Category: Personal Stuff

  • Robots are cool


    I think Robots are cool.

  • Slam City Jam Photos Vancouver 2004

    P5020043Slam City Jam Photos Vancouver 2004. For those of you who were there you would know what I mean when I say these kids we’re “no joke” and that it was all about the “true street” man.


    To see more shots click here ( slideshow) To see who won the comp click (Continue reading “Slam City Jam Photos Vancouver 2004”) below…

  • Funny little comment:

    A while back I posted a link to a photo of polar ice caps melting. According to my referrer logs I now get a bunch of people coming to my site everyday looking for this very thing. For a while I thought these were just extremely cynical and frustrated people like me, but now I know these people are actually little kids looking for info for their projects on global warming. How do I know this? Check out this comment some kid posted on that page:

    “My teacher is starting to become an evil ogar because i am smarter than her!”

    imagesEvil Ogre Ha! That’s such a perfect way to describe some of my teachers from high school. Oh man do I ever know how this kid feels. I used to hate so many of my teachers. I didn’t hate them because I thought I was more intelligent, but because THEY WERE OUT TO GET ME! When I would complain to my parents or other teachers the response would always be: “well its no like so and so is out to get you” FUCK THAT! Yes they were. I swear some of my high school teachers would enjoy harassing students… I’m sure everyone can relate to this in some way.

  • Eyesores and Futurekids

    My site is an eyesore. Just look at how much crap there is on this one page! Argh, must re-design this little site. (it doesn’t look too bad when rockin a 1680 X 1050 res monitor but how many of you are actually…) yada yada…
    On another note I stumbled across a site that was reported to be very well designed. The site ended up being nice to look at but the blog post was much more interesting. This blog post is written snail mail letter style from a mom to her kid who is only three months old. How fucked up is that???!!! It just struck me as odd but at the same time very cool. Imagine if you and I had the ability to go back in time via our parent’s blog and read about our lives. It would be like recovering the memory from the very early parts of our lives. How funny would it be to make fun of your parents for their posts about that hot new 8-track player aka Ipod. That brought me to another thought: what the hell will my kids think if they ever read this stuff?! I’ve kept this site going since Oct 4 2002 with relative ease. Is it that hard to imagine I will keep my blog for many years to come? Message to my future kid: Stop reading this you little spaz, stop procrastinating do some work and then go outside, oh no wait the air is not safe to breath out there anymore is it. Sorry about that, blame that on your grandparents.

  • Testing ECTO

    I am testing Ecto right now. I am trying to see if I can use it to post to multiple blogs at the same time.

    Currently listening to: Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. [SomaFM]

  • My Personal Zeitgeist

    finally added the File Manager ( control panel –> files ) to their list of features. For Typepad geeks like me it makes creating these websites much easier. Before this I was unable to see all the crap I had uploaded to my Typepad server. Of course the first thing I did once this new feature was available was go and see “all the crap I had uploaded to my Typepad server” (this will take a while to load because its every single image I have uploaded since I started using typepad)

  • Easter Weekend


    Here is an album of pics from my easter weekend. This is mainly for the rest of my family…

  • This site…

    I just spent some time looking through my site statistics… According to “Typepad Stats” I get an average of 343.97 hits a day. I like to think that I’m somehow spreading my propaganda by forcing people who come to this site to read all my nutty left wing articles and information. I like to think that I’m not “preaching to the choir” because people who come to the site are searching completely unrelated topics such as : janet jackson brest , superbowl bullshit , dj dangermouse download , bush caught off guard , breakance , Asimo movies , headvertise , penguin toss , Starwars Kid Remix , awesome picture , polar ice caps photo , frank the tank game , typepad manual.

    In reality nobody really gives a shit. I can tell because hardly anyone ever comments, but I think its fun so who cares…

    What do you think about this site? Post a comment below down_arrow.gif

  • the friday five

    the friday five

    1. What was the last song you heard?
    Moonlight In Vermont : Chet Baker

    2. What were the last two movies you saw?
    Pieces of April

    3. What were the last three things you purchased?
    Blenz Coffee
    Tim Horton’s Coffee
    Tim Horton’s Coffee

    4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
    Write a script
    Fine cut of my first film Room Six
    Pack up Vases for my mother
    and relax

    5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
    My girlfriend, my editor, my dp, some other peeps…

  • CREAX – Creativity for Innovation

    CREAX – Creativity for Innovation