15QBDi5u9M7kBZQ3X3oQNpqqj1dRHV3kdP, 5D MK III, 5DMKIII, addict, addicted, addiction, adult, ash, background, bad, burn, Canada, cancer, Canon, Canon EOS 5D Mark 3, Canon EOS 5D Mark III, caucasian, cigarette, closeup, concept, danger, disease, drug, Duncan Rawlinson Photography, Face, female, filter, flea market, forbidden, gross, habit, hand, health, holding, human, illness, issues, lifestyle, lighting up, lung, male, man, market, merchant, narcotic, nicotine, no, on, Ontario, people, person, Photo by Duncan Rawlinson, Photowalk, Photowalking, Photowalking Toronto, portrait, quit, risk, smoke, smoker, smokers, smoking, St Lawrence Market, St. Lawrence Market Toronto Ontario Canada, stop, symbol, Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark III, The Antique Market, The Smoker, tobacco, Toronto, Toronto Ontario Canada, toxic, unhealthy, warning, white, young