There are roughly A TRILLION PHOTOS on this page. Some images are NSFW. Please be patient while this bloated bandwidth behemoth of a page loads. Maybe go have a coffee and come back when it’s done loading? Actually maybe go exercise your scroll finger. You’re gonna need it.
Here are my Burning Man 2018 Photos!
All of my Burning Man images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial license. If you share them you must attribute the photographs to me by name and link to You can’t sell them or make money from them in any way whatsoever. That includes advertising on a website.
I tried my best to caption every single image correctly. All 1,111 of them. If you know what the correct caption should be please comment at the very bottom of this post waaaaaay down there or email me directly and I’ll update this post accordingly.
This was first published October 12th, 2018 at 11:11AM EDT. I will be updating this post with the correct captions, typos, and corrections as they come in. If the captions don’t make sense it’s because the image titles aren’t appearing on this post correctly yet. I’m trying to fix that. (If you happen to know how to get image titles to display in a wordpress post contact me!)
Update 1: October 12th Added Flickr and links.
Update 2: October 12th Added Reddit thread link.
Update 3: October 12th Updated some captions.
Update 4: October 13th Updated captions on 0861, 0619, 0693, 0433, 1077, 0298, 0261, 0275, 0302-0307, 0296, 0214, 1020, 1033, 1056, 1057, 0676, 0118-0123, 0321, 0351, 0385, 0498, 0516, 0577, 0256, 0670.
Update 5: October 17th Updated captions on 0415, 0838, 0180, 0618, 0112, 0264, 0392-0394, 0499, 0500, 0914-0918, 0378, 0379, 0294, 0295, 0518, 0525, 0532, 0685, 0535, 0579.
The images are in chronological order.
Burning Man 2018 was certainly a great burn. People have been saying it may have been one of the greatest burns ever. IMHO every burn is so unique that trying to rank them is a fools errand. Regardless, it was an incredible event. Everything seemed to go right from the weather to all the builds. During the ten days I was on playa I shot 13,323 images in total. That works out to roughly 1,300 photos per day at a rate of 1 photo per minute for 240 hours straight. To give you an idea of how silly that is, if I spend 5 seconds looking at each image it takes 18 hours non-stop. And that’s just to look at them for five seconds each. I had to decide which ones don’t work and which ones might. In other words, the amount of time it has taken me to shoot, cull, process, keyword, and publish this gallery is completely absurd. I’ve gained 10 pounds staring at the computer processing them all. It has taken me every spare moment I’ve had since I left the playa and I love it. It’s how I decompress. It’s just been a lot and I’m spent.
Why do I do this?
When I hear my alarm clocks at 3:30AM every morning at the burn I ask myself that question. Why THE HELL am I doing this? It takes me a couple minutes to remember that it doesn’t even matter why in that moment. I know I have to just do the work right now. I can think about it later. Do the work right now. Do the work right now. Do the work RIGHT NOW. Burning Man is such a fleeting bit of magic that I know I have to get to work right this instant. The complete mental and physical exhaustion is part of it. So if I just do the work right now everything else takes care of itself. So why do I do this? I do it because it makes me happy. I feel present, connected, and happy when I’m out shooting the burn. I’m glad I did the work. I’m pleased to know that maybe you’ll find the photos interesting or useful or delightful. Who knows, if I’m lucky these images will bring a little bit of that wonderful Burning Man feeling wherever you are.
See also:
My Burning Man 2017 Photos
My Burning Man 2016 Photos
My Burning Man 2015 Photos
My Burning Man 2014 Photos
My Burning Man 2013 Photos
My Burning Man 2012 Photos
These photos are also on Flickr and should you want a different viewing experience.
Reddit thread.
Click on the photo to see it at full resolution. Be gentle please my server is getting absolutely crushed right now… Here is a playlist to listen to while viewing the images.
0001 – I feel like I always see this one on the way in.
0002 – Not having license plates is probably a good way to get pulled over.
0003 – …Look at the guy in the RV passing. That is a blind hill pass in an RV. Please calm the fuck down and don’t pass. If you’re on your way to Burning Man you’re not in a rush by definition. I don’t care how late your project is, reckless driving isn’t worth it. Sorry had to rant there a little. My bad.
0004 – We stopped and had a look around.
0005 – Burning Man is exhausting because barrage of stimulation begins long before you even get to the playa. Your brain has to deal with it all. Like what is this lovely man on the roof doing? Setting up to play live music I guess?
0006 – This person insisted I make this photograph. She also pretty much forced us to try on her wares. Good sales techniques but I wasn’t interested.
0007 – Where the gravel turns into playa.
0008 – Perhaps someone can explain why this year’s sign is also a bigass potable water tank? I’m sure there is a good reason but I can’t figure out what it is.
0009 – Slow down people. Slow down.
0010 – Make Burning Man Great Again?
0011 – Was quite dusty on our way in on August 24th.
0012 – Just my people waiting to enter Burning Man. I love meeting people in line. Like this burner who goes by the playa name Happy. She was the best and we had a moment.
0013 – August 24th.
0014 – There was 2 or 3 of these in a caravan.
0015 – How many BRC stickers do you count?
0016 – What is the thing sticking out the back? (those lights tho!)
0017 – Had to do will call this year. Long story… Anyway there was no line and it was super easy. Thanks Will Call crew!
0018 – The range of vehicles you see…
0019 – This gif is relevant
0020 – There is a correlation between how organized your shit is and how nice gate is to you. He appeared to be very pleased with us.
0021 – Lumpy. by Jeremy Evans (aka CNC, GATE supervisor) Reno, NV.
0022 – I’ve run into Uncle Ira several times over the years. We had a nice chat. Ira said he might be done Burning. I told him that we would really miss him and that everyone loves him and enjoys his “cheesy tchotchkes”. If you see this Uncle Ira, please come back. We <3 you!
0023 – My brain screams HEY LOOK AT THAT. My brain has caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye. This little process will happen thousands and thousands of times over the next 10 days and it will be so great.
0024 – Always interesting how people have their mini temporary setup before their actual setup. Dump a few chairs and a cooler. Then go go go! Build build build.
0025 – Burnstreampoint Lighthouse I ran into these guys at the Grand Sierra in Reno while walking the dogs. They had like a fleet of 6 big fifth wheels and a full size semi truck with a forklift, and this scissor lift on it. Some burners really go hard.
0026 – A tent and a delivery truck. Nice.
0027 – But I liked how it looked.
0028 – I was going to come back and shoot this properly (an idea I put off until it was too late). If you want to make photographs at Burning Man there is no better time than the present. I learn this lesson the hard way every year. I always say I’ll come back and get a better photo of this later. Then poof, the moment is gone forever.
0029 – (apologies for the subpar photo but I thought this was a cool project so I included the image)
0030 – (apologies for the subpar photo but I thought this was a cool project so I included the image)
0031 – FloBot by: Jessica Levine from: South Lake Tahoe, CA year: 2018
FloBot is an interactive flower-like steel sculpture with a character all her own. She will stand on exposed roots as she evolves into a blossomed being. People will be able to climb up the roots and “get inside her head” bouncing and rocking with the use of large suspension springs. Flo represents the notion of learning to flow with all of the parts of one’s self, and finding strength within them. Her roots correlate with all of the deepest parts of ourselves–the buried parts, which make us who we are. Exposing the roots and making them a part of the blossom at the top represents the idea that everything is an integral part of the whole self, even (and especially) the buried parts–not just the pretty flowery surface parts.
0032 – FloBot by: Jessica Levine from: South Lake Tahoe, CA year: 2018
FloBot is an interactive flower-like steel sculpture with a character all her own. She will stand on exposed roots as she evolves into a blossomed being. People will be able to climb up the roots and “get inside her head” bouncing and rocking with the use of large suspension springs. Flo represents the notion of learning to flow with all of the parts of one’s self, and finding strength within them. Her roots correlate with all of the deepest parts of ourselves–the buried parts, which make us who we are. Exposing the roots and making them a part of the blossom at the top represents the idea that everything is an integral part of the whole self, even (and especially) the buried parts–not just the pretty flowery surface parts.
