Tag: Thomas Omwenga
A photo with the winner
Bank of Montreal Vancouver Marathon, BMO Vancouver Marathon, marathon, Thomas Omwenga, Vancouver, Vancouver Marathon, vancouver marathon 2008
Thomas Omwenga wins the Vancouver Marathon
Bank of Montreal Vancouver Marathon, BMO Vancouver Marathon, FTW, marathon, Thomas Omwenga, Vancouver, Vancouver Marathon, vancouver marathon 2008
Thomas Omwenga Marathon Runner FTW
Bank of Montreal Vancouver Marathon, best, BMO Vancouver Marathon, fast, FTW, marathon, marathoner, number one, Omwenga, race, runner, running, Thomas, Thomas Omwenga, Vancouver, Vancouver Marathon, vancouver marathon 2008
number one and number two
Bank of Montreal Vancouver Marathon, BMO Vancouver Marathon, elite, Erick Yator, marathon, Thomas Omwenga, Vancouver, Vancouver Marathon, vancouver marathon 2008
warm up chat
Bank of Montreal Vancouver Marathon, BMO Vancouver Marathon, marathon, Thomas Omwenga, Vancouver, Vancouver Marathon, vancouver marathon 2008
the warm up
Bank of Montreal Vancouver Marathon, BMO Vancouver Marathon, marathon, Thomas Omwenga, Vancouver, Vancouver Marathon, vancouver marathon 2008