LCD Soundsystem: Tribulations by Gondry.
Technorati Tags: gondry, lcdsoundsystem, musicvideo
LCD Soundsystem: Tribulations by Gondry.
Technorati Tags: gondry, lcdsoundsystem, musicvideo
9 Weeks to go until King Kong. Another episode about miniatures.
Technorati Tags: .mov, kingkong, miniature, peterjackson, videoblog
Dave Winer “Father of RSS and Web Logging” on is the latest episode of NerdTV. Use this torrent or this direct link to watch it.
This is a weird demo reel. I dig it. [via]
This clip is pretty funny. Its about supporting the troops. The clip came from a show called Weeds and was uploaded by One Good Move.
I’m enjoying Death Cab for Cutie these days and I also enjoy their video for the track Soul Meets Body.
Here’s the 12 weeks to go video from Peter Jackson’s video blog for King Kong. This one is about the color grading.
Casting for music videos looks like fun. [can’t remember where this came from]