0033 – All Power to All People by: Hank Willis Thomas – presented by Kindred Arts from: New York, NY year: 2018
0034 – Cosmic Voyager by: Martin Taylor and The Chromaforms Collective from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0035 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0036 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0037 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0038 – Relatively good conditions at this moment.
0039 – Create sparks for a few minutes. This will make the photographer happy and then they will leave you alone so you can do your work.
0040 – Error 101 by: Sofya Batsova from: London, year: 2018
0041 – At night.
0042 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0043 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0044 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0045 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0046 – I really like this quiet moments when builders are taking a break or nobody is working at that moment.
0047 – Previously known as L4K, these are the folks who create the ring of lights around the man. It also serves as perimeter for man burn. They are seeking funding for a new set of lights to mark the ring around the man.
0048 – Previously known as L4K, these are the folks who create the ring of lights around the man. It also serves as perimeter for man burn. They are seeking funding for a new set of lights to mark the ring around the man.
0049 – Previously known as L4K, these are the folks who create the ring of lights around the man. It also serves as perimeter for man burn. They are seeking funding for a new set of lights to mark the ring around the man. By the way this is how you can tell they are a hardworking camp. Nobody is here they’re all out working.
0050 – Pretty much nothing beats riding around checking out amazing art with wonderful friends. (Important note, these pants feature a Unicorn vs Narwal battle. And if memory serves there is a Cat riding the Unicorn and Pug riding the Narwal. FTW!)
0051 – Baba Yaga’s House by: Jessi Sprocket Janusee and Baba Yaga’s Book Club from: Reno, NV year: 2018
The house of Baba Yaga will rise from the playa straddling it’s mechanical chicken legs. The crone’s house will be poised to run at the slightest provocation. Ascend her staircases to test the old witch if you dare. Are you able to walk through the veil of mortality into the space where the seer dwells? If you are strong of will, feeling bold and willing to show vulnerability she may allow you to venture within her sanctum.
0052 – I’m not sure exactly what happened here. I only caught this out of the corner of my eye but it appeared as though this Burner fell off this piece backwards and was caught by friends. Trust fall style. Maybe she fainted.
0053 – Step Forward – Joining Minds
by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0054 – Step Forward – Joining Minds
by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc
from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0055 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0056 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0057 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0058 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0059 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0060 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0061 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0062 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0063 – Burners building their camp structure.
0064 – You have to start it by hotwiring it every single time. Think about that next time you’re pulsing.
0065 – Some of the smartest, kindest, and most loving friends. Just love these freakin guys.
0066 – Franchise Freedom by: Lucas van Oostrum from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018 (This is the landing area for all those drones and the area that had that big circular silver fence around it)
0067 – Franchise Freedom by: Lucas van Oostrum from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018 (This is the landing area for all those drones and the area that had that big circular silver fence around it)
0068 – Sonic Runway by: Lead Artist: Rob Jensen, Co-Lead: Warren Trezevant from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
0069 – Crypto Forest by Geo Landrum from: Oak Creek, WI year: 2018 (HODL)
0070 –
0071 –
0072 –
0073 – Building the pyramid on the esplanade.
0074 – My friend couldn’t resist climbing in here.
0075 – Rainbow Bridge by Josh Zubko from San Francisco CA year 2018
0076 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018
0077 – HaHa… by: Laura Kimpton with Jeff Schomberg from: Reno, NV year: 2018
0078 – Layers
0079 – Favorable build conditions.
0080 – If you know the name of this piece please comment or email me.
0081 – Baba Yaga’s House by: Jessi Sprocket Janusee and Baba Yaga’s Book Club from: Reno, NV year: 2018
The house of Baba Yaga will rise from the playa straddling it’s mechanical chicken legs. The crone’s house will be poised to run at the slightest provocation. Ascend her staircases to test the old witch if you dare. Are you able to walk through the veil of mortality into the space where the seer dwells? If you are strong of will, feeling bold and willing to show vulnerability she may allow you to venture within her sanctum.
0082 – I said hey did I scare you? He said uh no. (he kind of appeared out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me lol)
0083 – Camp Hardly (I think) on the Esplanade. Thank you for being my landmark with that giant H!
0084 – Shots Fired Espresso Cart by: PocoJoe and the Shots Fired Team from: Tucson, AZ year: 2018 (This fellow said can you take a photo of me so I can send it to my wife. She didn’t think it was possible to put an espresso machine on a unicycle.)
0085 – Baby Shark Fin by Neil J.
0086 – On the way back from installing the ring around the man. Previously known as L4K. Freakin love you guys! I will forever live in the shame of missing a shift on their crew in the past. For shame!
0087 – Note the picket fence, the power tools in the garage, the satelite dish, and really everything else. So good.
0088 – Dragon Fossil by: Ryan Mathern from: Atlanta, GA year: 2018
0089 – The ORB by: Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, and I, Orbot from: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark year: 2018
0090 – Rainbow Bridge by: Josh Zubkoff from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0091 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018
tall poles with colourful lights
0092 – Sitting on a . from her piece: HaHa… (When your art matches your shirt. Next level!)
0093 – Remembered Light by: Dan Benedict from: Anaheim, CA year: 2018
0094 – Perpetual Consumption Apparatus from: Currumbin, Queensland, Australia year: 2018
0095 – If you know the name of this piece please comment or email me.
0096 – If you know the name of this piece please comment or email me.
0097 – Hippocrisy by: Amy Bliss from: Salt Lake City, UT year: 2018
0098 – Please let me know the name of this piece. I really enjoyed sitting in the rocking chair here when I really needed a break.
0099 – Love that it’s still in use. Reminds me of Tars from the film Interstellar.
0100 – Looks so good. I don’t know anything about makeup but this idea of using the playa as makeup might be worth exploring.
0101 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0102 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0103 – You Might Die Tomorrow by: Kate Manser from: Austin, TX year: 2018
0104 – Bloom by: Peter Hazel from: Reno, NV year: 2018
0105 – I ran into a burner here who has a net worth over $50 Billion according to that crazy Forbes list. He was by far the wealthiest person I’ve ever met. There was a group of about 10 burners around and nobody knew who he was but I recognized him immediately. I nervously introduced myself thinking he would be some kind of time traveller or really mean to me. Turns out he was super friendly and his main concern was finding interactive art pieces for his children to explore because they had to go back to school soon. You know like completely normal stuff. Everyone puts their pants on the same way… If even you’re one of the top 20 wealthiest people out of 7.7 Billion. It was a real treat to meet him after reading about their business.
0106 – HaHa… by: Laura Kimpton with Jeff Schomberg from: Reno, NV year: 2018
0107 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0108 – Quite a challenge to make a photo like this. You have to shoot the image of the moon and the man separetely because it’s impossible to get them both perfectly in focus in-camera.
0109 – Notorious B.A.D by: Kyle Jensen from: Calgary, AB year: 2018 (sometimes when I’m out shooting I go a little over the top on the nose…)
0110 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0111 – I was making an image here and this man just appeared right at the moment the timer on the camera activated. Happy accident. I like it.
0112 – The Color Wheels by: Compagnie Off from: Saint Pierre des Corps, Indre-et-Loire, France year: 2018 The Color Wheels have crossed the Five Deserts of the Five Continents. In the process, men have become Clay men, piling layers of dust and sweat at each step of their journey. Teknostructures let loose yet under control: BUSY LIFE, RADIANT STORM URL:
0113 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0114 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0115 – Singularity by: Rebekah Waites and the Singularity Crew from: Los Angeles, CA year: 2018
0116 – Singularity by: Rebekah Waites and the Singularity Crew from: Los Angeles, CA year: 2018
0117 – Singularity by: Rebekah Waites and the Singularity Crew from: Los Angeles, CA year: 2018
0118 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0119 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0120 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0121 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0122 – Written below is: “Thank you for creating the ultimate permission slip” -unknown
0123 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0124 – George is an amazing photographer. He has been shooting Burning Man for ages. In this photograph George is showing me his system for organizing Burning Man information while he is on playa. I asked him to show me when I told he where we we’re camped and he quickly noted it. So simple and effective. Someone tells you something, and you just jot it down on an individual card. Then you can reshuffle later and discard as needed etc. I will steal this idea. Thanks George!
