TIME Magazine — Out Of The XBox.

This is a great article on the Xbizzy Threesity:
( login: 16229759670 and [email protected] ) [via]

"If the old Xbox looked like something recovered from a fallen asteroid—an angry, evil asteroid—this looked like something created on planet Earth, albeit a near future, slightly utopian planet Earth.

It definitely wasn’t from planet Microsoft. "We knew we had finalized it when the research came back from Japan," Moore says. "We asked people, Who do you think designed this? And they said, ‘This has to be from either Sony or Apple.’ That was the seminal moment."

Another great quote from the article:

"Let’s not miss what’s happening here. Microsoft, a company known primarily for making highly profitable business software, has put a box in your living room. It entered your house under the humble pretense of being a game machine, a toy for the kids, but it just ate your CD player and your DVD player, and it’s looking hungrily at your telephone. It’s all up in your media cabinet. It’s talking to your iPod, your digital camera, your TV, your stereo, your PC, your credit card and the Internet. It has created a miniature electronic ecosystem inside your home, with itself at the center."



