Big Oil Gets Free Pass From Bush Regime Executive Order

While it’s no surprise that Big Oil runs the Whitehouse, a recent news story reveals that Bush regime related operations like Halliburton will be given carte blanche to do whatever they please in Iraq. Unreported in the mainstream media, Executive Order 13303, issued last May, gives an oil company complicit in human rights violations or guilty of environmental destruction in Iraq, immunity from lawsuits. According to Earth Rights International, “the document is apparently intended as a sweeping grant of immunity to individuals, corporations, agencies and others involved in Iraqi oil sales, marketing, or other oil-related activities.”

Last week, The Institute for Policy Studies and the Government Accountability Project urged Congress to investigate and repeal the sweeping order. Like the recently reported U.S. corporate mobile phone monopoly being instituted in Iraq, Executive Order 13303 is yet another example of corporate colonization and a U.S. regime gone out of control.

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