. A magnificent geometric light in the shape of the pineal gland hangs from the center of the head illuminating the sculpture at night. A large open book of empty lined paper with pens invites participants to record their dreams and reflect on their thoughts. Seed of Dreams provides a place for participants to seek refuge, meditate, or connect with their intuition.
Contact: chromaforms@gmail.comSeed of Dreams Crew
Seed of Dreams is a 15′ tall sculpture of a human head, eyes closed, in dream state. Geometric perforations resonate outward from the forehead, emitting light from an internal source by night and reflecting the golden interior by day. An opening allows participants to enter inside of the sculpture to discover a wondrous grotto with shimmering golden walls and ledges to sit upon. A magnificent geometric light in the shape of the pineal gland hangs from the center of the head illuminating the sculpture at night. A large open book of empty lined paper with pens invites participants to record their dreams and reflect on their thoughts. Seed of Dreams provides a place for participants to seek refuge, meditate, or connect with their intuition.
Contact: chromaforms@gmail.comSeed of Dreams Crew
Seed of Dreams is a 15′ tall sculpture of a human head, eyes closed, in dream state. Geometric perforations resonate outward from the forehead, emitting light from an internal source by night and reflecting the golden interior by day. An opening allows participants to enter inside of the sculpture to discover a wondrous grotto with shimmering golden walls and ledges to sit upon. A magnificent geometric light in the shape of the pineal gland hangs from the center of the head illuminating the sculpture at night. A large open book of empty lined paper with pens invites participants to record their dreams and reflect on their thoughts. Seed of Dreams provides a place for participants to seek refuge, meditate, or connect with their intuition.
Contact: chromaforms@gmail.comBuildDusty Even at NightDusty Even at NightThe Seed of Dreams by Martin Taylor and the Chromaforms Art CollectiveThe ManReflection by Michael BenistyReflection by Michael BenistyReflection by Michael BenistyEleanor – It’s always a pleasure to see you Eleanor. Eleanor is a great photographer and I highly recommend you check out her work. Also thank you for the pictures of me, my wife was thrilled! by Michael BenistyReflection by Michael BenistyFonken – It was nice to chat with you. Learning about your travels and your gear was great. Hope retirement is great! Every interaction I had with BLM (and all LEOs) this year was positive. Credit where it’s due.Name UnknownPop Up Roof – I’m always fascinated by the various types of vehicles people bring (and create)BuildSo Many Questions!Nice Fleet of Mutant Vehicles You Got ThereNice Array!Cherry Picker Antenna Unicorn – I always enjoy the blend of serious and the silly at Burning Man.Name Unknown – Not sure what this is but it looks neat.Time To UnloadBuildI swear Burners are the most badass humans. I was really struggling to get our camp network up and running properly. This was during the transition from the temporary participant network to the main participant network and I was very lost. I had misconfigured the setup in several ways and could not unfuck it myself. Low and behold a networking expert visiting our camp so I asked for help. The playa provides. Dan selflessly helped to get us up and running spending many hours with me hacking on configs etc. Here I am, a complete stranger to Dan and he spends a HUGE amount of time helping to get us online. This is the kind of playa gift that makes burning man so great. Burners selflessly helping other Burners without anything or even any expectation of anything in return. The network was immediately put to good use. The Instagrammers were able to start posting right away. Thank goodness! Gotta keep the dopamine flowing. Seriously though, my campmates and neighbors updated logistics plans and coordinated with people off playa for replacement parts and you know like more nachos n stuff. Medical phone calls and other family emergencies got sorted out as well with the network. But mostly it was just cat videos. Thank you for helping us Dan. You are an absolute legend!Supposed To Be Calm at Night – I guess I was used to the conditions being calm at night for the last few years.Neat Lights – I’m not sure what camp this is, but they did an amazing job on their lights. They were extremely bright and thus hard to shoot at night but love them. Well done.BuildFlags in Black LightNice Pink Heart SignFlags in Black LightBuildTHEM (build) by Simón Malvaez and Brenden DarbyTHEM by Simón Malvaez and Brenden Darby – This looks unusual because I’m playing around with my camera and trying new things.THEM by Simón Malvaez and Brenden DarbyCitipati by Ryan Mathern and the Charnel Lords Crew
The Citipati, fearsome protector deities, enact the eternal dance of death within an arching fire of perfect awareness.
Contact: (unfortunately I never managed to capture this piece with the fire on)Citipati by Ryan Mathern and the Charnel Lords Crew
The Citipati, fearsome protector deities, enact the eternal dance of death within an arching fire of perfect awareness.
Contact: (unfortunately I never managed to capture this piece with the fire on)Catharsis (build) by Arthur Mamou-Mani and the Catharsis CrewThe ManThe Seed of Dreams by Martin Taylor and the Chromaforms Art CollectiveThe Seed of Dreams by Martin Taylor and the Chromaforms Art CollectiveParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comBEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenLovely Burner – Sorry for taking forever to get back to you.Homage au Dali by Jack ChampionLovely Burner – Props to you for getting out and doing some exercise!Homage au Dali by Jack ChampionHomage au Dali by Jack ChampionHomage au Dali by Jack Champion – There were no, “no climbing” signs at the time on this piece. The gentlemen here and I didn’t know climbing wasn’t allowed. The no climbing signs appeared later. (On his behalf, sorry!)Homage au Dali by Jack ChampionFacing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Homage au Dali by Jack ChampionLovely Burner – Great chatting with you.DMVEquipmentRangers – What a cool group of folks doing an important job. Thank you.Flamingo Roost by Gary Gunderson and Jenessa ZaragozaBMIRMore Heavy EquipmentDome BuildTriumphWhat Are you Grateful For?Photo On Porta Potty Door – Burners are so incredible. Someone was like wouldn’t it be hilarious if we took a photo of someone doing their business and pasted it to scale on the door and porta potty?! Not only did they have this funny idea but THEY ACTUALLY DID IT. Burners don’t just sit around dreaming about their amazing ideas, Burners get out there and turn them into reality. Or is this a simulation?DMV LineDMV LineName UnknownDriving to the DMVPetaled Portal (build) by David Oliver – Several years ago when this piece was just the beautiful ring portion I dropped by during build and said hello. David was super friendly and happy. Stuff like that sticks in my mind for years. I try to make sure to shoot their stuff going forward. Pro Tip, be nice to annoying photographers they will quickly go away. Crucially they will then come back. If you are a dick to them/me well they might not come back and we all talk to each other!The Seed of Dreams by Martin Taylor and the Chromaforms Art CollectiveFlashlight Bike – Love this bike. (hope that wiki project works out!)The Seed of Dreams by Martin Taylor and the Chromaforms Art CollectiveHmm This Dust Does Not Seem To Be Going AwayThe Corporate Ladder (build) by Michael Spraker / Night Visions Studios
A ladder stands and reaches upwards towards the sky. The higher the ladder reaches, the more narrow the ladder becomes. The ladder is lined with LED lights that dim the higher the ladder reaches. Four mannequins dressed in traditional American corporate attire stand in line waiting to climb the ladder.
The ladder reaches up towards the sky. This represents the long, rigorous climb that people make to reach a high status in corporate America. The higher a person climbs, the narrower the ladder becomes–representing the difficulty and limited space for people to make it big in the corporate world. Four men await to climb the ladder. One man checks his watch as he is already impatient to begin the long climb.
Contact: tofst2ctch@aol.comCouncil of Animals (build) by Quill Hyde
The Council of Animals (What to do about the monkeys) is a piece exploring our relationship with our Animal family, and how the animals feel about us. Elephant, Polar Bear, and Rhino are the judges, and Coyote the intermediary, their iconic geometry rendered in faceted steel.
Contact: quillhyde@gmail.comThe Resurrection of the Clothes Peg (build) by Usha Seejarim and Project Aikido
The artwork is a large modular sculpture of half a wooden peg made from a series of steel galvanised pipes. It is called the Resurrection of the Clothes Peg and is an ode the resurgence of the female voice. The monumental form of an ordinary household item like a wooden peg is meant to evoke a sense of criticality questioning why such a rudimentary form is given such importance. There is a clear dichotomy of male and female energies as the form is heavy and solid and erect – almost phallic, yet the message is about feminine strength. The item represented is a reference to female domestic chores and its function of holding and supporting.
Contact: info@thesaofoundation.orgThis Is Not a NFT by Steve Landis Burning Man is live & also conceptual and not a simulation of life. Yet, while it exists, it also doesn’t exist. NFTs exist but don’t exist in physical form. Participants live life live (not a typo). One needs to live, but also to do it live & not in a recorded or fake fashion. Too often burners live outside of their reality and not in a present way. Rene Magritte’s surrealist art makes the participant question their reality. The text communicates what it is (art) but also what it is not (not a NFT of art). While art exists, it doesn’t exist until someone creates some type of physical form. NFTs exist but not in physical form, yet this piece exists as a NFT upon being video’d & made into a NFT, which means what it isn’t becomes what it is. URL: Field by Matt McConnellEvolution Field by Matt McConnellFractal Droid by Jenna Finney, Aaron Sierra, and the Fractal Droid Collective
The Fractal Droid sculpture will be a 12′ X 15′ tall biomechanical head extruding from the earth, cracked open like an egg with a curved ultra-wide face screen displaying HD content by our Visual Artists. The VR aesthetic draws our viewers in to explore the textures and programmed light designs within the sculpture.
The exterior aesthetic is created out of laser cut birch and CNC cut plywood painted with high gloss finishes and covered in programmed LED strips, spot lights, and ambient speakers, the sculpture is a high functioning playscape of social connection experiences integrating technology and human energy.
The fractal droid is interactive sculpture that is a bridge way between the integration of man and digital art technology.
Contact: jennapixels@gmail.comPlayAlchemist (build)Freedom Trident by Donata Aukstuolis and Efka
This ancient symbol is believed to have originated as a tribal symbol, a synthesis of the divine elements of fire and water in the manifested world. The wisdom embedded in trident is universal. Three points, three worlds, and trinities are ever-present in human mythology and culture. Today, a trident is a symbol of unity and freedom out of which all the planes of existence emerge and collapse into. A symbol of perseverance and determination, a symbol of a fight for freedom and democracy.
Contact: saulys@hotmail.comReflection by Michael BenistyReflection by Michael BenistyReflection by Michael BenistyReflection by Michael BenistyBuildReflection by Michael BenistyMost of My Burn Looked Like ThisDusty Out HereSonic Sphere (build) by Kugel Collective
The Sonic Sphere is a truly immersive audio and light concert orb.
Occupants lie on suspended nets in the middle of the giant geodesic sphere where they are surrounded in all directions by lighting effects and 60 speakers each with a unique audio channel. This creates a truly omni-directional spatial audio experience – where shifting position and orientation shifts the perceived location of sounds from all around – front and back – above and below – left and right.
Specially composed multi-channel compositions & audioscapes complimented by synchronised lighting effects will play on senses of sound to elevate consciousness.
URL: by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenBEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay Gonen – Always a pleasure to see you guys!BEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay Gonen – Always a pleasure to see you guys!BEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay Gonen – Always a pleasure to see you guys!BEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay Gonen – Always a pleasure to see you guys!BEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay Gonen – Always a pleasure to see you guys!FIRE by Zoe Fry and The Introverts Collective
The FIRE Installation appears as a grove of fire ravaged Manzanita trees in stark contrast to the white canvas of the Black Rock Desert. Each tree stands as a unique sculpture, an individual entity, made more beautiful by its initial struggle for sun, the resistance to gravity, and ultimately the sculpting by blazing wildfire heat.
The installation poses questions regarding humanities ongoing relationship to the element of fire. Is FIRE friend or foe; teacher, healer, provider or malevolent force? Accompanying the grove an interactive altar provides a space for 2D art and written word responses to the questions.
Contact: info@theintrovertscollective.comEmpyrean (build) by Laurence Renzo Verbeck
EMPYREAN 2022: A Reimagined Temple Experience
A note on Experiencing this Architecture: (see video)
The architecture of EMPYREAN is replete with narratives and metaphors, which, with raw artistic inspiration, manifests a physical structure and intern allows the visitor to be sculpted by, and to sculpt, experience. This sculpting manifests by utilization of physical, prescribed architectural procession.
Contact: info@empyreantemple.comGilded by Mr and Mrs Ferguson and David Moreno TerronGilded by Mr and Mrs Ferguson and David Moreno TerronGilded by Mr and Mrs Ferguson and David Moreno TerronShuttleReflection by Michael BenistyReflection by Michael BenistyLovely Burner – It was so wonderful to see Steve out there just killin it. Watching Steve interact with Burners who were making photos of themselves in front of the art he (and crew) made was special. He would patiently wait for “his turn” in order to capture shots of he and his brother’s piece. The dude literally helped make these incredible pieces of art that other people were using as a backdrop for photos of themselves and he would wait patiently as the light faded. I respect the humility and the art.Reflection by Michael BenistyReflection by Michael BenistyReflection by Michael BenistyName UnknownName UnknownMebuyan’s Vessel (build) by Leeroy New and Luca ParolariSonic Sphere (build) by Kugel CollectiveBEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenBenjamin – As he was walking across the piece he and his crew built he said “Who the hell made this thing so high?!” Love it.BEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenReactor Project by Assaf Allouche
The Reactor is an interactive 3D Hexagram.
