Tag: bridges
Highway 101
5DMKII, american infrastructure, arcade, arête, black and white, briç, bridge, bridges, brixh (lojë me letra), bro, brücke, brücke: eine brücke bauen, brygga, caballete, california, Canon, Canon EOS 5D Mark II, chevalet, construire un pont, Duncan Rawlinson Photography, ehitama: silda ehitama, fiolstall, highway 101 infrastructure, highway infrastructure, highways, hřbet, infrastructure, kaptenisild, kobylka, kommandobrygga, köprü, köprü kurmak, köprü yapmak, lávka, můstek, ngre urë, överbrygga, passerelle, Photo by Duncan Rawlinson, pont, překlenout, překonat, přemostit, puente, recorrer, roads, roop, rrëzë e hundës, San Simeo State Park, San Simeon, sattel, sild, sildam, slå bro över, stall [mus.], steg, tender un puente, überbrücken, überführung, urë, urë e anijes, urë e syzeve, urë në dhëmbë, USA, γέφυρα, γεφύρωμα, γεφυρώνω
Torch on the Docks at Granville Island
BC, bridges, Bridges Restaurant, Canada, House of Switzerland, photo, photo by @thelastminute, Photo by Duncan Rawlinson, thelastminute, tnmh, Torch Relay, Van2010, Vancouver, Vancouver 2010, Vancouver 2010 House of Switzerland, Vancouver 2010 Olympics, Vancouver 2010 Winter Games, Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games, Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, Vancouver Olympic Games, Vancouver Olympics, Winter Olympics