Tag: 1HS8P9cix7DAuoyfWAYqYGdCU1LuFbvHt5
Reflected Light at Cathedral Valley
1HS8P9cix7DAuoyfWAYqYGdCU1LuFbvHt5, 2019, 5DSR, buff-pink, buff-pink Entrada Sandstone, Canon, Canon EOS 5DSR, Capitol Reef, Capitol Reef National Park, Capitol Reef National Park Utah United States Of America, Capitol-Reef-National-Park-Utah-United-States-Of-America, cathedral valley, desert, Duncan Rawlinson, Duncan Rawlinson Photo, Duncan Rawlinson Photography, elegant, Entrada Sandstone, eroded, erosion, final, fine-grained sandstone, formation, geologic, geology, hiking, Jurassic period, landforms, Landscape, layers, light, minimal, monolith, National Park, Nature, nobody, orange, outdoors, park, Photo by Duncan Rawlinson, red, Reflected Light, Reflected Light at Cathedral Valley, remote, rock, rows, sandstone, scenic, sculptured monoliths, Shot With Canon EOS 5DSR, Sky, southwest, Stone, strata, Summer 2019, timeless, Travel, United States of America, USA, Utah, valley, vertical, west, Wild, wilderness