It is built from recycled pieces of the previous burn’s Art piece, laid out in a different way, yet creating the same scared shape from the bird’s eye view.
It is a visible milestone, meant to walk-thru or bike-thru, take shelter from the sun or dust storms, play on its swings, and enjoy the light scheme at night.
Contact: info@thereactorproject.comBEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenLovely BurnerUnbound: A Library in Transition (build) by Julia Nelson-Gal
Unbound is a Neoclassical Library clad in deconstructed books representing human creativity and changing thought. Saunter around the building to discover the layered pages of disparate words, illustrations and languages. Surprises fill the walls with secret doors, niches, hidden dioramas, bookshelves and a card cabinet containing objects for the taking. Walk up a few stairs and the floral floors direct you through one of three portals representing the body, the mind, and the soul. Reflect in the mirrored shards that flicker on the walls and represent both the loss of physical information while reflecting back you, the ultimate the creator of the information. Rest inside and listen to readings from others from around the world. Contemplate.
Contact: jules@unboundarts.orgThe Everything Will Be Okay Again Portal Just Walk Thru – I went thru.Time by DANG’er Saaz Collective art by Carson West and Tucker RobertsHard To See In The Dust At NightEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewTemple GuardiansName UnknownDrishti by Kirsten Berg
Inspired by a Sanskrit philosophical phrase, “Drishti, Srishti”, meaning: “As is your vision, so is your universe” or, “How you behold, is what you unfold”. Drishti is a sculptural expression, and reflective symbol, of finding ourselves at a critical point in history, in which we are called upon to focus and engage our collective gaze into a more elevated vision, as co-creators and collaborators of our individual and shared realities.
Shimmering in mirrored steel, Drishti’s elegantly arcing angles sweep our gaze upward. Here, our individual reflections in each ‘facet’ of the multitude of lens-like convex mirror are framed with everyone else’ into a mosaic portrait of shared reflection, pointing us to the stars, literally and symbolically
Contact: kberginfo@gmail.comDusty ManThe Seed of Dreams by Martin Taylor and the Chromaforms Art CollectiveAngel and The Dragon by Rick Reider
The Angel and the Dragon are large unique art pieces designed to amplify and project your inner character to your friends, the Playa, and the default world. They are separate 3-D steel fabricated photograph-interactive art pieces designed to be a background prop for the main character – YOU! They represent the good and the not so good we may feel each day. They invite you and all your best friends to step into the art and complete the scene and take lots of selfies if you choose! The Angel wings and the dragon wings become part of you so have fun or be very expressive. Theater lighting will assist in creating a mood provided you add your beautiful body.
Contact: rickreider@gmail.comThat Work Is Getting DoneTHEM by Simón Malvaez and Brenden Darby
THEM invites participants to enter it and identify with the art-making the sculpture into THEM. Through community interactions and the people around us can the sculpture be transformed into new faces. At night those new faces are then expressed upon the playa in shadows created from an internal light. To explore the different personalities of “THEM”, one must generate commitment as part of the change, and this participation can be done alone but it is much easier to do with the support of a community. The sculpture will act as a meeting point for observation, contemplation, and self-discovery.
Contact: brenden@qmagiccreative.comTHEM by Simón Malvaez and Brenden DarbyThe Corporate Ladder by Michael Spraker / Night Visions Studios
A ladder stands and reaches upwards towards the sky. The higher the ladder reaches, the more narrow the ladder becomes. The ladder is lined with LED lights that dim the higher the ladder reaches. Four mannequins dressed in traditional American corporate attire stand in line waiting to climb the ladder.
The ladder reaches up towards the sky. This represents the long, rigorous climb that people make to reach a high status in corporate America. The higher a person climbs, the narrower the ladder becomes–representing the difficulty and limited space for people to make it big in the corporate world. Four men await to climb the ladder. One man checks his watch as he is already impatient to begin the long climb.
Contact: tofst2ctch@aol.comThe 11th Principle No ClimbingThe Corporate Ladder by Michael Spraker / Night Visions Studios
A ladder stands and reaches upwards towards the sky. The higher the ladder reaches, the more narrow the ladder becomes. The ladder is lined with LED lights that dim the higher the ladder reaches. Four mannequins dressed in traditional American corporate attire stand in line waiting to climb the ladder.
The ladder reaches up towards the sky. This represents the long, rigorous climb that people make to reach a high status in corporate America. The higher a person climbs, the narrower the ladder becomes–representing the difficulty and limited space for people to make it big in the corporate world. Four men await to climb the ladder. One man checks his watch as he is already impatient to begin the long climb.
Contact: tofst2ctch@aol.comThe Corporate Ladder by Michael Spraker / Night Visions Studios
A ladder stands and reaches upwards towards the sky. The higher the ladder reaches, the more narrow the ladder becomes. The ladder is lined with LED lights that dim the higher the ladder reaches. Four mannequins dressed in traditional American corporate attire stand in line waiting to climb the ladder.
The ladder reaches up towards the sky. This represents the long, rigorous climb that people make to reach a high status in corporate America. The higher a person climbs, the narrower the ladder becomes–representing the difficulty and limited space for people to make it big in the corporate world. Four men await to climb the ladder. One man checks his watch as he is already impatient to begin the long climb.
Contact: tofst2ctch@aol.comIllumina Radiata by Eric Zann and the Illumina Radiata Art Guild
Six decorative fins acting as both shade structures as well as anchor points will arc upward to buttress a 44 foot tall vertical steel center pole. Radiating out from 3 equidistant sides will hang 3 identical columns of intricately patterned panels and wings, fabricated with bent steel bar and plasma-cut sheet steel. Various patinas and other metal types add texture and color to help define the patterns, designs and motifs that make up the panels. Fine details to appreciate by day will be lit at night by colored LED spotlights to create infinitely variable patterns. Wind-driven outstretched wings will rotate around the center pole, giving the sculpture a kinetic aspect. Flame effects will be at the top, on the wings and on the ground.
Contact: eric@zannrealty.comThe Last Ocean by Jen Lewin
THE LAST OCEAN explores the crisis of plastic pollution in our oceans. Composed of over 300 interactive platforms and created from reclaimed and recycled ocean plastic, The Last Ocean is an immersive experience created using Lewin’s unique in-house mesh network LED technology. During the day, the platforms of The Last Ocean will highlight the transformation of reclaimed ocean plastic with a swirled surface of blue and white particulate. At night, The Last Ocean will glow with vibrant animated light, cycling through a diverse palette of carefully curated colors as visitors interact with the work. Participants will splash and dance in waves of light, illuminating the organic and powerful nature of our oceans.
Contact: inquiry@jenlewinstudio.comThe Last Ocean by Jen Lewin
THE LAST OCEAN explores the crisis of plastic pollution in our oceans. Composed of over 300 interactive platforms and created from reclaimed and recycled ocean plastic, The Last Ocean is an immersive experience created using Lewin’s unique in-house mesh network LED technology. During the day, the platforms of The Last Ocean will highlight the transformation of reclaimed ocean plastic with a swirled surface of blue and white particulate. At night, The Last Ocean will glow with vibrant animated light, cycling through a diverse palette of carefully curated colors as visitors interact with the work. Participants will splash and dance in waves of light, illuminating the organic and powerful nature of our oceans.
Contact: inquiry@jenlewinstudio.comThe Last Ocean by Jen Lewin
THE LAST OCEAN explores the crisis of plastic pollution in our oceans. Composed of over 300 interactive platforms and created from reclaimed and recycled ocean plastic, The Last Ocean is an immersive experience created using Lewin’s unique in-house mesh network LED technology. During the day, the platforms of The Last Ocean will highlight the transformation of reclaimed ocean plastic with a swirled surface of blue and white particulate. At night, The Last Ocean will glow with vibrant animated light, cycling through a diverse palette of carefully curated colors as visitors interact with the work. Participants will splash and dance in waves of light, illuminating the organic and powerful nature of our oceans.
Contact: inquiry@jenlewinstudio.comHomage au Dali by Jack ChampionParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersUnbound: A Library in Transition (build) by Julia Nelson-Gal
Unbound is a Neoclassical Library clad in deconstructed books representing human creativity and changing thought. Saunter around the building to discover the layered pages of disparate words, illustrations and languages. Surprises fill the walls with secret doors, niches, hidden dioramas, bookshelves and a card cabinet containing objects for the taking. Walk up a few stairs and the floral floors direct you through one of three portals representing the body, the mind, and the soul. Reflect in the mirrored shards that flicker on the walls and represent both the loss of physical information while reflecting back you, the ultimate the creator of the information. Rest inside and listen to readings from others from around the world. Contemplate.
Contact: jules@unboundarts.orgBEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenVanessa – Nice to see you! I think we both learned a valuable lesson here, don’t wait for something that is never going to happen!Quadrupod 2.0 by Scott Parenteau
The Quadrupod is a giant metal walking vehicle that is driven from within a metal pod cabin. This giant machine walks on 4 electrically powered legs and looks like something out of a Jules Vern novel. The purpose of this work is to show how just a little low tech engineering and a pile of scrap metal can be used to create something that appears to be advanced technology. This art piece is meant to inspire do it yourself Sci-Fi
Contact: prometal1@comcast.netSynaptic Tree by Berlonce
The Synaptic Tree is nourished by the sun during the day, and awakens at night to contemplate the meaning of life. The tree represents the mindset of all living things and the value of diverse perspectives. The tree loves to be hugged and welcomes visitors of all species and cultures, biological, digital and otherwise.Colors of Nostalgia by Alena Starostina and Alyssa VanZandt
A vintage photo kiosk that contains interactive displays with vintage cameras and film processors. The purpose is to create a unique environment with sentimental longing for the past by surrounding a person with vintage objects, decorations, sounds and smells from a specific time period. The displays are designed to create an emotional drift that has broadened to the notion of longing for or missing aspects of a unique experience from the past.
Each entrance will have stylized spaces according to the time period 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s.
For instance, 60s timeframe display will have vintage radios, tape cassettes, record players, cameras, hippie clothing items, dry flowers, smell of cannabis; posters promoting love, peace, and psychedelic drugs.
Contact: contact@easternpromises.orgHEATPlacementIce HaulThe Longest Line for Ice I Have Ever SeenNice Solar Array!Mermaids WelcomeMermaids Welcome – Off topic but if you have a mutant vehicle putting the name of the vehicle somewhere visible is a good idea. That way idiots like me can name their photos correctly.INCENTER by Kate Greenberg
Home is now a place of refuge and a space isolated from community. Yet from home, we’ve shared this time apart together. INCENTER unearths this global connection: inside the shape of a house, our earth is found and viewed from within.
If it could be occupied, the center of our earth would be the only point in the universe where all humans would be in focus and equidistant from one another simultaneously.
INCENTER immerses its explorers within a manifestation of this fantastical innerview, and interactively displays global data to communicate a vantage of global interconnectivity and individual impact with respect to panoptic crises. This unique perspective hopes to remind us each that we are not alone, and that Earth is the home we share.
Contact: kate@skmaticdesigns.comThis rig allows you to lie down on your stomach or your back and fly across the playa. There is no battery and so the more sunny it is the faster you can go. Thanks for letting me take a spin!This rig allows you to lie down on your stomach or your back and fly across the playa. There is no battery and so the more sunny it is the faster you can go. Thanks for letting me take a spin!MesmerElda — 3 of the 6 grand rings by Kaden Sincliar, XanaduThe Corporate Ladder by Michael Spraker / Night Visions Studios
A ladder stands and reaches upwards towards the sky. The higher the ladder reaches, the more narrow the ladder becomes. The ladder is lined with LED lights that dim the higher the ladder reaches. Four mannequins dressed in traditional American corporate attire stand in line waiting to climb the ladder.
The ladder reaches up towards the sky. This represents the long, rigorous climb that people make to reach a high status in corporate America. The higher a person climbs, the narrower the ladder becomes–representing the difficulty and limited space for people to make it big in the corporate world. Four men await to climb the ladder. One man checks his watch as he is already impatient to begin the long climb.
Contact: tofst2ctch@aol.comSerendipity Dispenser by Serendipity Crew
Gifting is a wonderful conduit for Serendipity. The most memorable and precious Playa Gifts are experiences. The Serendipity Dispenser provides all of the elements for a moment of delightful Serendipity. The Playa is transformed into a giant scavenger hunt, inspiring participants to fully immerse themselves in the magical Principle of Gifting!
