In my continuing theme of commercials that don’t suck here’s Getting Dressed by Ringan Ledwidge.



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3 responses to “Getting Dressed Commercial .mov”

  1. Defpol Avatar

    He he he, that made me laugh.

  2. MV Avatar

    Dude, you should start getting paid for recommending commercials. Seriously; post the commercials on the side of your site, and title it: “LastMinute recommends…” With your promise that they aren’t lame, I suspect a lot of people will watch them; which is exactly what advertisers want. Best part is, you won’t have to recommend anything that sucks because you got bought.

    Tough part is convincing the commercial owners they owe you money for getting people to watch… :)

  3. Carl Weaver Avatar

    Incredible. This is awesome. Lots of great detail here.