0125 – The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear by: Gratis from: Vista, CA year: 2018
If all you had was the rough detritus of war, the cheap rubble of constant calamity, what would you build with it? A bunker, a church, or a school? Would you create a place of hope or fear? Of the past or for the future?
Hope rising up from a violent and chaotic past, Fear transformed into building blocks: found metal, often riddled by gunre, torn by the wind and baked by the desert sun are incorporated into this replica of the traditional “little red schoolhouse.” The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear stands on the playa as a beacon to those who wish to teach a better way for the future, or to those ready to learn from the failures of the past.
0126 – The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear by: Gratis from: Vista, CA year: 2018
If all you had was the rough detritus of war, the cheap rubble of constant calamity, what would you build with it? A bunker, a church, or a school? Would you create a place of hope or fear? Of the past or for the future?
Hope rising up from a violent and chaotic past, Fear transformed into building blocks: found metal, often riddled by gunre, torn by the wind and baked by the desert sun are incorporated into this replica of the traditional “little red schoolhouse.” The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear stands on the playa as a beacon to those who wish to teach a better way for the future, or to those ready to learn from the failures of the past.
0127 – The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear by: Gratis from: Vista, CA year: 2018
If all you had was the rough detritus of war, the cheap rubble of constant calamity, what would you build with it? A bunker, a church, or a school? Would you create a place of hope or fear? Of the past or for the future?
Hope rising up from a violent and chaotic past, Fear transformed into building blocks: found metal, often riddled by gunre, torn by the wind and baked by the desert sun are incorporated into this replica of the traditional “little red schoolhouse.” The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear stands on the playa as a beacon to those who wish to teach a better way for the future, or to those ready to learn from the failures of the past.
0128 – The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear by: Gratis from: Vista, CA year: 2018
If all you had was the rough detritus of war, the cheap rubble of constant calamity, what would you build with it? A bunker, a church, or a school? Would you create a place of hope or fear? Of the past or for the future?
Hope rising up from a violent and chaotic past, Fear transformed into building blocks: found metal, often riddled by gunre, torn by the wind and baked by the desert sun are incorporated into this replica of the traditional “little red schoolhouse.” The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear stands on the playa as a beacon to those who wish to teach a better way for the future, or to those ready to learn from the failures of the past.
0129 – The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear by: Gratis from: Vista, CA year: 2018
If all you had was the rough detritus of war, the cheap rubble of constant calamity, what would you build with it? A bunker, a church, or a school? Would you create a place of hope or fear? Of the past or for the future?
Hope rising up from a violent and chaotic past, Fear transformed into building blocks: found metal, often riddled by gunre, torn by the wind and baked by the desert sun are incorporated into this replica of the traditional “little red schoolhouse.” The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear stands on the playa as a beacon to those who wish to teach a better way for the future, or to those ready to learn from the failures of the past.
0130 – The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear by: Gratis from: Vista, CA year: 2018
If all you had was the rough detritus of war, the cheap rubble of constant calamity, what would you build with it? A bunker, a church, or a school? Would you create a place of hope or fear? Of the past or for the future?
Hope rising up from a violent and chaotic past, Fear transformed into building blocks: found metal, often riddled by gunre, torn by the wind and baked by the desert sun are incorporated into this replica of the traditional “little red schoolhouse.” The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear stands on the playa as a beacon to those who wish to teach a better way for the future, or to those ready to learn from the failures of the past.
0131 – The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear by: Gratis from: Vista, CA year: 2018
If all you had was the rough detritus of war, the cheap rubble of constant calamity, what would you build with it? A bunker, a church, or a school? Would you create a place of hope or fear? Of the past or for the future?
Hope rising up from a violent and chaotic past, Fear transformed into building blocks: found metal, often riddled by gunre, torn by the wind and baked by the desert sun are incorporated into this replica of the traditional “little red schoolhouse.” The Little Schoolhouse of Hope and Fear stands on the playa as a beacon to those who wish to teach a better way for the future, or to those ready to learn from the failures of the past.
0132 – Man’s Best Friend by: Chris Mack and The Unintelligent Design Society from: Carmel, CA year: 2018
0133 – Man’s Best Friend by: Chris Mack and The Unintelligent Design Society from: Carmel, CA year: 2018
0134 – Man’s Best Friend by: Chris Mack and The Unintelligent Design Society from: Carmel, CA year: 2018
0135 – Man’s Best Friend by: Chris Mack and The Unintelligent Design Society from: Carmel, CA year: 2018
0136 – Man’s Best Friend by: Chris Mack and The Unintelligent Design Society from: Carmel, CA year: 2018
0137 – Man’s Best Friend by: Chris Mack and The Unintelligent Design Society from: Carmel, CA year: 2018
0138 – B.Ÿ.T.E. by: Jay Blanda & Andrew Lazorchak from: Butler, NJ year: 2018
0139 – B.Ÿ.T.E. by: Jay Blanda & Andrew Lazorchak from: Butler, NJ year: 2018 (who is that dorky guy?)
0140 – B.Ÿ.T.E. by: Jay Blanda & Andrew Lazorchak from: Butler, NJ year: 2018 (The sun on the left guy appeared as little black docks when I made a mistake processing. Then I realized I kinda like it. Looks like it’s looking at the sun.)
0141 – We are the ones we have been waiting for. by: Scott Froschauer from: Sun Valley, CA year: 2018
0142 – Resolute Arch by: Richard Rhodes, Sculptor from: Seattle, WA year: 2018
0143 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0144 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0145 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0146 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0147 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0148 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0149 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0150 – If you know the name of this piece please comment or email me.
0151 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0152 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0153 – My size 11 foot for scale. Banana not available.
0154 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0155 – Hope you had a great time!
0156 – Encrypted Data by: Ben Vedrenne & GIF JAM from: Montreuil, France year: 2018
0157 – Cosmic Voyager by: Martin Taylor and The Chromaforms Collective from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0158 – MEGALOPHONE by: Benzy and MegaloCrew from: Felton, CA year: 2018
0159 – Cosmic Voyager by: Martin Taylor and The Chromaforms Collective from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0160 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0161 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0162 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0163 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0164 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0165 – Suboptimal condiitons.
0166 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0167 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0168 – Robot Resurrection by: Shane Evans from: Denver, CO year: 2018 Robot Resurrection is towering 30 foot tall, human piloted, articulating sculpture made from reclaimed airplane parts and found objects. From the torso cockpit, the operator(s) manipulate the Robot’s motions and fire effects. This piece is a representation of we all have become… Robots. It is a wake-up call of how large these problems are. We have been controlled for too long. Robot Resurrection was born from what we as a society have discarded. Our hope is that this 28′ Robot will inspire reflection upon one’s self and be a reminder of the power we all hold. We hope it awakens some awareness of our situation and encourages some small change on a small scale that leads to big change in the massive system.
0169 – Iron Horses Galore by: Adrian Landon from: NEW YORK, NY year: 2018
0170 – First time Burner Clayton Blake from Australia is waiting for a crane to lift his art into position. Pretty sure Clayton wins Burning Man this year. A first year burner from Australia with a giant piece of art you can climb on. My first year I could barely even get myself to the playa let alone doing something this incredible.
0171 – If you know the name of this piece please comment or email me.
0172 – Hippocrisy by: Amy Bliss from: Salt Lake City, UT year: 2018
0173 – Desert Guard by: Lu Ming from: Beijing, China year: 2018
0174 – Nice to meet you. Thanks for all the advice!
