For the longest time I couldn’t figure out what the Delicious Bookmarks Inbox was.  Essentially the inbox allows you to subscribe to other people’s Delicious feeds from within Delicious.  You can also subscribe to certain tags.  For example if you wanted to keep up to date on all the bookmarks that are tagged with the words "cool" and "design" you could go here: and hit subscribe (top left).  Then go to your inbox click on /cool+design and all the most recent bookmarks tagged with those words appear.  You can put any tags together this way…

On another note:  Whose it gonna be Flickr?  Are you going to sell or what?







One response to “What is the Delicious Bookmarks Inbox?”

  1. JON Avatar

    awesome. thanks for the info. i just realized that the…is a very cool domain name. Using the not very well known .US domain hmmm, very clever. but everyone already knows that i guess.

    i saw that crappy flickr logo pop up a couple of times on flickr the other day then it vanished…was that their little inside joke? who will buy us who will buy us?????

    also, whoever designed that thing needs to be slapped.