Vancouver Independent Media Center

Rally and March on the one-year anniversary of the war on Iraq

Featuring talk by Noam Chomsky

Saturday March 20 11 am

Gather at 11 am at Peace Flame Park (south end of Burrard Bridge)

Rally at 1 pm at Sunset Beach (off Beach Ave at Bute)

Join this international day of action to say no to war and occupation, and yes to peace and justice. Last year, record numbers marched against the illegal and unjust war on Iraq. On March 20th, be part of demonstrating that the world still says no to perpetual war and yes to global disarmament and everyone living together in peace, love and harmony.

Organized by the Coalition.






2 responses to “Rally and March on the one-year anniversary of the war on Iraq”

  1. lucila Marin Mendez Avatar

    I need call with you, We will can participe whit you?

  2. lucila Marin Mendez Avatar

    hi, what is your adrees?