Tag: traffic
The Great Platte River Road Archway
16jfsyM5C29k54jD1PVNJzh1poneYssio5, 5DSR, America, american, arch, architecture, Archway, attraction, blur, bridge, building, Canon, Canon EOS 5DSR, car, dawn, Duncan Rawlinson Photo, Duncan Rawlinson Photography, Duncanco, engineering, expressway, exterior, fast, great, highway, historic, history, https, landmark, Morning, museum, outdoors, Photo by Duncan Rawlinson, Platte, river, road, Road Archway, Road Trip 2016, Road Trip To Burning Man 2016, Shot With Canon EOS 5DSR, street, The, The Great Platte River Road Archway, thegreatplatteriverroadarchway, tourism, tourist, traffic, transportation system, Travel, USA, vehicle
Shadows Under The Bridge
1CWL3iDKa3yg9v7PtXLiYLZt71HthyVxKL, Abraham Lincoln Memorial Bridge, architectural, architecture, below, black and white, bridge, concrete, Duncan Rawlinson Photo, Duncan Rawlinson Photography, engineering, highway bridge, I-39, infrastructure, Interstate 39, IQ250, line, lines, pattern, patterns, Phase One, Phase One IQ250, Photo by Duncan Rawlinson, public traffic, ride, road, Road Trip 2016, roadwork, rules, shadow, Shot With A Phase One IQ250, Sky, speed, straight ahead, track, traffic, transportation, Travel, travelling, turnpike, underneath, underway, wall
Lake Shore And Dan Leckie
1GRxyUMNchhi3Rwy8EtbjoRfXAUgvFgfSL, aerial, bikes, Canada, car, cars, city, cross, crosswalk, cyclists, dog, downtown, Duncan Rawlinson Photography, from above, grass, infrastructure, Intersection, Intersection Of Lake Shore And Dan Leckie, Lake Shore And Dan Leckie, Life In Toronto, motion, movement, Ontario, outdoor, pedestrian, Pedestrians, people, Photo by Duncan Rawlinson, road, roads, Rooftop, signal, street, Toronto, traffic, traffic lights, Urban, van, vehicles, Walk, walking
Highway 105 East Onramp To Highway 605 North
The traffic in parts of California is insane. Dead stop traffic. Slow enough that I could take this????pic.
Australia’s Most Remote Traffic Lights Daly Waters Pub Australia
australia, Australia’s, Australia’s Most Remote Traffic Light, Australia’s Most Remote Traffic Lights Daly Waters Pub Australia, Broome, Daly, Daly Waters Pub Australia, lights, Most, Pub, remote, traffic, Travel, Waters