0175 – Ei Robot by: Spencer Edgerton, Launchpad Artspace at 3113 Studios, and Camp Deep Orbit from: Tucson, AZ year: 2018
0176 – Ei Robot by: Spencer Edgerton, Launchpad Artspace at 3113 Studios, and Camp Deep Orbit from: Tucson, AZ year: 2018
0177 – Legendary pieces.
0178 – V mad max.
0179 – Love these guys. Thanks for the awesome views Greg and crew. Much appreciated.
0180 – Dive Bar from Camp Do More Now. URL
0181 – Stay True to your Selfie by: Larsen Family from: Shingle Springs, CA year: 2018
0182 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0183 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0184 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0185 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0186 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0187 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0188 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0189 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0190 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0191 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0192 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0193 – With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us (Short: With Open Arms) by: Christian Ristow from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0194 – Please let me know if you know the name of this piece.
0195 – Always a pleasure to photograph these folks even though I’ve never actually met their crew. They see me biking I hold up the camera and they say yeah. Done. Boom. Now they have this picture. <3. They look so happy. Love it.
0196 – Wonderful helmet, chestplate, and cup designed by this burner.
0197 – I enjoyed all the robots up there.
0198 – Do these kinds of vehicles ride smooth or are they really bumpy?
0199 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0200 – Come on in folks!
0201 – First order of business on these stairs, let’s see how the slinky does!
0202 – Woooo
0203 – Thank you.
0204 – Look at the flammable materials underneath.
0205 – Down 6 obviously.
0206 – I love meeting people who are just so happy to be there. These guys from New Zealand we’re having a great time. No burnier than thou nonsense just good vibes. Nice to meet you guys.
0207 – They look happy to be done building the man base.
0208 – Such wonderful sunsets out there.
0209 – For a minute I thought it looked like the man had a hat on…
0210 – BEBOT by: Andrea Greenlees, Andy Tibbetts and Josh Haywood from: Surbiton, Surrey, England year: 2018
0211 – I like the small mutant vehicles like this. Super cool.
0212 – Some seemingly simple ideas are perfectly executed like this.
0213 – If you know the name of these vehicles piece please comment or email me.
0214 – Axolotl: The Earth Guardian.
0215 – I regret not shooting this as a shorter exposure. I didn’t notice at the time but it appears as though this person doesn’t have feet. Oops! (Sorry to this person)
0216 – Name Unknown
0217 – Name Unnknown
0218 – BEBOT by: Andrea Greenlees, Andy Tibbetts and Josh Haywood from: Surbiton, Surrey, England year: 2018 (I was out photographing this piece and one of the artists/collaborators came over to say hi. There was a really bright light making this image impossible so I asked them to shut it off for a minute. They turned off the light and this photo is the result. I hope this photo finds them. If you see me out there let’s collaborate to make a nice image of your art!)
0219 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0220 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0221 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0222 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0223 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0224 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0225 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0226 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0227 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0228 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0229 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0230 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0231 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0232 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0233 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0234 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0235 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0236 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0237 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0238 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0239 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0240 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0241 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0242 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0243 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0244 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0245 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0246 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0247 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
Paraluna combines kinetic sculpture, LEDs and music. Its main component is a disc 10m in diameter with 17,280 LEDs. A computer controls the LEDs while rotating, raising, lowering, and tilting the disc.
Some of the LED patterns work with the rotation of the disk, creating spirals. Others use persistence-of-vision, making an image hover in space above the spinning LEDs. Spokes demonstrates both of these styles:
Surrounding the disc are several high-quality speakers that play classical music at comfortable, yet immersive volume, creating a comfortable, peaceful place to be. Patterns are chosen to complement each musical piece, as with Firmament:
0248 – by Duane Flatmo and crew.
0249 – by Duane Flatmo and crew.
0250 – by Duane Flatmo and crew. (If you time it right you can catch a photo of the flame while it is blue! Notice the man on the “hood” area. I presume he is going to re-ignite the flame there.)
0251 – by Duane Flatmo and crew.
0252 – One of the great camps along the Esplanade. I like all the things going on here. Look around.
0253 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0254 – Great Train Wreck by: Collaborative Artisans – Reno & Sacramento, & Debby Brower from: Sacramento, CA and Reno, NV year: 2018
0255 – Great Train Wreck by: Collaborative Artisans – Reno & Sacramento, & Debby Brower from: Sacramento, CA and Reno, NV year: 2018
0256 – QuadruPOD by: Scott Parenteau (the Tinman) from: Sacramento, CA year: 2018 I’m calling this machine the QuadruPOD simply because its a Pod with 4 legs. It’s a variation of a Strandbeest and uses a modified version of Theo Jensens leg linkage. This will allow the pod to walk around the playa during the daylight hours creating an art piece that actually looks for you. This pod will be an all metal walking machine with a steam punk appearance, lots of rust and plenty of moving gears. An operator will ride inside this machine during its performances on the playa but it will be designed to operate robotically as well.
0257 – Big Charles… (An homage to Charlie Smith) by: Shane Evans from: Denver, CO year: 2018
0258 – Sometimes if you time it right you can get a photo with nobody in it.
0259 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0260 – The photography equivalent of ‘more cowbell’ is ‘more sunstars’… Guilty as charged. I just love the way they look.
0261 – Robot Resurrection by: Shane Evans from: Denver, CO year: 2018 Robot Resurrection is towering 30 foot tall, human piloted, articulating sculpture made from reclaimed airplane parts and found objects. From the torso cockpit, the operator(s) manipulate the Robot’s motions and fire effects. This piece is a representation of we all have become… Robots. It is a wake-up call of how large these problems are. We have been controlled for too long. Robot Resurrection was born from what we as a society have discarded. Our hope is that this 28′ Robot will inspire reflection upon one’s self and be a reminder of the power we all hold. We hope it awakens some awareness of our situation and encourages some small change on a small scale that leads to big change in the massive system.
0262 – Error 101 by: Sofya Batsova from: London, none year: 2018
0263 – Plantoid Garden: A Blockchain-based Life-form, Featuring the Photo-synthesizer by: Primavera De Filippi & Okhaos Creations from: Paris, France year: 2018
0264 – Artifactual Intelligence by: Timeless and the Guardians from: Carson City, NV year: 2018 A trail of wooden sculptures range from large to huge, all leading toward The Temple. A numbered posting at each describes the evolution of “Fire Inside”, about the art form born on-playa a decade past, born from arson on Liberty itself, now playa folklore … about how these enigmatic, backward fires now produce massive playa artifacts, the only known to survive their own burn… How the burning style, a whisper of the playa itself has become powerful ritual that transforms earth, wind, fire and water into enduring talismen charged with their own mission of liberation and renewal. But can such artifacts guard and guide us to a positive AI singularity? Learn why they can and how they will — with Artifactual Intelligence… URL:
0265 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0266 – I’m always compelled to shoot Robot Heart because there are always so many people having so much fun out there.
0267 – Sonic Runway by: Lead Artist: Rob Jensen, Co-Lead: Warren Trezevant from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
0268 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0269 – Damn. Pretty sure this is the gnarliest playa bike I’ve ever seen.
0270 – In an alternate simulation this is me. Just chillin and resting.
0271 – Odd Jelly Out by: uckiood – Missy Douglas & Kim Rask from: Burien, WA year: 2018
0272 – Odd Jelly Out by: uckiood – Missy Douglas & Kim Rask from: Burien, WA year: 2018
0273 – Odd Jelly Out by: uckiood – Missy Douglas & Kim Rask from: Burien, WA year: 2018
0274 – Odd Jelly Out by: uckiood – Missy Douglas & Kim Rask from: Burien, WA year: 2018
0275 – Black Rock Blind Tiger Speakeasy (I tried to photograph this but wasn’t allowed to because the BBC was conducting an interview at the time and then I never made it back.)