URL: http://serendipityoutpost.comRed Hot BeverlyThe Little People by uckiood (Missy Douglas & Kim Rask)
From uckiood (Missy Douglas & Kim Rask) – the creators of ‘Odd Jelly Out’ – comes ‘The Little People’. Inspired by characters from classic children’s literature, this sculpture installation sees Dot (Dorothy, Wizard of Oz), and Chip (Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh) reimagined with playful charm. They are accompanied by both Peg the sausage dog (Toto) and an Odd Jelly Out toy (Pooh bear), as well as three small sprite-like entities – a grumpy Pants (Peter Pan), a toadstooly Mads (Alice in Wonderland) and Lolly the Lion (Lucy from Narnia). Created from hand-cast fiberglass, resin pieces and stained glass, these dazzling figures fuse symbolism from the books with dream-like details and maximalist textures, colors and pattern work.
Contact: admin@uckiood.comThe Little People by uckiood (Missy Douglas & Kim Rask)
From uckiood (Missy Douglas & Kim Rask) – the creators of ‘Odd Jelly Out’ – comes ‘The Little People’. Inspired by characters from classic children’s literature, this sculpture installation sees Dot (Dorothy, Wizard of Oz), and Chip (Christopher Robin, Winnie the Pooh) reimagined with playful charm. They are accompanied by both Peg the sausage dog (Toto) and an Odd Jelly Out toy (Pooh bear), as well as three small sprite-like entities – a grumpy Pants (Peter Pan), a toadstooly Mads (Alice in Wonderland) and Lolly the Lion (Lucy from Narnia). Created from hand-cast fiberglass, resin pieces and stained glass, these dazzling figures fuse symbolism from the books with dream-like details and maximalist textures, colors and pattern work.
Contact: admin@uckiood.comTOXIC (build) by Clayton Blake ArtName Unknown – I can never remember the name of these beautiful structures despite photographing them and captioning them in the past. Sorry!Name Unknown – I can never remember the name of these beautiful structures despite photographing them and captioning them in the past. Sorry!Name UnknownName UnknownLovely BurnerBlack Rock Public Library – One-Year CheckoutsBadlands BordelloBusIt’s All About The MusicSlow Down – Burning Man Dust ControlSwag of Burning Man 2020Swag of Burning ManLovely Burner – Great to meet you!Evapotrons are devices people build to help deal with graywater by evaporating it. The top portion of this device was spinning around. I’m not sure how well they work. My strategy is to just haul my graywater out and disposing of it correctly. A burner has put some information on these here, not sure if relevant or up to date: You Really Need Your Deposit Back – Please chill with the tape everyone. The more you fight the dust the more the dust wins. Become one with the dust. Be the dust. We are all stardust. OK I’m losing my mind editing photos now.Sign Thief Solution? Props to whomever replaced this stolen/missing sign with one they made. Idiots steal street signs at Burning Man every year. If I see you stealing a sign I will post a photo of you on /r/ShamingMan and we will get our shame bells and pitchforks out!Brodega – “gotta be an easier way to get laid” Love these guys. My apologies to the gentlemen known as “Bitches” for not making back to this part of town at night. Next year!“Bitches” of Brodega – What a badass. This project is amazing. Hope to see you again next year Bitches.Chill Zone – This was an elevated trampoline with shade and stuffed animals. A wonderful place to rest. I ran into a guy here who added it to “list of nap spots” an actual notebook he was making notes in of locations he could crash. I encourage him to share that list. Like a rockstar librarian style list of places to rest. Man I could use that sometimes when I’m exhausted. If you see this nap guy, please make this a thing!Chill Zone – This was an elevated trampoline with shade and stuffed animals. A wonderful place to rest. I ran into a guy here who added it to “list of nap spots” an actual notebook he was making notes in of locations he could crash. I encourage him to share that list. Like a rockstar librarian style list of places to rest. Man I could use that sometimes when I’m exhausted. If you see this nap guy, please make this a thing!Just a little RUSTY at being DUSTY – Tell me about it. I could barely remember how to burn. A young lady came out here and was not exactly thrilled by my presence. I told her I just was taking a photo of their sign. If you see a dorky looking guy with a camera (me) please take it easy on me, I’m not a threat or a thief! In other words please chill!Jealous of the Simplicity – One day if I’m ever done doing pictures I’ll just come out here and keep it simple.My Obsession with Old Razorback ContinuesName UnknownMore New Friends!Paradisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersReactor Project by Assaf Allouche
The Reactor is an interactive 3D Hexagram.
It is built from recycled pieces of the previous burn’s Art piece, laid out in a different way, yet creating the same scared shape from the bird’s eye view.
It is a visible milestone, meant to walk-thru or bike-thru, take shelter from the sun or dust storms, play on its swings, and enjoy the light scheme at night.
Contact: info@thereactorproject.comFractaled Mind by Kamp Kerfuffle
Fractaled Mind is an 11′ tall interactive sculpture of repeating shapes in a fractal pattern. The sculpture explores shape, color, light, and the language of the universe. It creates a space to climb, explore, gather, and rest. The predictable and repeating pattern of boxes is colored on each side in a gradient pattern. By night, lighting that cycles through the color spectrum augments the color and shadow on the structure creating an ever-changing form that challenges the predictability of the fractal pattern. Climbing the structure reveals an interior space to rest and gather. The space is filled with monochromatic light that contrasts the constantly changing light of the playa.Last Light on RazorbackLOVE by Laura Kimpton and CrewForest of Dreams by Laura Kimpton and crew
The Forest of Dreams is formed of 40 trees, 10ft tall, all made of steel. The trees are to be arranged on a square grid, 10 trees by 10 trees, placed in concentrically smaller grids and culminating in an open area at the center. The forest will be bathed in dancing LED lights of multitude of colors shining through the shaped cutouts in the trees. Citizens of Black Rock Desert will be able to see the forest for miles. My hope is the forest will be placed in deep playa past the temple so it will be dark enough for the forest to shine. Our hope is for participants will interact with the forest in the most magical way. As one will enter the forest, the will find a world of colorful beauty where one can let go, dance, be silly, discover a new more playful self. As an installation artist my goal is to create art that is experiential. With the Forest, participants not only physically walk through and explore the piece, they get lost in the space and become one with the forest.
Contact: laurakimpton@aol.comMark’s Magnificent Sky – It was such a pleasure to run into Mark at this moment. Running into Mark when the sky was so magnificent?! I mean chef’s kiss! Mark proceeded to hand me a sticker with his face on it. Which was also amazing and it added to the meta nature of this brief moment. Mark, if you see this your videos helped get us through the pandemic. We love them. Thank you for making them! Google 24 Hours at Burning Man to see Mark’s amazing films.The Apocalypse is Breathtaking by Lekha Washington
A ghost tree on fire,
Set your candles alight
The apocalypse is here
It’s breathtaking tonight.
Contact: lekhawashington@gmail.comEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewThe Apocalypse is Breathtaking by Lekha Washington
A ghost tree on fire,
Set your candles alight
The apocalypse is here
It’s breathtaking tonight.
Contact: lekhawashington@gmail.comThe ManThe ManAutumn Spire by Eric Coolidge
The piece is inspired by the natural balance of organic and geometric properties in nature. The title refers to a red maple tree, a symbol of endurance and the passing of time. The tower, a blend of gothic and modern technology, is meant to combine these notions. The passage of time is important to me, and whether it is my perspective or an objective truth, society as a whole feels to be entering into a new season. It feels like something is ending, but as we pass from autumn into winter, so follows spring.
Contact: info@eaglerocksteel.comDrishti by Kirsten Berg
Inspired by a Sanskrit philosophical phrase, “Drishti, Srishti”, meaning: “As is your vision, so is your universe” or, “How you behold, is what you unfold”. Drishti is a sculptural expression, and reflective symbol, of finding ourselves at a critical point in history, in which we are called upon to focus and engage our collective gaze into a more elevated vision, as co-creators and collaborators of our individual and shared realities.
Shimmering in mirrored steel, Drishti’s elegantly arcing angles sweep our gaze upward. Here, our individual reflections in each ‘facet’ of the multitude of lens-like convex mirror are framed with everyone else’ into a mosaic portrait of shared reflection, pointing us to the stars, literally and symbolically
Contact: kberginfo@gmail.comDrishti by Kirsten Berg
Inspired by a Sanskrit philosophical phrase, “Drishti, Srishti”, meaning: “As is your vision, so is your universe” or, “How you behold, is what you unfold”. Drishti is a sculptural expression, and reflective symbol, of finding ourselves at a critical point in history, in which we are called upon to focus and engage our collective gaze into a more elevated vision, as co-creators and collaborators of our individual and shared realities.
Shimmering in mirrored steel, Drishti’s elegantly arcing angles sweep our gaze upward. Here, our individual reflections in each ‘facet’ of the multitude of lens-like convex mirror are framed with everyone else’ into a mosaic portrait of shared reflection, pointing us to the stars, literally and symbolically
Contact: kberginfo@gmail.comDrishti by Kirsten Berg
Inspired by a Sanskrit philosophical phrase, “Drishti, Srishti”, meaning: “As is your vision, so is your universe” or, “How you behold, is what you unfold”. Drishti is a sculptural expression, and reflective symbol, of finding ourselves at a critical point in history, in which we are called upon to focus and engage our collective gaze into a more elevated vision, as co-creators and collaborators of our individual and shared realities.
Shimmering in mirrored steel, Drishti’s elegantly arcing angles sweep our gaze upward. Here, our individual reflections in each ‘facet’ of the multitude of lens-like convex mirror are framed with everyone else’ into a mosaic portrait of shared reflection, pointing us to the stars, literally and symbolically
Contact: kberginfo@gmail.comThe Man and SkyThe Man BaseLast of the Fences – These folks were putting away the last fences.Lamps Light the WaySeed of Dreams by Martin Taylor and the Chromaforms Art Collective
Seed of Dreams is a 15′ tall sculpture of a human head, eyes closed, in dream state. Geometric perforations resonate outward from the forehead, emitting light from an internal source by night and reflecting the golden interior by day. An opening allows participants to enter inside of the sculpture to discover a wondrous grotto with shimmering golden walls and ledges to sit upon. A magnificent geometric light in the shape of the pineal gland hangs from the center of the head illuminating the sculpture at night. A large open book of empty lined paper with pens invites participants to record their dreams and reflect on their thoughts. Seed of Dreams provides a place for participants to seek refuge, meditate, or connect with their intuition.
Contact: chromaforms@gmail.comBop Bears by fnnch Bop Bear is a giant bop bag shaped like a Honey Bear. A bop bag is an inflatable toy that, if you knock it over, will stand back up. This is that, just larger. Thanks to Christian for the caption update.Name UnknownName UnknownName UnknownBuild at NightEl Pulpo Magnifico by Duane Flatmo and CrewLarry Harvey in DronesConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artThe Man Base 2022Nice To See These Folks Back In Action – It was disheartening to see the BLM tell these folks to turn their fire off last year. Nice to see them back in action.Name UnknownName UnknownATABEY by NiNo
ATABEY is the supreme goddess of the Taínos, the native tribes who inhabited the Caribbean islands, mostly in Puerto Rico. She is worshiped as the deity of fresh water, representing the Earth Spirit, Divine Mother. Their God was female.
We chose to honor ATABEY’s symbolism with a fish coming up for air on the Playa in order to bring attention to the state of the Earth and the dire consequences of today’s dominant world views, those that are legacies of colonization’s victors. ATABEY’s legacy is to respect our waters and land.
Contact: mucaro@leaveittonino.comThe Man Base 2022Name UnknownLovely BurnerBurners PerformingLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnersLovely Burner – This guy was having such a good time. Love the energy.Lovely BurnerLovely BurnerNo More Fake Friends – Reminds me of the “shirts that go hard” Twitter account.Recursion – Thank you Darren for making one of my photographs into a shirt. Hilarious and amazing. Love that. Let’s continue with this recursion shall we? You are the life of the the party. Much love!Fuck Your BurnGood TimesLovely BurnerLovely BurnersLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnersLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerAmazing Bike – He built it. So cool!Amazing Bike – He built it. So cool!The Face is an open invitation to face oneself. Collaged from Haeckel’s biological illustrations and synced with Rumi’s poetic calling, is the airy sculpture of 1D elements. Standing as a symbol of unity, the Face bridges: East & West, spiritual & biological, aquatic & terrestrial, fauna & flora.
Aquatic creatures constitute the elements forging the parallax illusion of a genderless portrait collage. Ambient music, sounds of nature, & multilingual echoes of Rumi’s call, seduce wandering souls in BRC with a multisensorial composition that awakens the mind.
The Face beckons to all and guides without advice. The target is meditative dialogue. The process is intentional & incremental: one step at a time, one visitor after the other.
Contact: milennae@gmail.comThe Face is an open invitation to face oneself. Collaged from Haeckel’s biological illustrations and synced with Rumi’s poetic calling, is the airy sculpture of 1D elements. Standing as a symbol of unity, the Face bridges: East & West, spiritual & biological, aquatic & terrestrial, fauna & flora.
