1067979495The single greatest arcade game ever produced is now being turned into a film. The Rock is the star of the show and thus the film will no doubt suck to the fullest. Even if the rock can pull some “awesome moves” in the ring he’s still a terrible actor. The only thing that will potentially save this film from complete suckage is a good rendition of Peter Gunn’s Spy Hunter theme, although it will most likely sound as shitty as this. Actually thats not true, the other thing that could make this movie turn up the good is the fact that John Woo is directing. I know Paycheck was a joke but just watch his film The Hostage from BMW Films and you might see a glimmer of hope. (on a side note BMW Films has new “enhanced film” versions of their films for download) Then again if you’ve played Spy Hunter 2 you’ll know that it is actually the worst game sequel caps lock EVER produced. Whatever…

Mr Boulder’s ride better be cool (How’s that working out for you? What? Being…). Cool like the truck from Tango & Cash.

The Plot <IMDB>:

“Former F-15 pilot Alec Sects (The Rock) is recruited to become a member of a government agency called International Espionage Services (IES), specifically joining an elite group called the Spy Hunters. Piloting an experimental battle-car, the G-6155 Interceptor, with all varieties of weapons and gimmicks (including the ability to transform into a speed boat or a super-fast motorcycle), Sects and his fellow Spy Hunters are given the assignment of defeating Daemon Curry, the evil president of a cartel called NOSTRA International, which has plans of world domination. Of course, the bad guys have their own souped-up weapon-packed vehicles, and they don’t like being hunted.”






One response to “Spy Hunter The Movie (high suck to good ratio potential)”

  1. JON Avatar

    just watched the hostage by john woo. pretty slick. bmw sure goes all out on these things eh? they must cost a pretty penny. JON.