0276 – The Altered TV Revisited by: Unintelligent Design Society from: Carmel Valley, CA year: 2018
0277 – The Altered TV Revisited by: Unintelligent Design Society from: Carmel Valley, CA year: 2018
0278 – We are the ones we have been waiting for. by: Scott Froschauer from: Sun Valley, CA year: 2018 and B.Ÿ.T.E. by: Jay Blanda & Andrew Lazorchak from: Butler, NJ year: 2018
0279 – B.Ÿ.T.E. by: Jay Blanda & Andrew Lazorchak from: Butler, NJ year: 2018
0280 – Samantha Black
0281 – I was making this photo and someone said to me. “We all know what that means” as they rolled their eyes.
0282 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0283 – Sometimes when I’m making photographs of people they spontaneously do things like this. I love it.
0284 – Good times.
0285 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0286 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0287 – The Chilopod by: Lawrence Grown, Embrio LLC from: Berkeley, CA year: 2018
0288 – Long View, A Polar Bear Stands in the Desert by: Don Kennell and Arctic Burn 505 from: Santa Fe, NM year: 2018
0289 – Long View, A Polar Bear Stands in the Desert by: Don Kennell and Arctic Burn 505 from: Santa Fe, NM year: 2018
0290 – Super nice to meet you Smitty.
0291 – This man has more style in is baby finger than I will in my entire life.
0292 – This man has more style in is baby finger than I will in my entire life.
0293 – Long View, A Polar Bear Stands in the Desert by: Don Kennell and Arctic Burn 505 from: Santa Fe, NM year: 2018
0294 – Seesaw Wave Machine by: Ryan Elmendorf and Nick Geurts from: Wheat Ridge, CO year: 2018 Seesaw Wave Machine is an interactive mechanical wave machine in the form of 21 seesaws connected with torsion bars. A wave motion is initiated when any individual seesaw is actuated by participants. Each end of each seesaw has a spotlight that displays the dynamic wave shape across the playa. With 42 total seats, it is an opportunity for many participants to interact and collaborate to affect (and be affected by) the overall motion of the system. Its large scale, dynamic motion and array of spotlights will draw participants in..
0295 – Seesaw Wave Machine by: Ryan Elmendorf and Nick Geurts from: Wheat Ridge, CO year: 2018 Seesaw Wave Machine is an interactive mechanical wave machine in the form of 21 seesaws connected with torsion bars. A wave motion is initiated when any individual seesaw is actuated by participants. Each end of each seesaw has a spotlight that displays the dynamic wave shape across the playa. With 42 total seats, it is an opportunity for many participants to interact and collaborate to affect (and be affected by) the overall motion of the system. Its large scale, dynamic motion and array of spotlights will draw participants in.
0296 – Trace by: Kate Greenberg from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018 Inspired by the interconnectivity and ephemerality of the playa, Trace is an installation of colored rope that weaves into a mirage-esque form above the dust. This art piece reflects on the way Black Rock City teases our perception of reality as we generate and explore it together, like a shared dream. It celebrates how individual journeys cross paths in the dust, yet altogether intertwine to shape an evanescent landscape and its broader community. URL:
0297 – Neat!
0298 – Lucy Hoskings & the Dragon of Ede.
0299 – Like many things at Burning Man, I am confused by this. Not the Larry part, the painted on windows.
0300 – Neat signs.
0301 – Nice camp facade flower things.
0302 – Electric Oasis Camp
0303 – Electric Oasis Camp
0304 – Electric Oasis Camp
0305 – Electric Oasis Camp
0306 – Electric Oasis Camp
0307 – Electric Oasis Camp
0308 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0309 – And some curves.
0310 – If you know the name of this camp or DJ setup please comment below or email me.
0311 – Some prime playa real estate right here. Nice views.
0312 – Burners playing on swings that are also seesaws.
0313 – Burners playing on swings that are also seesaws.
0314 – I want one of these things.
0315 – Come Rest
0316 – Come Rest
0317 – Come Rest
0318 – Playa Grass Ballet by: Owen William FlowStar Fritts from: Cerrillos, NM year: 2018
0319 – Playa Grass Ballet by: Owen William FlowStar Fritts from: Cerrillos, NM year: 2018
0320 – Long View, A Polar Bear Stands in the Desert by: Don Kennell and Arctic Burn 505 from: Santa Fe, NM year: 2018
0321 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0322 – I always love the boat mutant vehicles. So absurb and so great.
0323 – I always love the boat mutant vehicles. So absurb and so great.
0324 – I always love the boat mutant vehicles. So absurb and so great.
0325 – I always love the boat mutant vehicles. So absurb and so great.
0326 – Man’s Best Friend by: Chris Mack and The Unintelligent Design Society from: Carmel, CA year: 2018
0327 – Sonic Runway by: Lead Artist: Rob Jensen, Co-Lead: Warren Trezevant from: Oakland, CA
year: 2018
0328 – Franchise Freedom by: Lucas van Oostrum from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0329 – With Razorback Mountain tailfin.
0330 – Franchise Freedom by: Lucas van Oostrum from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0331 – A group of burners riding their bikes.
0332 – Playa TV by: Reed Morse / PHR from: Millbrae, CA year: 2018
0333 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0334 – Bloom by: Peter Hazel from: Reno, NV year: 2018
0335 – Desert Guard by: Lu Ming from: Beijing, China year: 2018
0336 – Where else on earth would you ever see a gigantic rainbow being built beside a giant orb?
0337 – The ORB by: Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, and I, Orbot from: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark year: 2018
0338 – The ORB by: Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, and I, Orbot from: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark year: 2018
0339 – The ORB by: Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, and I, Orbot from: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark year: 2018
0340 – The ORB by: Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, and I, Orbot from: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark year: 2018
0341 – Not sure what’s going on here. Sounded like a guided meditation of some kind.
0342 – Rainbow Bridge by: Josh Zubkoff from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0343 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018
0344 – I’ve tried to photograph these fine folks several times over the years and I always mess something up. Maybe I’ll get a perfect image next year.
0345 – Desert Guard by: Lu Ming from: Beijing, China year: 2018
0346 – <3
0347 – No Loops
0348 – Come-Million! by: Amit Weissenstern from: Tel-Aviv, IS year: 2018 Come-Million is a giant colorful chameleon that shines up beautifully when playing interactively with her friends! Come-Million’s skin is made of hundreds of tiles carrying thousands little lights. Their colors change in reaction to the participants’ behavior inside, sensed through its pumping heart. A playful collaboration is demonstrated through the interaction between the people inside the chameleon, and passerby. Inside the chameleon there will be an interactive game that the visitors and the chameleon will participate in using a set of handles of different colors. Citizens of Black Rock City will sense and understand Come-Million’s through its signals and listen to her heart – to help her shine with millions of colors.
0349 – Do You Trust? by: Lana Radivojevic from: San Diego, CA year: 2018
0350 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0351 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0352 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0353 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0354 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0355 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0356 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0357 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0358 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0359 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0360 – Plantoid Garden: A Blockchain-based Life-form, Featuring the Photo-synthesizer by: Primavera De Filippi & Okhaos Creations from: Paris, France year: 2018
0361 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0362 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018 A forest of 486 20ft tall LED light poles, arranged in a hexagon shape of approximately 90ft diameter, displaying 3D computer contr’d effects.
0363 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018 A forest of 486 20ft tall LED light poles, arranged in a hexagon shape of approximately 90ft diameter, displaying 3D computer contr’d effects.
0364 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018 A forest of 486 20ft tall LED light poles, arranged in a hexagon shape of approximately 90ft diameter, displaying 3D computer contr’d effects.
0365 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018 A forest of 486 20ft tall LED light poles, arranged in a hexagon shape of approximately 90ft diameter, displaying 3D computer contr’d effects.
0366 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018 A forest of 486 20ft tall LED light poles, arranged in a hexagon shape of approximately 90ft diameter, displaying 3D computer contr’d effects.
0367 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018 A forest of 486 20ft tall LED light poles, arranged in a hexagon shape of approximately 90ft diameter, displaying 3D computer contr’d effects.
