Tag: Curiouser and Curiouser

  • Burning Man 2024 Photos

    Here are my Burning Man 2024 Photos!
    There are one nonillion photos on this page. Please be patient while this page loads. You browser might even yell at you because this page eats way too much memory. Sorry not sorry! All of my Burning Man images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial license. If you share them, please attribute the photographs to me by name and link back here to Duncan.co In other words please do not sell my photographs, make prints of them, or make money from them in any way whatsoever. That includes advertising on a website.

    Please Help!
    I make plenty of mistakes when posting so many photographs like this. FWIW I post so many because I can never predict how or why an image my be meaningful and we have infinite space here on the internet. But when I post so many images it’s almost impossible to get all the captions correct, so I always appreciate any comments (very bottom of page, waaaaay down below) or direct emails helping me fix my mistakes. You can email me ( DuncanRawlinson@gmail.com ) to tell me how I’m doing it wrong or where the mistakes are. I will update this post to reflect your comment or email. Please include lots of detail and any relevant links. Please copy the link to the photo or email me the photo so I know which photograph it is. My only other request is that you don’t instantly ask more from me right now. When I post these photos every year the community bombards my email with requests for more photographs despite me already posting way too many. Shooting 17408 photos during the burn, driving ~2600 miles both ways then processing all of this and getting it online uses more than all I have in the tank so to speak. Not to mention my other commitments. Point is, I’m running on empty right now. So be patient with me if you reach out!

    More Information Nobody Is Going To Read Except You:
    The images below are mostly in reverse chronological order. Click on any photo to open it at full resolution in a new tab. This was first published September, 24th 2024 and only exists here. The photos are not on Flickr or anywhere else yet.

    I’m fixing the formatting of the captions now. Right now the titles and captions are blending together like this: “Title Caption” so please bear with me while I clean that up.

    Music To Go With These Images:
    Here is my Burning Man 2024 playlist. I made this so you have something to listen to while browsing these images. (open this link in another window or in the Spotify app…) If this music doesn’t suit you, Burning Man legend @muloka has compiled this massive collection of music from Burning Man 2024 here.

    Please see my thank you note at the very bottom as well. You have been exercising your scroll finger right? :)


    Special thanks to Dorothy, James, and Nina for your support!

    Additionally, shoutout and thank you to: Jamen Percy and Chriselle, Scott London, QuickDraw, Jazzy, Balthazar, Mama Bear, Benoit, Cathy, Mattias, Hot Rod, Manon, Xavier, Nate, Gary, Drew, Vanessa, Milne CC Pocock, Harold, Tracey, Marian, Leslie, Dominique, Gabe, Crimson Rose, DA/Resto Crew, the Doc Team, Michael F, Michael V, Stewart, Media Mecca Gang, David, Sam, Prescott, and Strombo. Thank you all for your support!

    See you next year. Remember, next year was better!

