Most Interesting Flickr Photos Feb 2006 Video

I made another Flickr video from the “most interesting” Flickr images. This time I did the month of February and made it play smoother. The photos we’re the “most interesting” as of March 25 2006. Click the “Link” button in the top right of the video to take you to that photo on Flickr. The song in the video is called I Know You Are but What am I? by Mogwai.

Enjoy. 24 MB .mov







3 responses to “Most Interesting Flickr Photos Feb 2006 Video”

  1. JON Avatar

    awesome video! great song too. works really well.

    any luck getting this to upload to blip and convert to flash?

    also, how awesome is that HDR boat shot? wow! I really gotta try that!

  2. farlane Avatar

    Well done! How cool would it be if Flicker allowed you to create sets of any images and pull in mp3s? Pretty cool I’m thinking.

  3. farlane Avatar

    Whoops! Meant to say: …create sets and pull in mp3s TO DISPLAY IN THEIR FLASH VIEWER.