
More photos of the iPod Shuffle here, and here.


11 responses to “Ipod Shuffle”

  1. Raduza Avatar

    “I wonder if having no screen will suck?”

    I think the no screen aspect won’t be too bad, particularly if it’s on shuffle.
    It seems to be designed to pick up and go; kind of put it in your pocket (or on the lanyard) and forget about it while it mixes your music.
    The only difficulty I can see is when you want to go to a specific track. The lack of scroll wheel means that you will have to click past songs individually and no screen means you have to keep listening to the start of each track, even in non-shuffle mode. Given that it holds up to 240 tracks, that could be a real pain. Still, I might have to track one down and have a play, but I don’t think I will be purchasing. The mini-mac on the other hand…

    Cheers, Raduza

  2. Patrick Avatar

    I agree, Im not a fan of the new, poor mans Ipod. It appears that they removed the radness from the Ipod and produced another shitty MP3 player with white ear phones.

  3. JON Avatar

    sure if you already own an ipod, the new ipod shuffle wouldnt be very appealing. but think about all those people who drool over ipods but cant afford a $400 ipod! this ipod is for the MASSES…I dont know if I can say DUH loud enough.

  4. Duncan Avatar

    Maybe they should have called it the iPod Wal Mart! Is that elitist enough for ya patty?

  5. Patrick Avatar

    Ill I’m saying is, I think they would be better off to let IPOD run its course until it becomes the social norm. That would lead to super mass production and economies of scale should kick in. This new IPOD appears to be the same thing as these inferior MP3 players. The reason I think people purchase IPOD is because it is a superior product. This new IPOD has all the value added features removed. Apple is simply trying to capitalize on the IPOD craze. What’s next the apple IPOD mini-disk player? Maybe they would un-design all of their products and make them suck. Just because something is affordable doesn’t mean it has to suck big fat monkey nuts!

  6. Duncan Avatar

    It was only a matter of time before they did this…

    It seems like Apple is turning into the iPod company not the computer company. I wonder how much time is spent on iPod crap as opposed to OSX…

    Apple should have made the Mac Mini a media server / PVR / set top box.

    I can’t believe I’m talking about a company like this. I shouldnt care this much.

  7. Duncan Avatar

    Hey Alex

    its probably not the best idea to use your real email in the comments

    i know spam email bots look through blogs alot to get valid emails…

    you probably know this and just dont care

    either way, i thought i should say somethin

  8. Raduza Avatar

    Maybe they should have gone for a new design rather than cashing in on the iPod craze. There’s not a lot of resemblance at all between the shuffle and the rest of the family. I think they could have started an iFlash (snigger) line of products. They would then have the liberty of styling it from scratch and not incurring the wrath of ‘elitist’ iPod owners (raises hand). I think what is going to weigh the shuffle down the most is its link to the iPod family.

  9. Mike Avatar

    And now they’re ofering free Apple Mac minis…See my blog for more info.