Bill O’Reilly you jackass! You are finally getting what you deserve, pervert. What goes around comes around.

On another note: Why the hell are all these pro-Kerry blogs echoing the fact that the republicans are upset that Kerry mentioned Cheney’s daughter? Who cares? Move on! Anyone who actually watched the debate an Kerry’s remarks we’re not inappropriate at all. Rove and his peeps just like the idea that Kerry could look bad for mentioning Cheney’s daughter. If they hammer it hard enough people will forget BUSH LOST THE DEBATE. That is the people that are easy to manipulate, AKA those that have no interest in the debates and only hear the sound bytes…

Keep the pressure on Sinclair folks. Don’t let them air this propaganda piece the night before the election. Also, Sinclair’s website is blatantly lying, the film has been shot, you can download it from the “stolen honour” site.’s Eric Boehlert notes that “The right-wing network’s decision to force its affiliates to air anti-Kerry propaganda is one of the lowest moments in the history of television news, says the former head of the FCC. And it may unleash a backlash.” Well in my opinion it already has unleashed a backlash…

Searching photos on Flickr is a great way to procrastinate.

Retropod: Shut Down. Sony sure is doing a great job of making themselves look even lamer!

E-voting. Yes its going to fuck up.

William Gibson is blogging again.

10 years of the weeb. 10 findings that are not particularly surprising

Get your .mov on: (mov rhymes with groove) Daily Show Comedy Clips Archives and undergroundclips are both pretty sweet. Speaking of sweet, check out these shirts:

I haven’t gotten into podcasting yet but you can get your podcast on here: podcast repository

In case you didn’t know Ann Coulter is an ass, and an anorexic one at that.

The huge white spot is at the top left of the site is where the Google ads are supposed to be… The folks at Google got all pissy that I was giving away Gmail accounts to people who sent in funny photos. I emailed them and they realized that I was in fact promoting Gmail. Maybe it was just a bot that halted the ads? Whatever, either way that big white spot will soon be back to its full sell out glory soon. The ads are meant to pay for the hosting of this beyotch and they do that and more!



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5 responses to “So many jackasses so little time.”

  1. Rebecca Avatar

    Agreed. Ann Coulter is an arrogant nasty bitch!

  2. Polunatic Avatar

    Frankly, I can’t see how the Mary Cheney comment helps the Kerry/Edwards campaign however true it may be. That the republicans would jump all over it should be no surprise.

  3. Richard Avatar

    Cheers for the Gibson link. Just started his “Pattern Recognition”. Never knew he blogged.

  4. maggie Avatar

    yes no swearing
    its an indication of boredom and poor use of the english dictionary
    there are probably fifty differant ways to say the word fuck

    in your blog it is more effective to not be base

    your readership could be classy and older

    like me

  5. maggie Avatar

    as jon stewart and oprah are the only people that impress me now i only have to go to your site