Aquatic creatures constitute the elements forging the parallax illusion of a genderless portrait collage. Ambient music, sounds of nature, & multilingual echoes of Rumi’s call, seduce wandering souls in BRC with a multisensorial composition that awakens the mind.
The Face beckons to all and guides without advice. The target is meditative dialogue. The process is intentional & incremental: one step at a time, one visitor after the other.
Contact: milennae@gmail.comMeshtastic Radios With 3D Printed Case – These allow us to text each other on playa (and much more) when there is no cell service. These devices act as a mesh network so they re-broadcast any messages received from other nodes. That way each device enhances the network. Look up Meshtastic and bring yours to the party next time! Shout out to Sarge for making this fun little project a reality.Lovely BurnerName UnknownLovely BurnerLovely Burner – One of the best things at Burning Man is watching the artists as they watch people interact with their piece.Mutant Vehicle and BuddhaSirsasana – Headstand (build) by Srikanth Guttikonda, Josh Zubkoff, & Looking Up Arts
Rising 30 feet from the playa, Sirsasana is a whimsical inverted tree with its roots reaching for the sky. Its trunk is interwoven wooden arcs based on the golden ratio that form a hyperboloid. The tree’s canopy spreads out on the playa floor with openings that invite participants to explore its intricate inner geometry.
Sirsasana represents the ability to re-learn one’s own nature, the ability to change, to create new perspectives. It was born from a thought experiment that if a human can do Vrksasana, the tree pose in yoga, then can a tree do Sirsasana, a human-centric headstand pose?
Sirsasana’s beautiful radiating geometry will be covered leaf to roots with sentimental details to explore from Srikanth’s childhood home of Hyderabad.
Contact: sirsasana@lookingup.artName UnknownName UnknownEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewViking Dudes – These guys were fun.Rx4u by Matt Morris
Deep in the Playa you will find a recognizable large amber bottle. Each person has a very different history and relationship with its contents. Come, discover and share your own connection.
Contact: mattmorris79@gmail.comMebuyan’s Vessel (build) by Leeroy New and Luca ParolariBEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenEmergence (build) by: Jesse Lightcap and The Emergence Project
In most parts of the world, the Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. The last metamorphosis stage of a dragonfly is when a nymph leaves the water, walks to dry land, and with its last molt, the body and wings of the dragonfly expand, and this process is named “Emergence.”
As a burner approaches, emerging from the dry playa will be grass, lily pads, and flowers made from recycled materials.
A desert dragonfly made with a structural steel frame will be drinking from a pond. The dragonfly will produce ambient lighting at night.
The wings will provide curious burners with a shady place to retreat to while pondering their own transformation.
Contact: stephnistler@gmail.comCharismatic Metafauna by Gray Davidson & Majorelle Arts
Metafauna resolves from a distant oasis of light into 7 endangered animal species (Houston Toad, Linsang, Spotted Owl, etc.), ranging in scale from humans to horses. Arranged by proximity to extinction, these creatures form a Danse Macabre procession, spiraling inward toward an elegant portal. One already extinct species lies dark beyond the gateway. The sculptures are united by common materials and a shape language drawn from art nouveau and art deco.
LEDs illuminate each sculpture from within while a hanging flame above each animal represents the creature’s vitality and bathes the site in glowing firelight. A composed soundscape compliments the beauty of the physical installation.
Contact: gray.davidson.00@gmail.comCharismatic Metafauna by Gray Davidson & Majorelle Arts
Metafauna resolves from a distant oasis of light into 7 endangered animal species (Houston Toad, Linsang, Spotted Owl, etc.), ranging in scale from humans to horses. Arranged by proximity to extinction, these creatures form a Danse Macabre procession, spiraling inward toward an elegant portal. One already extinct species lies dark beyond the gateway. The sculptures are united by common materials and a shape language drawn from art nouveau and art deco.
LEDs illuminate each sculpture from within while a hanging flame above each animal represents the creature’s vitality and bathes the site in glowing firelight. A composed soundscape compliments the beauty of the physical installation.
Contact: gray.davidson.00@gmail.comCharismatic Metafauna by Gray Davidson & Majorelle Arts
Metafauna resolves from a distant oasis of light into 7 endangered animal species (Houston Toad, Linsang, Spotted Owl, etc.), ranging in scale from humans to horses. Arranged by proximity to extinction, these creatures form a Danse Macabre procession, spiraling inward toward an elegant portal. One already extinct species lies dark beyond the gateway. The sculptures are united by common materials and a shape language drawn from art nouveau and art deco.
LEDs illuminate each sculpture from within while a hanging flame above each animal represents the creature’s vitality and bathes the site in glowing firelight. A composed soundscape compliments the beauty of the physical installation.
Contact: gray.davidson.00@gmail.comCharismatic Metafauna by Gray Davidson & Majorelle Arts
Metafauna resolves from a distant oasis of light into 7 endangered animal species (Houston Toad, Linsang, Spotted Owl, etc.), ranging in scale from humans to horses. Arranged by proximity to extinction, these creatures form a Danse Macabre procession, spiraling inward toward an elegant portal. One already extinct species lies dark beyond the gateway. The sculptures are united by common materials and a shape language drawn from art nouveau and art deco.
LEDs illuminate each sculpture from within while a hanging flame above each animal represents the creature’s vitality and bathes the site in glowing firelight. A composed soundscape compliments the beauty of the physical installation.
Contact: gray.davidson.00@gmail.comCharismatic Metafauna by Gray Davidson & Majorelle Arts
Metafauna resolves from a distant oasis of light into 7 endangered animal species (Houston Toad, Linsang, Spotted Owl, etc.), ranging in scale from humans to horses. Arranged by proximity to extinction, these creatures form a Danse Macabre procession, spiraling inward toward an elegant portal. One already extinct species lies dark beyond the gateway. The sculptures are united by common materials and a shape language drawn from art nouveau and art deco.
LEDs illuminate each sculpture from within while a hanging flame above each animal represents the creature’s vitality and bathes the site in glowing firelight. A composed soundscape compliments the beauty of the physical installation.
Contact: gray.davidson.00@gmail.comCharismatic Metafauna by Gray Davidson & Majorelle Arts
Metafauna resolves from a distant oasis of light into 7 endangered animal species (Houston Toad, Linsang, Spotted Owl, etc.), ranging in scale from humans to horses. Arranged by proximity to extinction, these creatures form a Danse Macabre procession, spiraling inward toward an elegant portal. One already extinct species lies dark beyond the gateway. The sculptures are united by common materials and a shape language drawn from art nouveau and art deco.
LEDs illuminate each sculpture from within while a hanging flame above each animal represents the creature’s vitality and bathes the site in glowing firelight. A composed soundscape compliments the beauty of the physical installation.
Contact: gray.davidson.00@gmail.comCharismatic Metafauna by Gray Davidson & Majorelle Arts
Metafauna resolves from a distant oasis of light into 7 endangered animal species (Houston Toad, Linsang, Spotted Owl, etc.), ranging in scale from humans to horses. Arranged by proximity to extinction, these creatures form a Danse Macabre procession, spiraling inward toward an elegant portal. One already extinct species lies dark beyond the gateway. The sculptures are united by common materials and a shape language drawn from art nouveau and art deco.
LEDs illuminate each sculpture from within while a hanging flame above each animal represents the creature’s vitality and bathes the site in glowing firelight. A composed soundscape compliments the beauty of the physical installation.
Contact: gray.davidson.00@gmail.comEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewPoint of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)Point of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)Point of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)Point of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.The Afterlife by Blitzy aka Ade, Chickpea, Steve Dudek, Scott Pando, Noah Schnaubelt
The Afterlife is a visually stunning LED and blacklight installation. It is an immersive and interactive art piece arranged in a Tibetan-inspired mandala.
Forming the outer circle, The Four Gates of the Universe are cornerstones, aligned with the cardinal directions and connected by prayer flags.
Journey inwards, interact with fire-breathing dragons, Family of Flags, Flaming Lotus heaters, Windows of past life pagodas, incense urns and glowing Dazebeds. Anchored in the center is The Stairway to Heaven Temple.
The Afterlife is an ethereal and whimsical dreamland beyond our lifetime. A portal of transition between living and dead, it’s a meeting point between the two worlds attracting soul travelers from far away distances.
Contact: blitzyburn@gmail.comThe Afterlife by Blitzy aka Ade, Chickpea, Steve Dudek, Scott Pando, Noah Schnaubelt
The Afterlife is a visually stunning LED and blacklight installation. It is an immersive and interactive art piece arranged in a Tibetan-inspired mandala.
Forming the outer circle, The Four Gates of the Universe are cornerstones, aligned with the cardinal directions and connected by prayer flags.
Journey inwards, interact with fire-breathing dragons, Family of Flags, Flaming Lotus heaters, Windows of past life pagodas, incense urns and glowing Dazebeds. Anchored in the center is The Stairway to Heaven Temple.
The Afterlife is an ethereal and whimsical dreamland beyond our lifetime. A portal of transition between living and dead, it’s a meeting point between the two worlds attracting soul travelers from far away distances.
Contact: blitzyburn@gmail.comEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewThe Afterlife by Blitzy aka Ade, Chickpea, Steve Dudek, Scott Pando, Noah Schnaubelt
The Afterlife is a visually stunning LED and blacklight installation. It is an immersive and interactive art piece arranged in a Tibetan-inspired mandala.
Forming the outer circle, The Four Gates of the Universe are cornerstones, aligned with the cardinal directions and connected by prayer flags.
Journey inwards, interact with fire-breathing dragons, Family of Flags, Flaming Lotus heaters, Windows of past life pagodas, incense urns and glowing Dazebeds. Anchored in the center is The Stairway to Heaven Temple.
The Afterlife is an ethereal and whimsical dreamland beyond our lifetime. A portal of transition between living and dead, it’s a meeting point between the two worlds attracting soul travelers from far away distances.
Contact: blitzyburn@gmail.comThe Last Ocean by Jen Lewin
THE LAST OCEAN explores the crisis of plastic pollution in our oceans. Composed of over 300 interactive platforms and created from reclaimed and recycled ocean plastic, The Last Ocean is an immersive experience created using Lewin’s unique in-house mesh network LED technology. During the day, the platforms of The Last Ocean will highlight the transformation of reclaimed ocean plastic with a swirled surface of blue and white particulate. At night, The Last Ocean will glow with vibrant animated light, cycling through a diverse palette of carefully curated colors as visitors interact with the work. Participants will splash and dance in waves of light, illuminating the organic and powerful nature of our oceans.
Contact: inquiry@jenlewinstudio.comShark Art Car and EmpyreanLightning and the ManLightning and the ManLightning and the ManPoint of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)Point of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)Point of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)Paradisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersHunDroid Mutant VehicleDawn PatrolAmazing PatchesNice Art Car You Got There!Red Hot Beverly Mutant VehicleUnbound: A Library in Transition by Julia Nelson-Gal
Unbound is a Neoclassical Library clad in deconstructed books representing human creativity and changing thought. Saunter around the building to discover the layered pages of disparate words, illustrations and languages. Surprises fill the walls with secret doors, niches, hidden dioramas, bookshelves and a card cabinet containing objects for the taking. Walk up a few stairs and the floral floors direct you through one of three portals representing the body, the mind, and the soul. Reflect in the mirrored shards that flicker on the walls and represent both the loss of physical information while reflecting back you, the ultimate the creator of the information. Rest inside and listen to readings from others from around the world. Contemplate.
Contact: jules@unboundarts.orgName UnknownLovely Burners – Great to meet you. Please be careful when jumping out of perfectly good airplanes! <3Upward Spirals of Love by Nick Sullivan, Hannah Natali, Emily Baker, Jordan Layman
The Upward Spirals of Love is an immersive art installation created to showcase the transformative power of love. During the day, the 8 foot iridescent faceted heart projects multi-colored neon green and pink shadows on the playa floor, and at dusk it lights up and comes to life with custom programmed LED patterns that run up the spiral to the heart, giving an effect of an Upward Spiral of Love. As a gift from Nick to his beloved Brigitte, this piece creates a space for people to feel safe, to heal, to connect and to fall in love through the universal language of love. Each of the 5 Love Languages is illuminated in a circle of 5 steel hearts that the visitor can step onto, identifying the type of love that makes them feel the most loved.Lovely BurnerFLG – The amount of work and logitics that goes into pulling off what the Flaming Lotus Girls does each year is mind blowing. I just wish I had photographed their art properly. I failed to do so.The FACE Project by TITHOREA X NAE
The Face is an open invitation to face oneself. Collaged from Haeckel’s biological illustrations and synced with Rumi’s poetic calling, is the airy sculpture of 1D elements. Standing as a symbol of unity, the Face bridges: East & West, spiritual & biological, aquatic & terrestrial, fauna & flora.