0368 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018 A forest of 486 20ft tall LED light poles, arranged in a hexagon shape of approximately 90ft diameter, displaying 3D computer contr’d effects.
0369 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018 A forest of 486 20ft tall LED light poles, arranged in a hexagon shape of approximately 90ft diameter, displaying 3D computer contr’d effects.
0370 – Rainbow Bridge by: Josh Zubkoff from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0371 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018 A forest of 486 20ft tall LED light poles, arranged in a hexagon shape of approximately 90ft diameter, displaying 3D computer contr’d effects.
0372 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0373 – MediaZoid by: Ralitsa Ivanova from: Pompano Beach, FL year: 2018
0374 – I had trouble photographing this piece so I tried to shoot it several different ways. In these two images I shot a double exposure with one image slightly out of focus to emphasize the colors and maek them appear bigger.
0375 – I had trouble photographing this piece so I tried to shoot it several different ways. In these two images I shot a double exposure with one image slightly out of focus to emphasize the colors and maek them appear bigger.
0376 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0377 – Shout out to these guys for playing live music seemingly every night. So nice to have something other than the usal oontz oontz oontz out there. Don’t get me wrong I love me some oontz oontz oontz but different kids of music is a win! (I’m guessing the name is Daring Greatly based on the drum…)
0378 – Dave’s Opening. Fireworks by DaveX.
0379 – Dave’s Opening. Fireworks by DaveX.
0380 – Night at the Climb In by: Dustin Weatherford from: Reno, NV year: 2018
Night at the Climb In will be a 70 foot tall stack of reclaimed junkyard cars, stacked straight up, one on top of the next. Every car will be climbable, visitable, interactive in its own way. The stack will end in a crows nest that sits at the top of the structure, just under a large spinning lit up sign.
0381 – Monument of Indecision by: Henry Washer from: Petaluma, CA year: 2018
0382 – RadiaLumia by: FoldHaus Collective from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
0383 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0384 – Long View, A Polar Bear Stands in the Desert by: Don Kennell and Arctic Burn 505 from: Santa Fe, NM year: 2018
0385 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0386 – Resolute Arch by: Richard Rhodes, Sculptor from: Seattle, WA year: 2018
0387 – This mutant vehicle is magnetic. I am drawn to it and I must shoot it every single time I see it.
0388 – I love being out there for sunrise.
0389 – I love being out there for sunrise.
0390 – I love being out there for sunrise.
0391 – One of the all time great mutant vehicles for sure.
0392 – Strait No Chaser : The Great Strait Escape by: LadyBEAST and GatorDox from: Oakland, CA year: 2018 Strait No Chaser : The Great Strait Escape is a performance art installation in which Arianna (LadyBEAST) will be secured in a strait jacket and suspended by her feet from the basket of a hot air balloon. The piece is supported by a team from GatorDox camp. It is a radical expression of internal and external struggles gracefully suspended in a chaotic world.
0393 – Strait No Chaser : The Great Strait Escape by: LadyBEAST and GatorDox from: Oakland, CA year: 2018 Strait No Chaser : The Great Strait Escape is a performance art installation in which Arianna (LadyBEAST) will be secured in a strait jacket and suspended by her feet from the basket of a hot air balloon. The piece is supported by a team from GatorDox camp. It is a radical expression of internal and external struggles gracefully suspended in a chaotic world.
0394 – Strait No Chaser : The Great Strait Escape by: LadyBEAST and GatorDox from: Oakland, CA year: 2018 Strait No Chaser : The Great Strait Escape is a performance art installation in which Arianna (LadyBEAST) will be secured in a strait jacket and suspended by her feet from the basket of a hot air balloon. The piece is supported by a team from GatorDox camp. It is a radical expression of internal and external struggles gracefully suspended in a chaotic world.
0395 – Nice to see you again Mark!
0396 – We love your movies and thanks for voicing the old man.
0397 – Stewart Harvey (Larry Harvey’s brother) and friends paying respects. Best to keep my distance in a moment like this. The more I look at this image the more I think about those of you who keep calling for a ban on cameras at Burning Man. Please consider that Stewart has been photographing Burning Man since day 1. What is Stewart doing in a potentially painful moment like this? He is still shooting. So maybe next time you think about trying to stop some of us photographers from radically expressing ourselves through photography think about Stewart. Photography is part of Burning Man and always will be.
0398 – If you know the name of this performance please comment below or email me.
0399 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0400 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0401 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0402 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0403 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0404 – Crypto Forest by: Geo Landrum from: Oak Creek, WI year: 2018 To the moon(s)
0405 – Not sure who is playing here but I always love the Mayan Warrior.
0406 – Sick beard!
0407 – One of those burners who builds massive things you can climb on and is totally nice about everything. He gives out free ear plugs too. Huge props to you Greg. Thank you for your massive contributions to Burning Man year in and year out.
0408 – Not sure who is playing here but I always love the Mayan Warrior music.
0409 – Always enjoy the music out here. They have some amazing DJs on that dang bus. Also can you find the moon in this picture?
0410 – Thank you for letting me make this photograph.
0411 – I fell off the art car I was shooting this photo from (Chairman of the Bored). By a total fluke I landed right on my feet. It scared the crap out of me though. If I had fallen almost any other way I would have been seriously injured. It was a good reminder of how being way too fucking tired is just like being intoxicated. I always burn completely sober and I almost hurt myself really badly here. Hashtag totes lucky blessed AF yo.
0412 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0413 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0414 – Badass.
0415 – Big Pollinator by: Jakob Bokulich from: New York, NY year: 2018 At approximately 23 feet high, Big Pollinator seems to hover in the air, a machine of flower-like modules spinning in synchronicity. The shape of the modules creates an interplay of lights and shadows between the “flowers,” making hexagons appear and disappear, ephemeral patterns suggestive of a beehive. Big Pollinator is about interconnectedness. People, weather patterns, animals, plants, the planet… We are all connected, like gears in a machine, or bees in a colony. We are part of the same organism. URL:
0416 – Iron Horses Galore by: Adrian Landon from: NEW YORK, NY year: 2018
0417 – Just for your reference.
0418 – Baba Yaga’s House by: Jessi Sprocket Janusee and Baba Yaga’s Book Club from: Reno, NV year: 2018
The house of Baba Yaga will rise from the playa straddling it’s mechanical chicken legs. The crone’s house will be poised to run at the slightest provocation. Ascend her staircases to test the old witch if you dare. Are you able to walk through the veil of mortality into the space where the seer dwells? If you are strong of will, feeling bold and willing to show vulnerability she may allow you to venture within her sanctum.
0419 – I think this is part of Mobility Camp but I’m not sure.
0420 – Baba Yaga’s House by: Jessi Sprocket Janusee and Baba Yaga’s Book Club from: Reno, NV year: 2018
The house of Baba Yaga will rise from the playa straddling it’s mechanical chicken legs. The crone’s house will be poised to run at the slightest provocation. Ascend her staircases to test the old witch if you dare. Are you able to walk through the veil of mortality into the space where the seer dwells? If you are strong of will, feeling bold and willing to show vulnerability she may allow you to venture within her sanctum.
0421 – Baba Yaga’s House by: Jessi Sprocket Janusee and Baba Yaga’s Book Club from: Reno, NV year: 2018
The house of Baba Yaga will rise from the playa straddling it’s mechanical chicken legs. The crone’s house will be poised to run at the slightest provocation. Ascend her staircases to test the old witch if you dare. Are you able to walk through the veil of mortality into the space where the seer dwells? If you are strong of will, feeling bold and willing to show vulnerability she may allow you to venture within her sanctum.
0422 – Baba Yaga’s House by: Jessi Sprocket Janusee and Baba Yaga’s Book Club from: Reno, NV year: 2018
The house of Baba Yaga will rise from the playa straddling it’s mechanical chicken legs. The crone’s house will be poised to run at the slightest provocation. Ascend her staircases to test the old witch if you dare. Are you able to walk through the veil of mortality into the space where the seer dwells? If you are strong of will, feeling bold and willing to show vulnerability she may allow you to venture within her sanctum.
