Month: March 2005

  • Drop it like its hot

    DroploadIf you need to send somebody a file that’s over your email limit use DropLoad.  You can drop files that are up to 100 megs.

    When the pimp’s in the crib ma
    Drop it like it’s hot
    Drop it like it’s hot
    Drop it like it’s hot

  • Out of space on Gmail

    So it’s taken me about one full year of regular email usage to fill up my one gigabyte of space in my Gmail account.  From March 21st 2004 until today I’ve received and sent one gigabyte of emails.  I guess being on several email lists such as the old AcGang and Videoblogging Yahoo Groups will do the trick.  The point is that one gig is still not enough.  Or rather there shouldn’t be a limit at all to the stuff you can put in your Gmail… ;)

    One thing that I find rather annoying is that you can’t sort emails by attachment size in Gmail.  So I can’t go back and delete all my biggest attachments…

  • Random Friday Links

    Good morning my peeps.  Please enjoy these destinations on your daily commute:

    Nerd out:
    Apple G5 LED Hack.

    Meet people through your iTunes sharing name.  (hurtin nerds)

    Josh Rubin: Cool Hunting: Cool Art.

    unrelatednews – this dude’s blog is workin again.

    Stupid Politik:
    Canada a Haven Again as American Soldiers Head North.

    Munchie mashups for you to chew on this mornin’.
    Munchie mashups

  • The Daily Show Torrents

    I finally fixed my PVR yesterday.  I can now stop downloading The Daily Show torrents. I was in the habit of downloading the show on a daily basis because it was on too late every night.  Now I can just use my PVR…  If you’re looking for torrents for The Daily Show you can get them here.  In fact you can get torrents for just about any popular TV show there.

    UPDATE: May 14 2005

    Looks like BTefnet has gone down.

    You can try and find The Daily Show here or search here:

  • What is the Delicious Bookmarks Inbox?

    For the longest time I couldn’t figure out what the Delicious Bookmarks Inbox was.  Essentially the inbox allows you to subscribe to other people’s Delicious feeds from within Delicious.  You can also subscribe to certain tags.  For example if you wanted to keep up to date on all the bookmarks that are tagged with the words "cool" and "design" you could go here: and hit subscribe (top left).  Then go to your inbox click on /cool+design and all the most recent bookmarks tagged with those words appear.  You can put any tags together this way…

    On another note:  Whose it gonna be Flickr?  Are you going to sell or what?


  • Having A Voice

    I just realized I wanted to post something and I thought about all the people it could offend. I have all these people that I worry about now when I blog. Are they my editors? In the past I would post no matter how offensive or politically charged. Does this make the site boring or mature? Is it better to be puppy dogs and ice cream or rated R?

    Is it a good thing that I keep things to myself now that I would have posted in the past? Sometimes I think about the fact that what I write here that could be brought up in the most embarrassing possible situations in like 2028.

    It’s also interesting to think about people I haven’t spoken to in ages who might be reading. Any old friends out there? How many closet readers are out there? (check out the style of that post)

    Lots of questions about the implications of blogging in my sinus clogged noggin this morning.

  • Content from outside sources

    I find it to be VERY annoying is when you put content on a site that comes from outside sources and those sources start to slow your site down.  I put that LinkLog up on the side of my site and its chugging now.  The problem is that the feed is coming from Feedroll and Feedroll is getting its feed from  So if delicious or feedroll are overwhelmed my blog loads slowly.

    There is a lesson to be learned for people doing the webservice thing.  If you are going to have bloggers hawkin your services by using them on their own blogs you’d better make sure they run quickly and reliably.  Otherwise the bloggers will drop them really quickly.  Mental note: dont make stuff that runs slow, especially when it can slow other stuff down…