Category: Politics

  • The links below are non-corporate

    The links below are non-corporate news sources that provide another perspective on the war on Iraq.

    Democracy Now

    Democracy Now! is a national, listener-sponsored public radio and TV show, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the c ountry. We air Monday-Friday on over 120 stations including Pacifica radio stations, Pacifica affiliates,, public access TV stations, Free Speech TV (DishNetwork Channel 9415), and Shortwave Radio (Radio for Peace International). We are available to all stations.

  • I’m guilty of this “Anti-Americanism.”

    I’m guilty of this “Anti-Americanism.” I’m not sure why but I think it has to do with the fact that its easy to blame everything on the Bush Administration and the United States. It’s much harder to really read and actually delve into all the issues to learn about what is going on. It’s easy to relate everything to the Bush Administration and their conspiracy-like search for a safe and consistent supply of oil. Blame it on the United States and the quest for oil! I admit, I am guilty of this in every respect.

    Instead of watching television I read websites and non-corporate media and thus I feel morally superior to “the masses” but I’m no better because I have created a weblog that has generally consisted of “anti-American” links. From now on I will post a more balanced and not-so-blatantly biased selection of links and commentary…

    Then again this doesn’t matter because only a few people even know this site exists. I guess this is a message to myself to stop being such a hypocrite and start practicing what I preach…

  • Technorati: Top 100 Interesting NewcomersRanked

    Technorati: Top 100 Interesting NewcomersRanked by proportion of new links from blogs in the last 24 hours

    A list of interesting blogs that you may not know about, but people are talking about. It is biased towards blogs that have a moderate number of people linking to them, but who have had some interesting original content in the last few days. This is still experimental, I’m getting a feeling for the usefulness of this search. It should bring up relatively less-known blogs that have new, interesting content posted on them. Send me feedback and let me know what you think.

  • Iraq will accept UN resolution

    Iraq ‘will accept’ UN resolution