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Best Photo Caption EVER
[VIA: Lee]
karate chop
Photoshop clone tool for real life
This video demostrates a paintbrush that can paint whatever it touches. The brush was created by Kimiko Ryokai, Stefan Marti, and Hiroshi Ishii.
"I/O Brush is a new drawing tool to explore colors, textures, and movements found in everyday materials by "picking up" and drawing with them. I/O Brush looks like a regular physical paintbrush but has a small video camera with lights nd touch sensors embedded inside. Outside of the drawing canvas, the brush can pick up color, texture, and movement of a brushed surface. On the canvas, artists can draw with the special "ink" they just picked up from their mmediateenvironment."
Moving Tip #16
Moving Tip #32
Moving Tip #23
Moving Tip #24