Category: Uncategorized
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What the Canadian Hockey coach forgot to tell the boys:
Butterfly World
My dad and I went to Butterfly World today. He took some great shots like this one.
Ciao Turino
Basketball Story
Nice backflip
i want to jump on you
Manage multiple email accounts in Gmail
You can now choose the reply-to address in Gmail for your various email accounts. My public email account (the one I use to sign up for stuff etc) forwards all email to my private account. This new feature now allows me to choose what the reply to address will be for all my email accounts. So if someone sends an email to thelastminute(AT)gmail(DOT)com and I respond to that email from my private account I can choose what the reply-to address will be. If you forward other email accounts to your Gmail you’ll want to use this.
Photos section working again
My photos section is working again. Also, i’ve put back the “most interesting” images at the top. Its just better eye candy than my crappy pics.I’ve taken the photos section down… Please see my Flickr account.