Aquatic creatures constitute the elements forging the parallax illusion of a genderless portrait collage. Ambient music, sounds of nature, & multilingual echoes of Rumi’s call, seduce wandering souls in BRC with a multisensorial composition that awakens the mind.
The Face beckons to all and guides without advice. The target is meditative dialogue. The process is intentional & incremental: one step at a time, one visitor after the other.
Contact: milennae@gmail.comThe Mansonian Museum – It was nice to run into Stewart here.WELCOME to Fabulous SIN CITY BLACK ROCK CITY NEVADAAerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022How Do We Even Pull This Thing Off?Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Bunring Man Aerial Photo 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Bunring Man Aerial Photo 2022Vertical Camp – As someone who is editing and captioning thousands of photos I really appreciate when people put the name of their thing on their thing. Thank you!These Seem PopularBunring Man Aerial Photo 2022El Pulpo Magnifico and Black Rock CityBunring Man Aerial Photo 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Bunring Man Aerial Photo 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Aerial Photo Burning Man 2022Bunring Man Aerial Photo 2022Reflection by Michael Benisty – This is me playing around with different processing techniques.BROKEN 2.0 by Michael BenistyBROKEN 2.0 by Michael BenistyBROKEN 2.0 by Michael BenistyBROKEN 2.0 by Michael BenistyBROKEN 2.0 by Michael BenistyMebuyan’s Vessel by Leeroy New & Luca Parolari
Mebuyan Vessel is a spherical architectural installation that encourages community and interactivity. A creative imagination of “walking dreams”, it stitches together bubbles that allow people to move throughout the structure’s different dreamlike universes. This monumental complex will span 42 x 78 x 42 ft.
The title comes from Mebuyan, a goddess from the Bagobo mythology, an indigenous people of southern Mindanao, Philippines. A goddess of the afterlife with breasts covering her entire body, she is nourishes the dead spirits of children, so that they can continue their journey of growth. Similarly, Mebuyan Vessel strives to become a nourishing, transformative, and cosmic place forWind of Change (build) by Eva Lillova & Anna Mytcul
We are going to create a space with natural light streaming in.
A place where we can all feel at peace no matter what life throws.
Small temple of Wind. Huge hope for the Change.
It remind of the Buddhist drums in the temples of Asia, Then anyone walk by and with a twist, create a gentle current of karma.
So too, this temple, which by itself – will spray all the beautiful moments we live in these 7 days.
All this Peace, Love, Friendship, Connections & Equity.
No matter how you spin it – but all best will win.
We will create this world of the future into which we are not afraid to look in.
Contact: lilloluv@gmail.comBYTE by Founders – Jason Blanda and Andrew Lazorchak
BYTE is a fully immersive art experience featuring two giant furry and lovable robots named “Chip” and “Terra, the very first robots freed from slavery.
BYTE is a symbolic representation of Ai by using a microchip silhouette clad in vividly bright fur and big, bulbous mirror dome eyeballs to anthropomorphize our furiends. It’s all topped off with a hanging wisteria garden underneath and a cozy snuggle room on top creating a symbiosis between art and the viewer.
Contact: art@thebyteproject.comName Unknown – The spalers acted like keys on a piano and this maybe incredible sounds.Riding Bikes and RazorbackDISTURB MY SLUMBER by Recto Verseau
Participants may enter Disturb My Slumber, a tribute to the mythical Cave of Wonders, day and night. They will be invited to reflect on their individual time of darkness during the pandemic, and share it verbally or in writing inside the walls of the internal space. What terrified them? What did they confront? What did they learn? What treasures may have been unburied by this nightmare? In this way they will be invited to HONOR their experience, SHARE it with the collective and upon the piece’s burn ritual, ALCHEMIZE it.Heavy Petting Zoo – These folks sure play some crazy music!Name UnknownName UnknownShark by Peter HazelLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerConsumption by Tom Boughner and the Desert Propaganda CollectiveMeta Girl by OLEG LOBYKINEl Pulpo Magnifico by Duane Flatmo and CrewName UnknownName UnknownYOU ARE HERELamplighters Working While Everyone Else Is Partying – Thank you.Name UnknownLovely BurnerLovely BurnerDrug Dog With GogglesName UnknownWild TimeMutant VehiclesBlack Rock City Linear LayoutBlack Rock City Linear LayoutWild TimeJan Blomqvist Mayan WarriorJan Blomqvist Mayan WarriorThe Last Ocean by Jen Lewin
THE LAST OCEAN explores the crisis of plastic pollution in our oceans. Composed of over 300 interactive platforms and created from reclaimed and recycled ocean plastic, The Last Ocean is an immersive experience created using Lewin’s unique in-house mesh network LED technology. During the day, the platforms of The Last Ocean will highlight the transformation of reclaimed ocean plastic with a swirled surface of blue and white particulate. At night, The Last Ocean will glow with vibrant animated light, cycling through a diverse palette of carefully curated colors as visitors interact with the work. Participants will splash and dance in waves of light, illuminating the organic and powerful nature of our oceans.
Contact: inquiry@jenlewinstudio.comThe Afterlife by Blitzy aka Ade, Chickpea, Steve Dudek, Scott Pando, Noah Schnaubelt
The Afterlife is a visually stunning LED and blacklight installation. It is an immersive and interactive art piece arranged in a Tibetan-inspired mandala.
Forming the outer circle, The Four Gates of the Universe are cornerstones, aligned with the cardinal directions and connected by prayer flags.
Journey inwards, interact with fire-breathing dragons, Family of Flags, Flaming Lotus heaters, Windows of past life pagodas, incense urns and glowing Dazebeds. Anchored in the center is The Stairway to Heaven Temple.
The Afterlife is an ethereal and whimsical dreamland beyond our lifetime. A portal of transition between living and dead, it’s a meeting point between the two worlds attracting soul travelers from far away distances.
Contact: blitzyburn@gmail.comPlaya and Earth ShadowPoint of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)Black Rock City 2022Empyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewIsland Party Woo!Evolution Field by Matt McConnellEvolution Field by Matt McConnellName UnknownPetaled Portal by David OliverParty Under The StarsDUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.DUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.DUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.Paradisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewBEAM and Sonic SphereSonic Sphere by Kugel CollectiveSonic Sphere by Kugel CollectiveSonic Sphere by Kugel CollectiveSonic Sphere by Kugel CollectiveName UnknownEmpyrean and The ManEmpyrean and The ManThe Best CitySunriseSunriseSunriseSunriseSunriseLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely Burner – I like this necklace. It says Unplug & PlayBubble GirlMOOPing – You can MOOP and party at the same time like this legend.Lovely Burners – Hope those film photos turned out my man! Please share them.Shooting FilmLovely BurnerLovely Burners – Such a good time!Lovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnersLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnersDusty ManAutumn Spire by Eric Coolidge
The piece is inspired by the natural balance of organic and geometric properties in nature. The title refers to a red maple tree, a symbol of endurance and the passing of time. The tower, a blend of gothic and modern technology, is meant to combine these notions. The passage of time is important to me, and whether it is my perspective or an objective truth, society as a whole feels to be entering into a new season. It feels like something is ending, but as we pass from autumn into winter, so follows spring.
Contact: info@eaglerocksteel.comOne Way vs The Other – People often make the mistake of biking with a strong tailwind to deep playa. They only realize when they turn around that it’s going to be much harder to make it back to the city fighting the wind and the dust.Dusty Solar Panels – Maybe we need a new volunteer group, The Solar Dusters? Arm them with electric leafblowers and task them with solar dusting. I spent way too much time cleaning solar panels this year.Burners and The Temple in the DustDusty Temple and BurnerNice To See You Again Danee! – When I ran into Danee out there in the dust he asked me to be the foreground for one of his pictures so I happily obliged. We were taking photos of each other in this moment like the complete photographer dorks that we are. Always a treat to see you dude!Paradisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comDUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.DUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.DUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.Paradisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comTime Tomb – Time Tomb is a collection of the time that has been lost these past few years. As you listen to the ticking of lost time, reflect back on the time spent apart and gain it back through the invigoration of the playa. Gaze out onto the playa and let go of the past, live in the present. The only time we trula have is now.Time TombTime TombTime TombReality Is Malleable – We were out here chatting for maybe five minutes before we noticed there was a hammer hanging on the piece. Upon closer inspection we noticed there we lots of hammer marks on the metalic plate. So we figured you were encouraged to hit the peice with the hammer. It was very satisfying. Most Burning Man art is like this. Each piece has layers and more depth than first appears. So remember to always dive in. This is especially true if your internal judgemental voice says something negative. Also, nice to meet you!BEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenBEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenBEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenWind of Change by Eva Illova and Anna MytculI Needed To Sit Down – Watched a few Netflix specials and I was out. Much appreciated.BROKEN 2.0 by Michael Benisty – I was out here shooting and young woman stumbled towards me in tears. She was a complete mess. She was a new burner and had been completely lost in the dust for three hours out in deep playa near the trash fence and she could not figure out how to get back to her camp. She was shaking and weak. She was out of water and having a panic attack. So I gave her water and offered food which she didn’t want. I tried to calm her down a little. That wasn’t working very well so I kept telling her everything was going to be fine while I dragged her back to her camp. The camp was Feed The Artists if memory serves. After I got some of her campmates’ attention they looked after her and gave her the support she needed. She was in good hands so I went back to shooting. She later sent me a text saying how thankful she was that I had helped her. I had almost forgotten how disorienting and scary the dust storms can be for new burners.Evolution Field by Matt McConnellPetaled Portal by David OliverPetaled Portal by David OliverPetaled Portal by David OliverLovely BurnerName UnknownName UnknownKintsugi: The Art of Healing by Claudi La BiancaPlayalchemistHomage au Dali by Jack Champion – I love how the light bounced off this piece at a certain time of day.Diver UP by Victor Spinelli and Solar Powered Mutant Vehicle
The sculpture will be a topless women holding an old diving helmet over her head.
She will be made several interlocking fiberglass pieces to create the seamless shape of her body and helmet. The interior superstructure will be reinforced with up-cyled and new mild carbon steel. Two I-Beams will anchor the structure to the ground.
The interior will have many elements of pipes, dials, compasses and reused marine gadgets as if you are entering a submarine. Information about our relation to the seas, and how we can help our oceans, will be placed throughout.
She will seem to be emerging from the Playa floor from her torso like a mirage.
Contact: spinelli@victorspinelli.comName UnknownEmotions without Morals II by Jacob Stelzriede
An interactive wood robot that had just run out of love. It’s searched the desert for two years for it’s citizens and they haven’t returned. The renew bots have stumbled upon this lonely robot and are giving it one last go to bring it back to life.
The renew bots are trying they best to figure out the right combination of color and love to bring their giant counter part back to life.
The piece is a 10 foot interactive metal and wood sculpture with sound activated LED’s and sensors to help bring it to life. There is a control panel with color coded buttons that will help explain how to interact with the sculpture and help the renew bots.Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Paradisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewTemple ShadowCircle of BurnersReactor Project by Assaf Allouche
The Reactor is an interactive 3D Hexagram.
It is built from recycled pieces of the previous burn’s Art piece, laid out in a different way, yet creating the same scared shape from the bird’s eye view.
It is a visible milestone, meant to walk-thru or bike-thru, take shelter from the sun or dust storms, play on its swings, and enjoy the light scheme at night.
Contact: info@thereactorproject.comBurning Man 2022 Panorama – Hot and Dusty out thereName UnknownBurning Man 2022 Aerial Photo: Hot and DustyBurning Man 2022 Aerial Photo: Hot and DustyHorus Mutant VehicleThe Heads by Jeremy Suurkivi and Adam JenkinsParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersHorus Mutant VehicleEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewFIRE by Zoe Fry and The Introverts Collective
The FIRE Installation appears as a grove of fire ravaged Manzanita trees in stark contrast to the white canvas of the Black Rock Desert. Each tree stands as a unique sculpture, an individual entity, made more beautiful by its initial struggle for sun, the resistance to gravity, and ultimately the sculpting by blazing wildfire heat.
The installation poses questions regarding humanities ongoing relationship to the element of fire. Is FIRE friend or foe; teacher, healer, provider or malevolent force? Accompanying the grove an interactive altar provides a space for 2D art and written word responses to the questions.
Contact: info@theintrovertscollective.comOwl’s Nest by Vladimir SofronovName UnknownDeep Playa Chill – Often find myself needing to get out to deep playa for no reason. Always nice out here.Trash FenceTrash FenceTrash FenceDusk On The EdgeBlack Rock City 2022Black Rock City 2022Inner Playa 2022The Mean Streets of BRCCurvesMore CurvesWe Out HereBROKEN 2.0 by Michael BenistyBORiNG Sign Camp BORiNG
Inspired by vintage Las Vegas casino signs and a healthy sense of irony, the BORiNG sign is an 18-ft tall, 20-ft long reminder to never take one’s self too seriously. The sign is made out of reclaimed sheet metal and discarded letters from dismantled corporate signs, hand painted, lit by 300 LED bulbs and securely attached to a welded base with wheels (and sometimes, pedal-power). The piece is fully mobile across the playa. You can usually find the BORiNG sign accompanying burns, alongside popular art projects, and framing the silhouette of the Man at sunset. With four 500-watt speakers and a playlist of danceables from the 60s, 70s and 80s, the mobile, rolling sign often attracts an entourage of sunset or late night boogie revellers.Confluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artConfluence by Confluence Collective
Convergence explores the creative potential of drones as an art form.
