“President Bush smirked and winked and chuckled to himself. He jumped from his stool, chopped at the air and interrupted the debate moderator. As he fought to keep his emotions in check in a testy, personal debate with Sen. John Kerry, the president asserted, ‘That answer almost made me scowl.’” [AP, 10/8/04]


Mort Kondracke: “… I think Kerry won this debate as he won the first debate I don’t think… I thought that Kerry was much more aggressive and the president was basically on the defense and didn’t have new arguments didn’t have…wasn’t as facile as he should have been.” [Fox News Channel, 10/8/04]

Bill Kristol: “I guess I think if you think the President was doing okay and didn’t need a win in this debate, he did fine, but I think, if one thinks that Bush missed an awful lot of opportunities to go after Kerry in the first debate he had to make some of them up in this debate, I’m not sure he really succeeded in doing so.” [Fox New Channel, 10/8/04]

Brit Hume: “Is it now fair to say that in each of these debates in terms of marshaling arguments, and remembering them and presenting them that this is something John Kerry has proved he is very good at. And that it doesn’t play to the president’s strong suit.” [Fox News Channel, 10/8/04]

Mort Kondracke: “I thought [Kerry] was very effective. I thought that he was also on the attack a lot and frankly I thought that the President seemed to be on the defense a lot and trying to explain things and not explaining them all that well.” [Fox News Channel, 10/8/04]

Tim Russert: “John Kerry, also, energetic, forceful.” [NBC, 10/8/04]

“On the question of whether Bush did everything he needed to tonight, I don’t think so. I think he helped himself, but Kerry leaves these debates energized.” [Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online, 10/8/04]


Mark Shields: “He just absolutely, I thought, demolished the President’s claims about the coalition in Iraq.” [PBS, 10/8/04]

James Fallows, Atlantic Monthly: [Kerry’s best moment] “I think his best moment was at the series of new lines. Again like this Missouri line of saying that that I was able to do with some of my votes in the Senate what you have failed to do, which is balance the budget, so I think it was the general vividness of his approach.” [CBS, 10/8/04]

Perry Bacon: “I actually was struck that Kerry was pretty strong, I thought, in the foreign policy section, actually, and sort of hit the president hard on that.” [CNN, 10/8/04]



