There’s a really fascinating post over at about ants.  I find ant behavior to be really fascinating because I think the blogosphere sort of mirrors the emergent, organic, and swarming nature of ant behavior.

Bloggers : Ants
Interesting stuff on the weeb/News : Food
Links : Pheromones

You can figure out the rest…

Update: Upon doing some googling I realized that this was of course not an original idea.  Damn!  I thought I was being clever…  (It’s not working out at all)

"Foraging ants can get trapped in a circle with each ant following the
ant in front of it along a circular pheremone trail. The ants will not
deviate from the trail even as they starve to death. What are the risks
and challenges involved in keeping collective intelligence from
becoming collective idiocy

Echo Chamber much?  Um yeah…






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