0423 – Baba Yaga’s House by: Jessi Sprocket Janusee and Baba Yaga’s Book Club from: Reno, NV year: 2018
The house of Baba Yaga will rise from the playa straddling it’s mechanical chicken legs. The crone’s house will be poised to run at the slightest provocation. Ascend her staircases to test the old witch if you dare. Are you able to walk through the veil of mortality into the space where the seer dwells? If you are strong of will, feeling bold and willing to show vulnerability she may allow you to venture within her sanctum.
0424 – I love this thing. Just look at it.
0425 – Nice use of jacks to stabilize the vehicle.
0426 – The color got all fucked up here so I made this one black and white. We we’re inside Camp Awesomesauce’s pink dome when I shot this. Hard to get good color inside a completely pink dome!
0427 – Every time I dropped in on Harold he was always working on something. Legit burner all the way. (The color got all fucked up here so I made this one black and white. We we’re inside Camp Awesomesauce’s pink dome when I shot this. Hard to get good color inside a completely pink dome!)
0428 – Camp Awesomesauce: Biggest Balls On Playa Since 2014! Thanks for the medallion!
0429 – So simple and lightweight.
0430 – How boring would life be without incredible aritsts like this?! If you know the name of the artist please comment below or email me.
0431 – Boring.
0432 – Brilliant! All picnic tables should be solar panels.
0433 – Electric Dandelions by: Abram Santa Cruz/Liquid PXL from: Los Angeles, CA year: 2018 Electric Dandelions are two 27 ft tall dandelion sculptures that double as fireworks at night. The dandelion bulbs come to life at night as the LED animations take hold and mesmerize you with their bright and intense light show. Sit down and enjoy the visual effects via the geometrically designed metal and acrylic sculptures. URL: http://liquidpxl.come.
0434 – Not sure which camp this is.
0435 – These seem to be quite popular.
0436 – This seems a bit excessive and unsustainable. I have a theory that the more you try to fight the dust the worse the dust is. I don’t bother trying to fight it anymore.
0437 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0438 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0439 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0440 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0441 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0442 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0443 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0444 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0445 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0446 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0447 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0448 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0449 – Step Forward – Joining Minds by: Miguel Angel Martin Bordera, founder of Carros de Foc from: San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain year: 2018
0450 – The ORB by: Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, and I, Orbot from: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark year: 2018
0451 – Rainbow Bridge by: Josh Zubkoff from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0452 – heheh
0453 – Rainbow Bridge by: Josh Zubkoff from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0454 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0455 – Desert Guard by: Lu Ming from: Beijing, China year: 2018
0456 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0457 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0458 –
0459 –
0460 –
0461 –
0462 –
0463 –
0464 –
0465 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0466 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0467 – Such a pleasure to photograph you folks. Not the best light here but I did my best.
0468 – Such a pleasure to photograph you folks. Not the best light here but I did my best.
0469 – Such a pleasure to photograph you folks. Not the best light here but I did my best.
0470 – Such a pleasure to photograph you folks. Not the best light here but I did my best.
0471 – Such a pleasure to photograph you folks. Not the best light here but I did my best.
0472 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0473 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0474 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0475 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0476 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0477 – Behind the wall.
0478 – Behind the wall.
0479 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0480 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0481 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0482 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0483 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0484 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0485 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0486 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0487 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0488 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0489 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0490 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0491 – Franchise Freedom from: Amsterdam, The Netherlands year: 2018
0492 – Excellent light show.
0493 – Come-Million! by: Amit Weissenstern from: Tel-Aviv, IS year: 2018 Come-Million is a giant colorful chameleon that shines up beautifully when playing interactively with her friends! Come-Million’s skin is made of hundreds of tiles carrying thousands little lights. Their colors change in reaction to the participants’ behavior inside, sensed through its pumping heart. A playful collaboration is demonstrated through the interaction between the people inside the chameleon, and passerby. Inside the chameleon there will be an interactive game that the visitors and the chameleon will participate in using a set of handles of different colors. Citizens of Black Rock City will sense and understand Come-Million’s through its signals and listen to her heart – to help her shine with millions of colors.
0494 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0495 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0496 – In a sensitive situation like this I try to remain invisbile. The quality of the images suffer but I would rather have bad photos than to intrude.
0497 – In a sensitive situation like this I try to remain invisbile. The quality of the images suffer but I would rather have bad photos than to intrude.
0498 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0499 – Satan’s Calliope by Lucy Hosking.
0500 – Satan’s Calliope by Lucy Hosking.
0501 – Neat place.
0502 – Neat place.
0503 – Not sure what the camp is.
0504 – On the Esplanade somewhere.
0505 – On the Esplanade somewhere.
0506 – On the Esplanade somewhere.
0507 – On the Esplanade somewhere.
0508 – On the Esplanade somewhere.
0509 – Baba Yaga’s House by: Jessi Sprocket Janusee and Baba Yaga’s Book Club from: Reno, NV year: 2018
The house of Baba Yaga will rise from the playa straddling it’s mechanical chicken legs. The crone’s house will be poised to run at the slightest provocation. Ascend her staircases to test the old witch if you dare. Are you able to walk through the veil of mortality into the space where the seer dwells? If you are strong of will, feeling bold and willing to show vulnerability she may allow you to venture within her sanctum.
0510 – Symbolic Peace by: Mathew Rosenblatt from: Toronto, ON year: 2018
0511 – ICHIRO Sacred Beings by: Marianela Fuentes, Arturo Gonzalez and Sarahi Carrillo from: Mexico City, Mexico year: 2018
0512 – Paraluna by: Christopher Schardt from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
0513 – Playa Grass Ballet by: Owen William FlowStar Fritts from: Cerrillos, NM year: 2018
0514 – I think this was part of the Hyperspace Bypass Construction Zone but can’t remember.
0515 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0516 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey
0517 – Sonic Runway by: Lead Artist: Rob Jensen, Co-Lead: Warren Trezevant from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
0518 – Golden Gate Bridge Art Car.
0519 –
0520 –
0521 – Always love to be there when the sun appears.
0522 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0523 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0524 – In Every Lifetime I Will Find You by: Michael Benisty, Love and Unity from: Brooklyn, NY year: 2018
A sculptural representation of Male and Female holding one another in a symbolic and universal position of caring in a display of Love and Unity. Measuring 25 feet tall and made out of mirror polished stainless steel.
0525 – Valrian Steel by Henry Cheng. URL
0526 – Nice fan!
0527 – Some photos require more patience and attention to detail than others. It took me a while to nail this one.
0528 – Love this one.
0529 –
0530 –
0531 –
0532 – The Sanctuary Mutant Vehicle The sound quality is so good.
0533 – I just love meeting new people like this. All good vibes and super fun and happy.
0534 – I just love meeting new people like this. All good vibes and super fun and happy.
0535 – The Fish Tank Mutant Vehicle
0536 – Panopticonotopia 2.0! by: JJ Holoubek from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0537 – Panopticonotopia 2.0! by: JJ Holoubek from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0538 – Black Rock Superior Court by: Brian Sullivan & Lara Matheson from: Emeryville, CA year: 2018
0539 – Perpetual Consumption Apparatus by: Clayton Blake Art from: Currumbin, Queensland, Australia year: 2018
0540 – Perpetual Consumption Apparatus by: Clayton Blake Art from: Currumbin, Queensland, Australia year: 2018
0541 – Listen by: Aaron Fowler & Erin Desmond from: Los Angeles, CA
year: 2018
0542 – Let U.S. Prey by: Mr and Mrs Ferguson from: Alameda, CA year: 2018
0543 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0544 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0545 – Baba Yaga’s House by: Jessi Sprocket Janusee and Baba Yaga’s Book Club from: Reno, NV year: 2018
The house of Baba Yaga will rise from the playa straddling it’s mechanical chicken legs. The crone’s house will be poised to run at the slightest provocation. Ascend her staircases to test the old witch if you dare. Are you able to walk through the veil of mortality into the space where the seer dwells? If you are strong of will, feeling bold and willing to show vulnerability she may allow you to venture within her sanctum.
