I feel as though we’re standing on the edge of a cliff with the current administration drunk with power and ready to push us off with their new agenda.
I’m so incredibly upset and I’m not even an American!
I’m so frustrated that for the last few years I bought into the notion that the average joe has been empowered and more educated by the power of the web. Of course, that now proves to be a naive.
The “young vote” what the hell is wrong with you? Do we have to make voting into a videogame before you get out there and vote? What the hell? The E-voting machines might as well just be video games!
As usual Talking Points Memo has a good write up.
Can you tell I’m a little upset about this?
So upset i’m thinking of giving up on this stupid website.
This site will continue! I’m just very upset…
12 responses to “Looking down over the edge of a cliff”
Good Idea… give up!
Kerry Lost… Now get your signs out of my town!
Thank you for your comments.
Its good to know some hicks are reading.
how well can Kerry eat crow??? Wait, he shouldn’t talk with his mouth full….. opps; he will flip-flop & say he is eating clams
Its nice to know the Republicans are gracious winners!
Oh no wait.
Uneducated hicks.
And California is Full of educated people?
Washington or Oregon?
If you Really drove around and looked at the Kerry Votors you would CLEARLY see a bunch of idiots…
They DO NOT own businesess, They are mostly youger people who DO NOT have a clue how things shoud be ran, AND are lazy.
You can say we are all hicks thats fine.
*** But, when you come into my business KNOW THIS, I voted for BUSH.
Voters not VOTORS you hick.
Businesses not businesess you hick.
Younger not youger you hick.
Should not shoud you hick.
That’s not thats you hick.
If you could read and write you would know Kerry was better for the country.
I rest my case.
The funny thing is.
Pick on the typing errors… You got the point…
Called names… “Hick” Id rather be a “Hick” than a idiot who put together some cheesy site.
Oh and your Quote
“I’m so incredibly upset and I’m not even an American!”
LEAVE… Please…
And the other one…
“So upset i’m thinking of giving up on this stupid website”
Is a typical Kerry thought lately
Thats why He is not president now.
He would give up the fight and we would be f*cked
The funny thing is you lost and you don’t know it yet.
This will become clear to you soon.
I didn’t lose the American people lost.
Oh and i’m not giving up on the site because people like you need to be educated…
email me if you want to continue this discussion.
I’m kinda glad Bush won. Four years from now, white America will have experienced being dirt poor, I mean poor like black folks, without the coolness of being an oppressed minority. You think your economy tanked over the last four years… just you wait. The GOP has got a firm grasp on congress. I can’t wait to see what gets passed. As for the zealot blogging above, I commend your spirit and blind stupidity of owning a small business in times of such little optimism. Hopefully you will be able to assist your nation’s economy because, currently you’re headed down the shit tank, and unfortunately you’ll end up dragging us down with you. I eagerly await a response from yourself or your mercantilist friends.