fearLearning to live in the age of terrorism. Excellent article in the washington post. Would you ride a bus in Jerusalem?

A quote from the article: “A few months after 9/11, I told a co-worker that I thought the Pulitzer Prize for news photography for the year 2001 should go to a machine. I couldn’t decide which machine — the overhead camera in an airport in Maine that caught a shirtsleeved Mohamed Atta passing briskly through security on the morning of September 11, or the ATM camera in Maryland that snapped hijackers Hani Hanjour and Majed Moqed withdrawing cash. Both photos were riveting for their grainy banality, and for what they say about the duality in all of us. Here were ordinary-looking people engaged in ordinary-looking activities, indistinguishable from any of us, with dreadful secrets in their head.”



