Old_school_byerlyIn a real life re-enactment of the fictional movie JAWS, Australian authorities are now hunting a great white shark which killed a teenager who was wakeboarding off an Adelaide beach.  Why are authorities now hunting this shark???  If you go in the ocean there is a chance – though extremely slim that you could be attacked by aGreat_white_shark_2 shark, its that simple.  Sharks are absolutely amazing creatures and should be left alone!!!!!!!  To quote the VICTIMS FATHER: "We acknowledge that the sea is in fact the shark’s domain and we don’t, and I certainly don’t, advocate the indiscriminate killing of any shark"






10 responses to “Stupid humans hunt great white shark”

  1. JON Avatar

    Thats a brilliant post! ha ha.

  2. Duncan Avatar

    I’ll post stuff you want anytime.

    Just email it to me…

  3. Bill MacEwen Avatar
    Bill MacEwen

    Seems pointless. This was crazy because the guy was actually devoured, which is rare. The electronic tagging sounds cool.

  4. Alex Stapleton Avatar
    Alex Stapleton

    Unfortunately even tagging isn’t perfect in the long term. You see, if you tag the most deadly sharks, then eventually fish will evolve the ability to detect the radio signals and will stay away from it.

    Meaning that sharks which kill people will no longer have a natural source of food and will then have to attack stupid humans who don’t listen to the life gaurds with the shark tag detection equipment. I realise i’m saying humans are stupider than fish, but people like to ignore authority, and fish don’t know what authority is.

    So yeah, in the end, we die. The solution is to stop over fishing so they don’t have to resort to trying to eat us and when sharks do come to popualted beaches, dump a load of fish a couple of miles up the beach to draw the sharks away.

    Yes I realise this is a stupid comment.

  5. JON Avatar

    I like that your google ads were about REEF jewelry and white sharks today. How poetic.

  6. Mar. Avatar

    It’s nature that the shark ‘thinks’ we are there to be eaten. The ‘reality’ of sharks shown in movies like Jaws aren’t even close to reality… It are elegant, beautiful creatures…! If they attack, don’t take it personal… I’m sorry anyway…
    Another thing is that the shark is on top of a footchain and we don’t want it to be missed there!

  7. Brooke Avatar

    I think you’re all ridiculous. someothing is obviously wrong with the world, we can investigate things we don’t understand by all means, but don’t go investigating it, trying new shit, then punishing the animals/fish for doing the same.
    They don’t know what we are, they don’t know why we’re there. They can’t investigate stuff the way we do, so they do it in their way. To them, the sea is where they live. We shouldn’t be there, because they don’t come on our land. SO considering they eat whatever they want in the sea, (with the exception of things bigger than them) then why not eat idiots that insist on going in the sea?

    Not that I’m being disrespectful.
    Just you’re all dick heads

  8. becky Avatar

    i think people are scared of sharks because of jaws the movie. sharks just dont have things about hunting humans. they have seals and that lot to much on lol :)

  9. iswariya Avatar

    wow its rocking…………………………………………….

  10. revathi.m Avatar

    i think u are all ridiculous……….