Contact: info@convergence.artEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewAerial Photo Burning Man 2022 at NightEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersLights of the Playa at NightEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comLuna the Crane – Thanks to Christian for the caption update!Sirsasana – Headstand by Srikanth Guttikonda, Josh Zubkoff, & Looking Up Arts
Rising 30 feet from the playa, Sirsasana is a whimsical inverted tree with its roots reaching for the sky. Its trunk is interwoven wooden arcs based on the golden ratio that form a hyperboloid. The tree’s canopy spreads out on the playa floor with openings that invite participants to explore its intricate inner geometry.
Sirsasana represents the ability to re-learn one’s own nature, the ability to change, to create new perspectives. It was born from a thought experiment that if a human can do Vrksasana, the tree pose in yoga, then can a tree do Sirsasana, a human-centric headstand pose?
Sirsasana’s beautiful radiating geometry will be covered leaf to roots with sentimental details to explore from Srikanth’s childhood home of Hyderabad.
Contact: sirsasana@lookingup.artBurners and Mutant Vehicle at NightI missed so much Flaming Lotus Girls amazingness yet again this year. This was as close as I got to capturing any FLG awesomeness. Sorry :(Empyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewCitipati by Ryan Mathern and the Charnel Lords Crew
The Citipati, fearsome protector deities, enact the eternal dance of death within an arching fire of perfect awareness.
Contact: (unfortunately I never managed to capture this piece with the fire on)Consumption by Tom Boughner and the Desert Propaganda Collective
Consumption is a 45′ tall sculpture in the shape of a dollar sign ($) assembled from discarded household appliances (washers, dryers, fridges, stoves, etc). Ninety appliances are layered and stacked to create the “S” of the dollar sign.
Consumption brings our focus to the end of the era of consumerism and overconsumption. Our current trajectory is no longer sustainable and we must change. Reflect upon the mountain of waste to guide our beliefs, ideas and spirits to a more rational use of earth’s limited resources.
We all play a part in the chain of excess that starts with raw materials and ends in landfills and oceans. Many factors tie us to our throw-away society. We are driven to
Contact: info@consumption2022.comEvolution Field by Matt McConnellEvolution Field by Matt McConnellMutant Vehicles at PlayalchemistOne of UsReflection by Michael BenistyBROKEN 2.0
The couples that are “meant to be” are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart and come out even stronger than they were before.
The complexities of love and growth are expressed within this symbol of unity.BROKEN 2.0
The couples that are “meant to be” are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart and come out even stronger than they were before.
The complexities of love and growth are expressed within this symbol of unity.BROKEN 2.0
The couples that are “meant to be” are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart and come out even stronger than they were before.
The complexities of love and growth are expressed within this symbol of unity.BROKEN 2.0
The couples that are “meant to be” are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart and come out even stronger than they were before.
The complexities of love and growth are expressed within this symbol of unity.BROKEN 2.0
The couples that are “meant to be” are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart and come out even stronger than they were before.
The complexities of love and growth are expressed within this symbol of unity.The Black Rock BijouBlack Rock Station by Black Rock Transportation Company
A mysterious rural train station appearing in the Black Rock Desert has become unstuck in time, haunted by ghost trains heard but not seen. Built in the mid-1930s to serve Black Rock City and the communities scattered throughout the vast Black Rock Desert, the station is unstable and oscillating through various moments over the last 150 years and beyond, with an ever-shifting interior life, and a subtle narrative that cuts against conventional historical themes.
Contact: ( I am absolutely taking the train to Burning Man next year!)Titanic’s End – Weird glitches happen when I’m processing photos. I like this glitch. Kinda wild.Paradisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comThe SKUM Thundercloud by Bjarke Ingles and Jakob LangeBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoTycho Sunrise 2022 – There are only maybe a handful of artists I will make the effort to seek out and find at Burning Man and Tycho is one of them for sure. You can listen to this set here: Sunrise 2022 – There are only maybe a handful of artists I will make the effort to seek out and find at Burning Man and Tycho is one of them for sure. You can listen to this set here: CloudTycho Sunrise 2022 – There are only maybe a handful of artists I will make the effort to seek out and find at Burning Man and Tycho is one of them for sure. You can listen to this set here: Sunrise 2022 – There are only maybe a handful of artists I will make the effort to seek out and find at Burning Man and Tycho is one of them for sure. You can listen to this set here: Sunrise 2022 – There are only maybe a handful of artists I will make the effort to seek out and find at Burning Man and Tycho is one of them for sure. You can listen to this set here: Sunrise 2022 – There are only maybe a handful of artists I will make the effort to seek out and find at Burning Man and Tycho is one of them for sure. You can listen to this set here: Sunrise 2022 – There are only maybe a handful of artists I will make the effort to seek out and find at Burning Man and Tycho is one of them for sure. You can listen to this set here: BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnersMonolink at PlayAlchemistMonolink at PlayAlchemistMonolink at PlayAlchemistMonolink at PlayAlchemistMonolink at PlayAlchemistMonolink at PlayAlchemistImbalance by Kerry Veenstra
Every second about four people are born and two people die. “Imbalance” viscerally reveals human population growth through digital counters that track worldwide births and deaths since the gate opened. By the end of the week, Imbalance will report about 3,400,000 births and 1,500,000 deaths.
URL: by Tom Boughner and the Desert Propaganda CollectiveThe Corporate Ladder by Michael Spraker / Night Visions Studios
A ladder stands and reaches upwards towards the sky. The higher the ladder reaches, the more narrow the ladder becomes. The ladder is lined with LED lights that dim the higher the ladder reaches. Four mannequins dressed in traditional American corporate attire stand in line waiting to climb the ladder.
The ladder reaches up towards the sky. This represents the long, rigorous climb that people make to reach a high status in corporate America. The higher a person climbs, the narrower the ladder becomes–representing the difficulty and limited space for people to make it big in the corporate world. Four men await to climb the ladder. One man checks his watch as he is already impatient to begin the long climb.
Contact: tofst2ctch@aol.comBlack Rock City Aerial Photo 2022Catharsis by Arthur Mamou-Mani and the Catharsis CrewCenter Camp The Man and The TempleBlack Rock City Aerial Photo 2022Burning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoNeighborhood Directory – What an amazing idea. Well done! I think this was AlterEgo.Dust ArtHappy Selfie – I love seeing people having a blast exploring the art. Especially when they’re friendly and being themselves.Happy Group Shot – I love seeing people having an absolute blast exploring the art. Especially when they’re friendly and being themselves.Consumption by Tom Boughner and the Desert Propaganda CollectiveSuburbia – Defund the HOA!Ratchetfish by Barry Crawford
RatchetFish is a Mechanical fish based on the deep sea hatchetfish which swims around in the air. Turning the cranks on the fence will control RatchetFish’s movements.
Contact: barrycrawfordart@gmail.comZendoNice Rig – Is that the commercial grade Starlink or maybe the one for ships? I have never seen this square model. I have the circle one and the rectangular one.Colorful VehicleMAIN THING The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main ThingThis is not a slow car It’s a Fast House (bumper sticker)Paradisium and BEAMThe SKUM Thundercloud by Bjarke Ingles and Jakob LangeName Unknown – Thank you to whomever built this. I took a much needed rest on the couch in here. I sat down on the couch in here and fell asleep almost instantly. Then I woke up and had no idea where I was for a minute. Then I got right back to it.Spacecats Final Landing by Ayda Keshtar and the Adenium CollectiveSpacecats Final Landing by Ayda Keshtar and the Adenium CollectiveSpacecats Final Landing by Ayda Keshtar and the Adenium CollectiveSpacecats Final Landing by Ayda Keshtar and the Adenium CollectiveSpacecats Final Landing by Ayda Keshtar and the Adenium CollectiveCombinationsMutant Vehicle and CloudMutant Vehicle Cloud ReflectionParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly Builders
Paradisium is an interactive grove of geometric trees built primarily out of reclaimed lumber and trees burnt in the CZU Lighting Complex fire in Santa Cruz. An interconnected canopy creates shadow art on the playa floor, and meandering pathways lead to an opening in the center. Climbable trees and various walkways among the canopy will afford elevated perspective. Just like a real forest, the grove will have its seasons and 24-hour cycles. Paradisium provides a space for respite and reflection while fostering a sense of community and an investment in our shared future.
Contact: info@follybuilders.comThis Looks Fun!Black Rock Philharmonic at Paradisium – Sometimes when you are flying a drone you can’t make out the details of what is going on below. When I realized this was a Black Rock Philharmonic performance I left immediately. I was just glad I was high enough to not disturb things.Black Rock Philharmonic at Paradisium – Sometimes when you are flying a drone you can’t make out the details of what is going on below. When I realized this was a Black Rock Philharmonic performance I left immediately. I was just glad I was high enough to not disturb things.Name UnknownDown SIxBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoSpacecats Final Landing by Ayda Keshtkar and the Adenium Collective
Spacecats is a whimsical tableau dedicated to cats that have passed away. Coming back for the third and final landing, the catstronauts will be joined by other furry friends. Inside the categon shaped mothership you’ll find a retro futuristic interactive interior. You can play with human sized cat toys, lounge on human sized plushy cat beds, and slide down the giant cat tongue. Spacecats are out of this world!
URL: https://www.aydakeshtkar.comThe SKUM Thundercloud by Bjarke Ingles and Jakob LangeHowling At The Sun – As the sun dips below the horizon burners howl. If you pay close attention you will notice how all the howls don’t happen at the same time. That’s because the horizon is not flat and the sun dips below the horizon at slightly different times. As you can see the shadow of the horizon here.Howling At The Sun – As the sun dips below the horizon burners howl. If you pay close attention you will notice how all the howling doesn’t happen at the same time. That’s because the horizon is not flat and the sun dips below the horizon at slightly different times. A wonderful moment every evening. awoooooooooo!Mountain ShadowsBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewThe Man BaseBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewCarillon (burn) by Steven Brummond Carillon is a 48′ tall wood bell tower covered in slat wood panels. There they encounter levers, ropes, and a spinning pole. All of these devices control one or a series of bells each ringing a special note. URL: Contact: Thanks to Christian for the caption updateCarillon (burn) by Steven Brummond Carillon is a 48′ tall wood bell tower covered in slat wood panels. There they encounter levers, ropes, and a spinning pole. All of these devices control one or a series of bells each ringing a special note. URL: Contact: Thanks to Christian for the caption updateCarillon (burn) by Steven Brummond Carillon is a 48′ tall wood bell tower covered in slat wood panels. There they encounter levers, ropes, and a spinning pole. All of these devices control one or a series of bells each ringing a special note. URL: Contact: Thanks to Christian for the caption updateCarillon (burn) by Steven Brummond Carillon is a 48′ tall wood bell tower covered in slat wood panels. There they encounter levers, ropes, and a spinning pole. All of these devices control one or a series of bells each ringing a special note. URL: Contact: Thanks to Christian for the caption updateCarillon (burn) by Steven Brummond Carillon is a 48′ tall wood bell tower covered in slat wood panels. There they encounter levers, ropes, and a spinning pole. All of these devices control one or a series of bells each ringing a special note. URL: Contact: Thanks to Christian for the caption updateCarillon (burn) by Steven Brummond Carillon is a 48′ tall wood bell tower covered in slat wood panels. There they encounter levers, ropes, and a spinning pole. All of these devices control one or a series of bells each ringing a special note. URL: Contact: Thanks to Christian for the caption updateCarillon (burn) by Steven Brummond Carillon is a 48′ tall wood bell tower covered in slat wood panels. There they encounter levers, ropes, and a spinning pole. All of these devices control one or a series of bells each ringing a special note. URL: Contact: Thanks to Christian for the caption updateEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewBurning Man 2022 Aerial Photo at NightEmergence by: Jesse Lightcap and The Emergence Project
In most parts of the world, the Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. The last metamorphosis stage of a dragonfly is when a nymph leaves the water, walks to dry land, and with its last molt, the body and wings of the dragonfly expand, and this process is named “Emergence.”
As a burner approaches, emerging from the dry playa will be grass, lily pads, and flowers made from recycled materials.
A desert dragonfly made with a structural steel frame will be drinking from a pond. The dragonfly will produce ambient lighting at night.
The wings will provide curious burners with a shady place to retreat to while pondering their own transformation.
