Mystical Woodland Glow, created by Duncan Rawlinson, is a series that explores the beauty of dense forests using contemporary photography and artificial intelligence. The collection captures light and tranquil atmospheres, blending technology with nature to reveal the forest’s hidden details. The images highlight luminous foliage and towering trees.
As the sun sets, the desert is silently transfigured by a prismatic sculpture, reflecting the convergence of natural grandeur and human ingenuity. the whispers of the desert, a harmonious structure rises, its curves echoing the soft contours of the dunes around it. golden twist stands tall against the desert sky, a symbol of life’s unpredictable turns and the beauty found within them. day gives way to night, two golden forms intertwine in an eternal embrace, reflecting the enduring bonds we form.
The “Whispers of the Monolith” series by Duncan Rawlinson is a tribute to the artistic vision behind the Utah Monolith, channeling the same intrigue and minimalist aesthetic into a new form. Rawlinson uses a blend of photography and AI imaging to craft sculptures that stand as stark, compelling figures against the desert backdrop, much like the Utah installation stood amidst the red rocks. These pieces, inspired by the unknown artists of the monolith, evoke a sense of deliberate placement and purposeful design, capturing the interaction between human-made structures and the natural environment. The series reflects on the interplay of light, shadow, and form, celebrating the bold statement made by the Utah Monolith creators while pushing the boundaries of digital art and photography.