DarknightmdJustin Hall is said to be the original blogger.  He sort of had a breakdown recently and he filmed it and put it online.  It’s very difficult to watch this poor guy just losing it…  You rarely see this type of honesty from a stranger or unless you’re at a fight club style support group.  Chuck explains well here

Is this what happens to you when all of your relationships fall apart because of your blog?  Nobody trusts you for fear you’ll blog what they say?  I think this guy has some major issues and he spends far too much time blogging.  Then again who am I to comment on this poor guy’s life?  I probably spend too much time on the computer as well…  I can certainly relate to the isolation he feels.  I think we all feel it now and then, we just aren’t as honest about it.

Watch the video 12MB. (mirrored from Chuck’s blog who compressed the original version.)