Contact: stephnistler@gmail.comLive Music on Abaraxas – Love this crew. OGs.Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Consumption by Tom Boughner and the Desert Propaganda CollectiveSecretly Abandoned Spaces
by: Valerie Mallory, Mikell Haynes and They Collective
from: Oakland, CA
year: 2022
Every abandoned space retains a feeling of what it once was. Abandoned buildings retain a beauty of that which has been forsaken; it’s the loveliness of disintegration. This piece is about the beauty of loss and decay of a building, a community or of a loved one. Elegance emerges from loss as the world takes back its own. The house becomes a church of ideas that have died and long passed. The cast figures upon the staircase is a theatre, or a play. The interplay of figures tell their own stories. The figures will also be ornate as structures of antiquity. Secretly Abandoned Spaces in a museum of stories that have been lost in antiquity.
Contact: abandoned.secretly@gmail.comTHEM by Simón Malvaez + Brenden Darby
THEM invites participants to enter it and identify with the art-making the sculpture into THEM. Through community interactions and the people around us can the sculpture be transformed into new faces. At night those new faces are then expressed upon the playa in shadows created from an internal light. To explore the different personalities of “THEM”, one must generate commitment as part of the change, and this participation can be done alone but it is much easier to do with the support of a community. The sculpture will act as a meeting point for observation, contemplation, and self-discovery.
Contact: brenden@qmagiccreative.comCamp Facade 100BWBHarmonicFlamingosP3 OASISBurning Man 2022 Aerial Photo at NightBurning Man 2022 Aerial Photo at NightBurning Man 2022 Aerial Photo at NightBurning Man 2022 Aerial Photo at NightKamp KissEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewFacing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Name Unknown – I should know the name of this but can’t remember it. Sorry!Facing the Fearbeast by Tigre Mashaal-Lively & Make Love Visible
‘Facing the Fearbeast’ is a project about facing the fears that hound us, both externally and internally. A snarling monster of claws and teeth and nightmares looms over a lone child, who faces the monster with dignified courage.
The Beast itself represents both the actual dangers that threaten us from outside as well as the complex of traumas, self-deceits, & phobias that exists within and perpetuates the many miseries that humans deliver upon each other and themselves.
The Child figures represent both the Wounded/traumatized child that is often at the core of many of humanity’s most destructive and violent behavior, as well as the Healing child that is both vulnerable and powerful in their creativity and capacity for love.
RIP Tigre Mashaal-Lively. My heart goes out to all friends, Burners, and Family of Tigre. I did not know Tigre and I was not sure if I should post these but I decided to post them for the community to honor the incredible work.Point of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)Point of View by HYBYCOZO (Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk)The Solar Shrine by Antwane Lee and CollectiveMebuyan’s Vessel by Leeroy New and Luca ParolariRunning ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManDrone ManThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesThe Man Wearing Larry Harvey’s Hat in DronesDrones LandingBROKEN 2.0 and Mayan WarriorLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely Burners – When people ask me to take their photo I always oblige!BLM – On the night of the lightning storm this fellow was driving past and I asked him if he had seen the lightning. He had not. He got out the truck and watched part of the lightning storm with me. Both of us just in awe of the storm. These guys are out there doing a job and have been very professional and friendly with me. I had all positive experiences with them all this year. The next time I saw him he was very happy to see me.Stroller Mutant VehicleS.S. Serpent Queen Mutant Vehicle – Thanks to danceMei for the caption update. UnknownName UnknownThe Solar Shrine by Antwane Lee and CollectiveThe Solar Shrine by Antwane Lee and CollectiveInner PlayaParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersLayers of BRCDUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.Butterfly Tree Woman – I found a small butterly ornament on the ground and about a minute later I saw Butterfly Woman. I said “Excuse me did you drop this?” and she said “no, that’s not one of mine” We proceeded to have a nice little chat about the odds of me finding a butterfly on the ground right near a person adorned in butterflies. We added it to her collection. It was nice.DayBreaker – Party at the Man Base.DayBreaker – Party at the Man Base.Turkish Breakfast ClubDayBreakers – Party at the man base.DayBreakers – Party at the man base.DayBreakers – Party at the man base.“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x.“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x. BurnerThe Resurrection of the Clothes Peg by Usha Seejarim and Project Aikido
The artwork is a large modular sculpture of half a wooden peg made from a series of steel galvanised pipes. It is called the Resurrection of the Clothes Peg and is an ode the resurgence of the female voice. The monumental form of an ordinary household item like a wooden peg is meant to evoke a sense of criticality questioning why such a rudimentary form is given such importance. There is a clear dichotomy of male and female energies as the form is heavy and solid and erect – almost phallic, yet the message is about feminine strength. The item represented is a reference to female domestic chores and its function of holding and supporting.
Contact: info@thesaofoundation.orgInto The DustFractal Droid by Jenna Finney, Aaron Sierra, and the Fractal Droid Collective
The Fractal Droid sculpture will be a 12′ X 15′ tall biomechanical head extruding from the earth, cracked open like an egg with a curved ultra-wide face screen displaying HD content by our Visual Artists. The VR aesthetic draws our viewers in to explore the textures and programmed light designs within the sculpture.
The exterior aesthetic is created out of laser cut birch and CNC cut plywood painted with high gloss finishes and covered in programmed LED strips, spot lights, and ambient speakers, the sculpture is a high functioning playscape of social connection experiences integrating technology and human energy.
The fractal droid is interactive sculpture that is a bridge way between the integration of man and digital art technology.
Contact: jennapixels@gmail.comDust and BurnerMayan Warrior For Scale – I was trying to figure out a way to show how big these passing dust clouds were. I didn’t have a banana handy so this will do.Mayan Warrior For Scale – I was trying to figure out a way to show how big these passing dust clouds were. I didn’t have a banana handy so this will do.Dust Devil – It’s fun to ride your bike through these.Dust and Burner at the Trash FenceSonic Sphere by Kugel CollectiveSonic Sphere by Kugel CollectiveForest of Dreams by Laura Kimtpon and CrewThe SKUM Thundercloud by Bjarke Ingles and Jakob LangeThe SKUM Thundercloud by Bjarke Ingles and Jakob LangeThe SKUM Thundercloud by Bjarke Ingles and Jakob LangeBlack Rock Station by Black Rock Transportation Company
A mysterious rural train station appearing in the Black Rock Desert has become unstuck in time, haunted by ghost trains heard but not seen. Built in the mid-1930s to serve Black Rock City and the communities scattered throughout the vast Black Rock Desert, the station is unstable and oscillating through various moments over the last 150 years and beyond, with an ever-shifting interior life, and a subtle narrative that cuts against conventional historical themes.
Contact: info@blackrocktrainstation.comName UnknownDUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.DUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.DUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.DUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.DUALITY by Michael Benisty
The greater the tension the greater the potential.Deep Playa NothingsBrain Drain by Dan Barnes Tinker
If people are not fighting and hating, make something up to get it started. Drive that wedge between neighbors. Each and every day we are fed mass amounts of information from mass media, social media, and governments. Misinformation, hate, and discourse are the norm.
Maximize the ugliness being fed to the people. Keep any compassion and love to a minimum. Getting along and helping each other is a bad thing. Keep the people in cages and feed them the madness that keeps them hating. ( I missed all the dishes and antennae surrounding this piece. Only noticed them later. Sorry!)Time Tomb, Black Rock Station, and BijouVimoshka by Michael EmeryEmergence by: Jesse Lightcap and The Emergence Project
In most parts of the world, the Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. The last metamorphosis stage of a dragonfly is when a nymph leaves the water, walks to dry land, and with its last molt, the body and wings of the dragonfly expand, and this process is named “Emergence.”
As a burner approaches, emerging from the dry playa will be grass, lily pads, and flowers made from recycled materials.
A desert dragonfly made with a structural steel frame will be drinking from a pond. The dragonfly will produce ambient lighting at night.
The wings will provide curious burners with a shady place to retreat to while pondering their own transformation.
Contact: stephnistler@gmail.comName UnknownName UnknownName UnknownThe SKUM Thundercloud by Bjarke Ingles and Jakob LangeTitanic’s End Mutant VehicleSo Many Moons – I can’t even tell which moons are the real anymore. Heh. Seriously though, props to the gentlemen driving this mutant vehicle. I asked to take their photo and they were friendly and wanted to play. He said “the last time I shot photos at Burning Man was for National Geographic”. Love it! This little fun interaction gets seared into my brain and this little moon art car gets photographed from now on.Lovely Burner – Always a pleasure to see you and thanks for the spray dude!A Temple of Masks by Jason GronlundMy Noisy Brain – When I’m shooting on the playa this is sort of what the inside of my brain looks like.PlayAlchemistKukulkan’s Portal by Liquid PXL / Abram Santa CruzYou Are Not Alone by Olivia SteeleLovely BurnerHope by Ali B.
The clenched fist has long been used as a symbol of resistance. This can be traced back to the 19th century, when revolutionaries first used it against the European monarchies. It was later adopted by Europe’s anti-fascist movement. In the 1960’s, most famously through Tommy Smith and John Carlos at the Mexico City Olympics, it became both an iconic symbol of the Black Power Movement and a universal representation of the struggle for civil and human rights. The image symbolizes the ongoing racism and injustice throughout the world, but it is also a beacon of power, pride and perseverance – holding the promise of ‘Hope’.
URL: These MomentsEsplanade
Spacecats Final Landing by Ayda Keshtkar and the Adenium Collective
Spacecats is a whimsical tableau dedicated to cats that have passed away. Coming back for the third and final landing, the catstronauts will be joined by other furry friends. Inside the categon shaped mothership you’ll find a retro futuristic interactive interior. You can play with human sized cat toys, lounge on human sized plushy cat beds, and slide down the giant cat tongue. Spacecats are out of this world!
URL: https://www.aydakeshtkar.comBlack Rock City 2022 PanoramaMore and More DustMayan Warrior and DustBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewAerial Photo Black Rock City 2022Aerial Photo Black Rock City 2022The Man BaseEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewThe Afterlife by Blitzy aka Ade, Chickpea, Steve Dudek, Scott Pando, Noah Schnaubelt
The Afterlife is a visually stunning LED and blacklight installation. It is an immersive and interactive art piece arranged in a Tibetan-inspired mandala.
Forming the outer circle, The Four Gates of the Universe are cornerstones, aligned with the cardinal directions and connected by prayer flags.
Journey inwards, interact with fire-breathing dragons, Family of Flags, Flaming Lotus heaters, Windows of past life pagodas, incense urns and glowing Dazebeds. Anchored in the center is The Stairway to Heaven Temple.
The Afterlife is an ethereal and whimsical dreamland beyond our lifetime. A portal of transition between living and dead, it’s a meeting point between the two worlds attracting soul travelers from far away distances.
Contact: blitzyburn@gmail.comFire!Mayan WarriorAerial Photo Black Rock City 2022Name UnknownCatharsis by Arthur Mamou-Mani and the Catharsis Crew
Catharsis is a fractal gallery for our infinite dreams.
It welcomes all arts in the spirit of radical inclusion and self-expression, acting both as amphitheater on playa and a travelling museum for burners around the world. After the event, it will be re-assembled in other cities.
Catharsis is a physical representation of the hyperbolic space. It is a three-dimensional representation of a geometry that could only exist in an another reality – or does it?
This infinite space has seven gateways elevating to the sky and getting increasingly intricate and intimate, forming a dream-like set of galleries for everyone to use and place art of all kind.
URL: on Dreams by Mark Dill
Feeding on Dreams is a 10ft tall hummingbird with a 10 ft wingspan feeding off of a flower whose center is the planet earth. It represents the collective dreams of society as one people feeding other sentient life.
Contact: circusmark@live.comName UnknownEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersThe Prarie of Possibilities by The Moonlight CollectiveThe Prarie of Possibilities by The Moonlight CollectiveThe SKUM Thundercloud by Bjarke Ingles and Jakob Lange (They really nailed the way the light of a cloud in a thunderstorm. Well done. Hats off!)Titanic’s End Mutant VehicleName UnknownBROKEN 2.0 by Michael BenistyBROKEN 2.0 by Michael BenistyBROKEN 2.0 by Michael BenistyLee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Burning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo VerbeckParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersBEAM by Benjamin Langholz with engineering by Amihay GonenBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoLee Burridge at Robot HeartLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnersLee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLovely BurnerLee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lovely Burner – Love the tiny dancefloor!Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lee Burridge Robot Heart 2022Lovely BurnersGreat To See You Again!The Self Help Yourself Bookshelf by Brie’Ana Breeze and Crew
Not just another library on playa, the Self Help Yourself BookShelf has a few surprises in store for for those seeking some dusty enlightenment. Come laugh at the punny titles, but stay to get some wisdom dropped.It Was Even Dusty INSIDEDusty Strike – Kinda fun how we all decided to call it strike this year?!Dusty VacuumCensusPlaya InfoLost & Found and Playa Info – A burner keeps the flame alive in the dust at Crimson Rose’s (and Iron Monkeys’) El DiablaPlaya InfoPomo by Gregg Fleishman
POMO embodies the structural geometry of the cubic world, more specifically of a 3D checkerboard of cubes expanded to interconnect. The fabric of space. Clustered as a group of five pods with a spire on a pyramidal tiered base it evokes a vessel, perhaps a Genies Bottle? Or is it similar to a pomegranate, an ancient multi-chambered fruit with lots of red seeds? Consisting of fully truncated rhombic dodecahedral pods where the panels are what is left of the faces and the connectors crossing what would be their edges, they include floors and seat backs, and are designed to hold as many people as can fit in or on them, being made from solid birch plywood panels and connecting parts and an engineered LVL lumber frame.
