My brother is helping a small village in Botswana by telling their story and raising money for them. Please go and check it out:
If you have an interest in the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa, we would like to invite you to visit
With today’s sensational media and political agendas affecting what we see, this website will offer you an opportunity to see first hand the battle to control HIV/AIDS in the small village of Nata in Botswana. Botswana, in Southern Africa, has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world. The pandemic has left Nata with over 400 orphans.
The blog was born when world traveler Jon Rawlinson met up with Melody Jenkins who serves as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. Both were frustrated with the fact that enormous amounts of money are pouring into Africa yet little money is getting to the village level and to those who need it most. Jon made three visits to Nata and filmed a documentary about HIV/AIDS in the village. The documentary which is currently in production led the way to the website.
The website will show you the Nata Clinic, feature PLWA’s (People Living with AIDS), village life, youth groups, the Kgosi’s (chiefs) and the professionals involved in the fight to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. Thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 60,000 people in Botswana are taking the life saving ARV’s (Anti-retroviral medication). The challenge is that for years there was no help for those with HIV/AIDS. Getting people to accept and adhere to the ARV’s is an ongoing struggle. The PLWA’s and the youth groups are instrumental in educating the villagers and we hope to support them with this website. Thanks to the ARV’s, Nata is now a village of hope and much can be done to save the lives of those infected with HIV/AIDS.
Melody is working to start the Nata AIDS and Orphan Trust. If you choose to donate, that’s great but it is not the primary objective. We are equally interested in sharing the stories of the People Living with AIDS, introducing you to village life and letting you meet the players that are involved in this drama that is unfolding in Nata.
Thanks for taking the time to check us out. If you like what you see, please forward this to your friends.
Jon Rawlinson & Melody Jenkins
Technorati Tags: AIDS, HIV, Nata Village