Being sick sucks when you have to fly.  When your sinuses are clogged and the cabin pressure changes you feel like your head is about to explode/implode.

Sorry for not responding to phone calls, emails, voicemails…

I’m out of town and I’m ill.






3 responses to “Sick”

  1. JON Avatar

    are you ill like kim jong? what are you doin in ottawa? sucks ass bein back in ontario eh?

  2. alexandra Avatar

    Sorry to hear that

  3. Your sister Avatar
    Your sister

    Awww sorry dude, I hate flying when you feel like shit. I didn’t know you were coming so close to MTL. Do you want to pass by for a quick visit, Rick and I would love to have you over for dinner. I miss you terribly. I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ARE SO CLOSE!!! Come see me….I would love that!