Tag: 2021

  • Two People Docking a Boat

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  • Stone and Fall Color

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  • Fall Color and Pond

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  • Paddleboarder Taking a Break on a Small Island

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  • Person Reading on Small Island

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  • Morning Frost and Bridge

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  • Burning Man 2021 Photos

    Here are my Burning Man 2021 Photos!
    There are roughly a sextillion photos on this page. Some images might be mildly NSFW. Please be patient while this page loads. All of my Burning Man images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial license. If you share them please attribute the photographs to me by name and link to Duncan.co You cannot sell my photographs, make prints of them, or make money from them in any way whatsoever. That includes advertising on a website.

    Wait HALP!
    I make lots of mistakes with posting photos like this. The captions are often wrong and I would be really appreciate any comments (very bottom of page) or direct emails telling me about it. Email me to tell me how I’m doing it wrong or where the typos are etc. I will then update this post to reflect your comment or email. Just copy the link to the photo, take note of the photo number, or email the photo to me so I’ll know which photo you’re talking about.

    More Useless Information:
    The images below are in mostly reverse chronological order. This was first published September, 23 2021. These photos are also on Flickr and Photo.Duncan.co should you want a different viewing experience.

    Here is a Burning Man 2021 playlist I made for you to enjoy while browsing these images. (open this in another window…) If this music is not to your taste, @muloka has compiled this collection from 2021.


    1. Added these photos to Flickr September 24, 2021.
    2. Added these photos to Photo.Duncan.co September 24, 2021.
    3. Started a Reddit thread if you want to chime in. September 24, 2021.
    4. Fixed the alignment issues with this post. It should look better now. September 29, 2021.
    5. Fixed some captions. October 5th, 2021.
    6. When I updated my server it messed up a bunch of things here. So if you want to see a full resolution version of a particular photo remove the -1200px.jpg from the image url after you have clicked on an individual photo. Not ideal but I’ll fix it soon. June 22, 2022.
    7. Fixed links to full resolution images. July 6, 2022.

    Click on any image to view at full resolution.

    Thank You Dorothy 😘
    Thank you Dorothy for continuing to allow me to come out to the burn. Thank you for holding it down so the community could have these images and I could refill my creative tank. I love you very much!

    More Thank Yous
    Thank you: Sarge, Mr. Wonderful, the Adoraboys Ragamuffins, Scott, Jeremy, and the rest of our camp. Thanks as well to Greg and the Altitude Lounge crew. Also special thanks to whomever made that Black Rock Dessert Camps site. Seeing that map really confirmed my decision to take part.

    Shout Outs
    Shout out to the entire Burning Man community for doing it mostly right. All things considered, that went off very well for an organic self organized Free Burn/Renegade/Plan B/not Burning Man.

    Thank you for including me!

    Keep Burning Man turbo-weird and potentially fatal!

    See you next year.

    Next year was better?


    Make your eyes bleed even more:


  • Osprey Black and White

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  • 1000 Islands Poker Run 2021

    Order prints of these photos here.

    Order prints of these photos here.

  • Shack on Small Island

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