Film Sound Design – Film Sound Theory For all you Film geeks.






2 responses to “Film Sound Design – Film Sound Theory”

  1. Sven E Carlsson Avatar

    Nice to have my site mentioned. Sound in film is often an overlooked, misunderstood, and under funded aspect of the film industry. It also happens to be one of the most important. Sound is the glue that holds together the illusion of reality or the world of the film. Most of the time when it is done right, you don’t notice it. The sound becomes one with the image.

    For anyone interested in the mysterious world of sound for film,, is a resource for the novice or even a seasoned sound designer.
    //Sven E Carlsson

  2. Sven E Carlsson Avatar

    Nice to have my site mentioned. Sound in film is often an overlooked, misunderstood, and under funded aspect of the film industry. It also happens to be one of the most important. Sound is the glue that holds together the illusion of reality or the world of the film. Most of the time when it is done right, you don’t notice it. The sound becomes one with the image.

    For anyone interested in the mysterious world of sound for film,, is a resource for the novice or even a seasoned sound designer.
    //Sven E Carlsson