Contact: studio@greggfleishman.comATABEY by NiNo
ATABEY is the supreme goddess of the Taínos, the native tribes who inhabited the Caribbean islands, mostly in Puerto Rico. She is worshiped as the deity of fresh water, representing the Earth Spirit, Divine Mother. Their God was female.
We chose to honor ATABEY’s symbolism with a fish coming up for air on the Playa in order to bring attention to the state of the Earth and the dire consequences of today’s dominant world views, those that are legacies of colonization’s victors. ATABEY’s legacy is to respect our waters and land.
Contact: mucaro@leaveittonino.comPetaled Portal by David OliverWhen In Doubt Follow The FlagsDusty ManThe FACE Project by TITHOREA X NAE
The Face is an open invitation to face oneself. Collaged from Haeckel’s biological illustrations and synced with Rumi’s poetic calling, is the airy sculpture of 1D elements. Standing as a symbol of unity, the Face bridges: East & West, spiritual & biological, aquatic & terrestrial, fauna & flora.
Aquatic creatures constitute the elements forging the parallax illusion of a genderless portrait collage. Ambient music, sounds of nature, & multilingual echoes of Rumi’s call, seduce wandering souls in BRC with a multisensorial composition that awakens the mind.
The Face beckons to all and guides without advice. The target is meditative dialogue. The process is intentional & incremental: one step at a time, one visitor after the other.
Contact: milennae@gmail.comDrishti by: Kirsten Berg
Inspired by a Sanskrit philosophical phrase, “Drishti, Srishti”, meaning: “As is your vision, so is your universe” or, “How you behold, is what you unfold”. Drishti is a sculptural expression, and reflective symbol, of finding ourselves at a critical point in history, in which we are called upon to focus and engage our collective gaze into a more elevated vision, as co-creators and collaborators of our individual and shared realities.
Shimmering in mirrored steel, Drishti’s elegantly arcing angles sweep our gaze upward. Here, our individual reflections in each ‘facet’ of the multitude of lens-like convex mirror are framed with everyone else’ into a mosaic portrait of shared reflection, pointing us to the stars, literally and symbolically
Contact: kberginfo@gmail.comDusty – You know its dusty when the sky gets dark and everything looks brown.SuburbiaWhere is Everyone?Imagine Howling WindPost Office Busy In The DustThese Look NeatSwing CityDistrikt – People were partying at Distrikt in these conditions. Love it.Distrikt – People were partying at Distrikt in these conditions. Love it.Lonely StrikeWhere Even Am I? Oh.Mirage GarageIt Was Better Last Year Black Rock CityDusty StrikeDo More Now (I think?)Equal and Opposite CampDusty SpinsMutant Vehicle Name UnknownDusty StrikeEl Diabla by Crimson Rose and The Iron MonkeysCatharsis by Arthur Mamou-Mani and the Catharsis CrewCatharsis by Arthur Mamou-Mani and the Catharsis CrewCatharsis by Arthur Mamou-Mani and the Catharsis CrewDusty Rig and Vehicle PassesBlack Rock RealtyName UnknownDusty StrikeDusty StrikeWELCOME to Fabulous SIN CITY BLACK ROCK CITY NEVADA SignShapes – It’s hard to make out what the hell things are when I’m out shooting in the dust. Between my goggles being full of dust and my overall lack of mental horsepower, sometimes all I can make out is shapes. I like shapes.TIME IS NOT RELATIVE HERE FUCK YOUR BURNMAXA XAMAN Mutant VehicleMutant Vehicles Await The Man BurnBounce Mutant VehicleThe Man – I love the story behind the evolution of the Man’s colors over the past few years. Like most things Burning Man, there are layers to this onion! Also, now you have something to go research.Fire Conclave 2022Fire Conclave 2022Fire Conclave 2022Fire Conclave 2022Fire Conclave 2022Fire Conclave 2022Fire Conclave 2022Fire Conclave 2022Fire Conclave 2022Fire Conclave 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022Burning Man 2022 Aerial Photo at NightThe Man Burn 2022Burning Man Aerial Photo 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022The Man Burn 2022Burning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoGood TimesFire Spin and Mutant VehiclesMAXA Mutant VehicleThe Electric Giraffe (aka ‘Rave Raffe’) – Thank you to Matthew Morris for the caption update. Learn more about the project here: electricgiraffe.comMAXA Mutant VehicleConsumption by Tom Boughner and the Desert Propaganda CollectiveEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewA Temple of Masks by Jason GronlundEl Pulpo Magnifico by Duane Flatmo and Crew – One of the coolest parts about going to Burning Man is seeing how people are going to one up themselves next year. You thought El Pulpo Mecanico was gone forever? NOPE, here is El Pulpo Magnifico! Boom! Amazing.El Pulpo Magnifico by Duane Flatmo and Crew – One of the coolest parts about going to Burning Man is seeing how people are going to one up themselves next year. You thought El Pulpo Mecanico was gone forever? NOPE, here is El Pulpo Magnifico! Boom! Amazing.El Pulpo Magnifico by Duane Flatmo and Crew – One of the coolest parts about going to Burning Man is seeing how people are going to one up themselves next year. You thought El Pulpo Mecanico was gone forever? NOPE, here is El Pulpo Magnifico! Boom! Amazing.Mutant VehiclesParty at DawnBRC Aerial Black and WhiteBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewBRC Aerial Photo at DawnFresh Pavement on EsplanadeBijou Sunrise – You can buy daydreams here! It’ll tickle your innards! Love it.Burning Man 2022 Aerial Photo at DawnBurning Man 2022 Aerial Photo at DawnBurning Man 2022 Aerial Picture at DawnParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersParadisium by Dave Keane and Folly BuildersMorning ShadowsEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewName UnknownEmpyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewAbraxasBurning Man Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoLovely BurnersGood TimesDifficult Job – If it doesn’t come from your body it doesn’t go in the porta potty. Please stop putting things that aren’t human waste in here. This is already a difficult job and you are just making it harder for these guys.Toro Rosso by Seth johnson
The bull is a symbol of strength and power. In the dream state the bull is abstracted, as is on the playa the bull will be a dream state of power and strength. This work is inspired by Salvadore Dali in the walking dream state.
Contact: sethrocks99@hotmail.comThe Midnight Museum of That One Time at Burning Man
by Jerry Snyder
The Midnight Museum will be 25 faux stained-glass lanterns depicting artworks, events, and people of significant interest within Burning Man culture. Each lantern will be a box 3′ tall and 2′ wide on a 3′ high stand. Each will consist of a wood box housing a faux stained-glass panel on each vertical face. Each lantern will be lit from within and will be topped with a light pole. On the top of each pole will be an LED beacon that will display a variety of enticing colors designed to draw viewers in from across the playa. At the base of each pole will be a button that, if pressed and held down, will cause the beacon to dim. The lanterns will be arranged in a regular square grid with the lanterns 6′ apart on center.Skull Mutant VehicleAshes of the Man Burn – I hope you got some goodies out of here Crimson!Breakfast Cooking on the Ashes of the Man Burn – Let’s put another shrimp on the BBQ?!“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x.“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x.“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x.“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x.“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x.“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x.“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x.“PROSTHESIS” is a 4000kg, 200hp, 100% human controlled, electric mechanical suit that amplifies the pilots strength by 50x. PIke – (pro tip: bring empty “overflow” bins with you to a burn. That way when things don’t pack up quite the same way or expand (as they do) you still have room for all the things.Empyrean by Laurence Renzo Verbeck and CrewEmergence by Jesse Lightcap and The Emergence Project
In most parts of the world, the Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. The last metamorphosis stage of a dragonfly is when a nymph leaves the water, walks to dry land, and with its last molt, the body and wings of the dragonfly expand, and this process is named “Emergence.”
As a burner approaches, emerging from the dry playa will be grass, lily pads, and flowers made from recycled materials.
A desert dragonfly made with a structural steel frame will be drinking from a pond. The dragonfly will produce ambient lighting at night.
The wings will provide curious burners with a shady place to retreat to while pondering their own transformation.
Contact: stephnistler@gmail.comBYTE by FOUNDERS Jason Blanda and Andrew Lazorchak – Super bummed I didn’t see you guys out there. Next year!This Is Burning Man – Two people Mooping out in deep playa near the end of a burn. Nobody asked them to do this. They are just doing it because that’s what Burners do. Burning Man is not all glamour and partying. It’s actually mostly just lots of hard work. Much of the hard work goes on without much fanfare. Like the hour or so these two spent picking up somoene else’s mess. From the people back at home in support roles, to the builds, to the restoration crews, DPW, and so on, Burning Man is hard work that’s what makes it singular.Mayan Warrior Camp and ILUMINA by Pablo Gonzalez VargasSteve – It was great to see you out there just killing it Steve. Watching Steve interact with Burners who were looking at the art helped make with zero ego or attitude was wonderful. Thank you Steve, Michael, and crew for your incredible art. Legends.Reflection by Michael BenistyJamen Percy – This is what an absolute legend looks like. Jamen was just kicking ass out there. Jamen was not only contributing wonderful photographs, he was shooting video, gigapans, hyperlapses, and making radical gifts. Not to mention the incredible costume. Jamen was even a great campmate. It has been a pleasure to get to know you and spend fleeting moments together when neither of us are shooting. Jamen is a legit badass. I can’t say enough good things about Jamen. If anyone in the ORG happens to see this, please support Jamen in whatever capacity possible. Jamen is hard working, respectful, and extremely talented. Doin it right if you will. Check out Jamen’s website for incredible Burning Man images. As an aside, Jamen and I were flying drones with the correct permissions at Burning Man this year. We both had to travel internationally to take our FAA Part 107 certification and were given permission to fly by the wonderful BRC Safety Team. If you were flying drones this year without permission you were doing it wrong. Like the guy I stopped from flying during the temple burn over the crowd. Like really man?! Yikes. Please contact me or the ORG and I can point you in the right direction for requesting permission to fly drones at Burning Man. It’s not simple to fly safely.Homage au Dali by Jack ChampionXuza Mutant VehicleTemple Burn 2022Temple Burn 2022Temple Burn 2022Temple Burn 2022Temple Burn 2022Temple Burn 2022Burnstream Point Lighthouse and Burners Temple Burn 2022 – Thanks to Christian for the caption update.Temple Burn 2022Temple Burn 2022Temple Burn 2022Temple Burn 2022Burning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoBurning Man 2022 Aerial PhotoLeaving The Playa – This is what it looks like when you put your camera bag away and have to use your phone to take a picture. The horror! ;) You’d think after all these years I would know to never put my camera away, ever. You know you’re tired when the fundamentals go out the window.Providing WIFI at Exodus was Fun – I had my little Starlink terminal so I used it to gave people WIFI during exodus. At the start of each pulse I would show this sign to all the cars near me. At first everyone thought I was joking and laughed. Watching their faces go from laughing to “oh really I can watch cat videos right here and now?!” was hilarious. For many Burners it was their first time communicating with family and friends since before the burn and they were absolutely ecstatic. Exodus was super fun for me. I also ran the WIFI network at our camp. We had 100% uptime between the Starlink and the participant network because Dan rules!Paraluna by Christopher SchardtGAIA by Marco Cochrane
GAIA, a 40′ metal/mesh sculpture of a reclining woman is the latest sculpture by Marco Cochrane with Julia Cortell: Inspired by and in honor of nurturing energy…mother energy…love and connection: and the joy we feel when we act on the imperative to take care of each other and our planet. We are all one.
Oh you thought we were done? Nope! Since you made it this far here are some bonus 360 images!
Thank You Dorothy Extra special thank you Dorothy for continuing to allow me to come out to the burn. I love you very much!
More Thank Yous Thank you: Sarge, Mr. Wonderful, Jamen, Scott, Jeremy, Jazzy, Cello, Nate, Cathy, and the rest of our camp. Also special thanks to Marian, Dominique, Polaris, Crunchy, Dayna, and the Media Mecca legends. Thank you to Gabe and the BRC Safety Team as well. Special shout out to Harold and Tracey for putting up with me. Also shout out to Elon who is Tracey’s BFF ;)
Keep Burning Man extra-weird and potentially fatal!
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