My girlfriend and I are taking care of this really awesome dog named Booker.  He likes to play catch, chew on things, and sing when the trains go by.  Here’s a video of him singing to the trains and playing ball.

Watch it here.

1m 34s

28MB (I’m too lazy to compress this stuff, this is how it came out of the camera)






8 responses to “Booker likes to sing to the trains.”

  1. Rebecca Avatar

    Booker sitting rocks! Oh and living at a beachhouse for three weeks isnt too bad either! :-)

  2. Duncan Avatar

    Yes it does.

  3. JON Avatar

    rad dog. i really want a dog! how old is booker? cool name too. whose dog is it?

  4. Duncan Avatar

    It’s rebecca’s boss’ dog. Don’t know how old he is. you know rebecca?

  5. Rebecca Avatar

    He is 6 years old i think.

  6. Jay Dedman Avatar

    hey…this is almost a personal video…..
    more more more


  7. Duncan Avatar

    I’m just not good on camera like you jay!

  8. Larry Baister Avatar
    Larry Baister

    I worked with Rebecca Boss…..cute dog. I know how much she likes dogs. Great girl…..but a real slacker at work!!!!