| 01/19/2006 | Feds after Google data:
“The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guarded databases.”
Technorati Tags: google | 01/19/2006 | Feds after Google data:
“The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guarded databases.”
Technorati Tags: google
2000 American Soldiers are now dead in Iraq.
Update: What in the God Damn on the 2000 dead soldiers:
‘what’s so special about 2,000? What, 1,998 isn’t enough for yah? Its almost like a celebration that 2 more soldiers have lost their life! “Great news everyone! Some guy Alexander, or George, or whatever, anyhow, he died! Now we can finally have our big march! Woo-Hoo!”‘
You could call it a train wreck
Here are some satellite pictures for Google Earth that show the before and after of the Hurricane. More here from Google.
"Kick their ass and take their gas." Wow. [via]
Apparently Presi Bushy ain’t too happy with the press these days. He deals with the press like any classy statesman would, by giving the finger*. Hot Dang! I guess he’s still trying to fit in. [via] (*thumb)
I had mixed feeling about that whole Live8 thing. It must have been the celebrities wearing huge diamonds while they pretend to care about poverty. I’m just as lazy as the next guy so a concert that makes us all feel good about being lazy togther and pretending we all care rubs me the wrong way because I’m just as guilty as everyone else. Sarah McLachlan’s World on Fire video may or may not be an example of this. I’d like to believe she actually cares but the cynic in me doesn’t buy it. I posted this a while back but thought it was worth mentioning again because I love this and hate this all at once.
Whether you like unions or you hate them, you have to admit blocking your own union’s website using your own network is pretty dirty:
- Telus blocks access to pro-union websites
CBC: BC- Phone company blocks access to telecoms union’s website
Boing Boing- Telus Plays Some Dirty, Dirty Pool
Darren Barefoot