0546 – I love it when the dust erases everything but a few things. As a photographer it’s like mother nature doing the photoshop work for me. It destroys my camera gear but that’s why I shoot these kinds of photos with a piece of shit old camera that owes me nothing…
0547 – BEBOT by: Andrea Greenlees, Andy Tibbetts and Josh Haywood from: Surbiton, Surrey, England year: 2018
0548 – Big Charles… (An homage to Charlie Smith) by: Shane Evans from: Denver, CO year: 2018
0549 – ICHIRO Sacred Beings by: Marianela Fuentes, Arturo Gonzalez and Sarahi Carrillo from: Mexico City, Mexico year: 2018
0550 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0551 – The Intersection by: Invisible Pink Unicorn from: Moscow, Russia year: 2018
0552 – The Intersection by: Invisible Pink Unicorn from: Moscow, Russia year: 2018
0553 – The Intersection by: Invisible Pink Unicorn from: Moscow, Russia year: 2018
0554 – The Intersection by: Invisible Pink Unicorn from: Moscow, Russia year: 2018
0555 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0556 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0557 – I wonder if anyone can tell me why this photograph looks so odd. All guesses welcome.
0558 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
0559 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
0560 – This isn’t all of the crew but a few members I happened to see.
0561 – This isn’t all of the crew but a few members I happened to see.
0562 – This isn’t all of the crew but a few members I happened to see.
0563 – This isn’t all of the crew but a few members I happened to see.
0564 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0565 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0566 – Galaxia by: Arthur Mamou-Mani from: London, United Kingdom year: 2018
Galaxia celebrates hope in the unknown, stars, planets, black holes, the movement uniting us in swirling galaxies of dreams. A superior form of Gaia in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, Galaxia is the ultimate network, the fabric of the universe connecting living beings into one entity.
Galaxia is shaped of 20 timber trusses converging as a spiral towards one point in the sky. The triangular trusses form dierent paths towards a central space holding a giant 3D printed mandala, the heart of Galaxia. The timber modules start large enough to hold small alcoves in which people can write in peace. As participants walk through the path, the timber modules lift up and become thinner and thinner towards the sky as people reach the central mandala.
0567 – Suggestions welcome.
0568 – One of their running jokes is the biggest balls on the playa. What about the ORB tho?!
0569 – Freedom Killed Lady Liberty by: Sy Van Tran and Houston Burners from: Houston, TX year: 2018
0570 – Some pieces are so simple and still amazing. If you know the name of this piece please comment or email me.
0571 – Passage Home by: Kate Raudenbush from: New York, NY year: 2018
0572 – I think they we’re going to do a wedding.
0573 – DOT the Dog by: TBC from: Los Angeles, CA year: 2018
0574 – DOT the Dog by: TBC from: Los Angeles, CA year: 2018
0575 – Spider Sweet by: Bryan Argabrite from: Santa Cruz, CA year: 2018
0576 – Colorful flags on the Pariah Express by Emmett Moffett and friends.
0577 – David Best’s Memorial For Larry Harvey.
0578 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0579 – Flux Capacitor by Henry Chang. URL
0580 – Perpetual Consumption Apparatus by: Clayton Blake Art from: Currumbin, Queensland, Australia year: 2018
0581 – These folks asked me to take their picture. One of them handed me a disposable camera! I hadn’t seen one in years. I asked them to take one with my camera. They weren’t as keen for my image as you can see fromt he half heated smiles here… Wonder if the disposable camera image turned out.
0582 – Perpetual Consumption Apparatus by: Clayton Blake Art from: Currumbin, Queensland, Australia year: 2018
0583 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0584 – The ORB by: Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, and I, Orbot from: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark year: 2018
0585 – I liked the driver in this one.
0586 – Rainbow Bridge by: Josh Zubkoff from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
0587 – Name unknown. If you know the name of this piece please comment or email me.
0588 – What If This Is All Real ? by: Olivia Steele from: Berlin, Germany year: 2018
0589 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0590 – Ei Robot by: Spencer Edgerton, Launchpad Artspace at 3113 Studios, and Camp Deep Orbit from: Tucson, AZ year: 2018
0591 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0592 – It was wonderful to meet you!
0593 – Bloom by: Peter Hazel from: Reno, NV year: 2018
0594 – Fun to see groups of skydivers coming down.
0595 – Thanks for letting me climb up on your art car to make this photo.
0596 – Smiley Face Flags
0597 – These guys we’re having so much fun they didn’t even see me as they zipped by.
0598 – If you know the name of this please comment or email me.
0599 – I like how it look like there is a smiley face on the ORB.
0600 – The ORB by: Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange, and I, Orbot from: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark year: 2018
0601 – I just love this one.
0602 – Passage by: Dana Albany from: San Francisco, CA year: 2018
Passage is an installation of a man, in a captive gesture, leisurely walking while its hand sweeps through stalks of wheat. The sculpture clearly highlights characteristics of a human form; muscle, sinuous tendon, sculpted hands, feet. Yet, it’s a composite of mechanical debris and steel. Viewers may hypothesize, is this a man? is it part robot? and what is the blurry fine-line between each? The other huge component is the presence of the wheat. It symbolizes abundance, life, fertility. It is food, subsistence, of which without, the human race would be extinct. Viewers can look closer at the inherent beauty of the human form, contemplate mechanics/technology or most importantly, be reminded of our absolute reliance on nature in the end.
0603 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0604 – Incredible mutant vehicle.
0605 – Lodestar by: Randy Polumbo from: New York, NY year: 2018
Lodestar is made of an old military jet that has been involuntarily blossomed into a contemplative flower and gathering place for human pollinators.
0606 – Name unknown.
0607 – Bloom by: Peter Hazel from: Reno, NV year: 2018
0608 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018
0609 – If you know the name of this mutant vehicle please comment below or email me.
0610 – Hexatron by: Mark Lottor from: Menlo Park, CA year: 2018
0611 – Name unknown
0612 – Grumpy Cat Says Fuck Your Day (RIP Grumpy Cat)
0613 – Rearing Horse by: Barry Crawford from: Elko, NV year: 2018 (This piece was incredible. The handles on the fence turn and as you turn them subtle pieces of the horse would move. If you look at there is no visible connection from the handles to the piece. Absolutely outstanding piece of work.)
0614 – With amazing hair.
0615 – He said let me take my goggles off so you can see my eyes!
0616 – RadiaLumia by: FoldHaus Collective from: Oakland, CA year: 2018
0617 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0618 – The Lantern by: Josh Haywood from: London, England year: 2018 This installation uses digital design and digital fabrication to create a temple-like structure with an ornate lantern at its heart. Steps on all four sides invite Burners to access the interior and sit in a well under the lantern, their bodies scattered with multiple patterns of light. The patterns originate in traditional and ancient Chinese fretwork but are manipulated with digital tools to create a contemporary interpretation. The Lantern is an intricate structure that is as beautiful lit only by the sun in the daytime as it is when filled with man-made light at night. In China lanterns can also symbolize letting go of past selves and gaining a new self, a concept Burners can contemplate as they nestle in the heart of the structure.
0619 – TBD by: Michael Christian from: Berkeley, CA year: 2018 The sculpture will have an branch brain-like appearance and stand about 15 ft tall by 18ft wide. It will be standing on a root-like base structure that will hold 10-15 people inside its core. The structure will be made of all hand-formed steel. An interactive lighting system will illuminate the sculpture through hundreds of nodes upon its surface. Each pathway of light will be dependent on the pathway of others intersecting with it.
0620 – If you know the name of this piece please comment below or email me.
0621 – Sometimes during a burn you find you keep crossing paths with the same person randomly. This time it was with Laura.